Weather Channel Caught Spreading Their Usual BS

ScreenHunter_417 Sep. 09 17.08

ScreenHunter_418 Sep. 09 17.08

Twitter / weatherchannel: Update: Des Moines is now 101º, …

ScreenHunter_420 Sep. 09 17.15

This has been a very cool summer in Iowa, with only a small handful of 100ºF readings. Prior to 1988, 100ºF temperatures were very common in Iowa – particularly during the 1930s

ScreenHunter_419 Sep. 09 17.09

Summer maximum temperatures in Iowa have been plummeting since the 1930s.

ScreenHunter_421 Sep. 09 17.19

Index of /pub/data/ghcn/daily/hcn/

The Weather Channel – spreading global warming BS 24×7

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to Weather Channel Caught Spreading Their Usual BS

  1. @NJSnowFan says:

    Only time I watch TWC anymore is when Jim Cantore is now casting a storm/event or a hot pregnant Met is

  2. Lawrence13 says:

    Its a constant drone of bollocks Steve. I’m sitting here in London after a wet cold miserable day and see someone on UK Sci Weather has posted some shit about the eighth warmest year ever recorded since planet earth was formed, yet our cool start summer and the warming up has really been a case of ‘Bland of Hope &Glory’. I can’t recall feeling at anytime any hotter or cooler in the past than I do now. Reality seems lost on these freaks.

  3. EW3 says:

    Considering the Weather Channel is owned by NBC is anyone surprised?

    • Maybe they’ll do a “Wake Up With Al…Sharpton” show…”I don’t see why we can’t have a Martin Luther King season! Or a Barack Obama season! Just get rid of that long hot summer altogether! That’s the white man’s season! We need a cool black man’s season! Amen!”

  4. @njsnowfan says:

    OT but same lie category.
    Al gore’s ship is sinking, Hit an ice berg.
    Leaked U.N. Report Confirms Global Warming Is Nonexistent, Planet Actually Cooling…

  5. edonthewayup says:

    Reblogged this on Edonurwayup's Blog and commented:
    They run the whole gamut from coastal flooding to monster tornadoes.

  6. F. Guimaraes says:

    2004 and 2009 again very cool.

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