We Are Now Forbidden From Looking At The Arctic

In July, the Arctic experts told me I am not allowed to look at the Arctic until September. Now that September is here, they tell me that I am not allowed to look at the Arctic at all.

And extent is no longer a legitimate measurement – the only valid measurement is phony volume numbers from PIOMAS – which only show a 46% increase.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to We Are Now Forbidden From Looking At The Arctic

  1. Eric Simpson says:

    Hey, if the Arctic and Antarctic ice is growing at record levels, that’s double proof (from both poles) that global warming is happening more than ever because the deep oceans are absorbing all the man made heat, and freezing the poles.
    Crazy, huh? Not much more idiotic than the wacky unsubstantiated speculations that the warmists are advancing to explain the lack of warming or the surge in polar ice. Now we hear that politicians from Germany and other countries, in reference to the upcoming IPCC Armageddon Report 5, are demanding that the world’s top climate scientists cover up the fact that the Earth’s temperature hasn’t risen for the last 15 years. Kind of like Hide the Decline:

  2. Climatism says:

    Meanwhile NSIDC media release:
    “Media Advisory: Arctic sea ice reaches lowest extent for 2013”

    Hasn’t September been the point of lowest extent for Arctic sea-ice every season for millions of years?

    Talk about spinning BS.

  3. Jimbo says:

    And from a mob of Saul ALinsky Chicago thugs, what ELSE would you expect… Stalin would be proud!!

  4. I designed a polar bear PFD, I can install them when i take my Carnival Cruise to the north pole

  5. planet88788 says:

    Huffpo had a piece yesterday, with zero data claiming there was no ice recovery. I calculated a 32 percent rise in piomas numbers in august, year over year.

  6. orson2 says:

    Personally, I could use a little more context -and LINKS – to grasp this critique. (Perhaps I follow temp much more and neglect ice? – dunno.)

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