Western Greenland Temperature Shows Zero Correlation With CO2

Since CO2 hit 300 PPM at the turn of the 19th century, western Greenland temperatures show no correlation with CO2.

ScreenHunter_1107 Sep. 30 08.08

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Western Greenland Temperature Shows Zero Correlation With CO2

  1. Avery Harden says:

    Melting arctic permafrost looms as major factor

    A heavyweight boxer in the climate change match is missing from the fifth climate assessment report released by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) on Friday.

    Permafrost, which is frozen ground that doesn’t melt during the summer, covers 24 percent of the land in the northern hemisphere. It also stores approximately 1.5 trillion tons of carbon – twice the amount of carbon currently in the atmosphere.

    When the organic matter that makes up permafrost thaws, the carbon it contains becomes exposed to the elements, which can escape into the air in the form of heat-trapping gases with the potential to knock out efforts to slow down global warming with a one-two punch.

    This effect, called the permafrost carbon feedback, is not present in the global climate change models used to estimate how warm the earth could get over the next century. But research done in the past few years shows that leaving the permafrost effect out of the climate models results in a far more conservative estimate of how our climate will change.

  2. gofer says:

    Must be nice not to have anything to worry about, except the permafrost melting. Personally, I think the sun going out is of greater concern. I wonder if the folks in 1900 were concerned about people alive today and their well-being. I bet they worried about us being knee-deep in horse shit, which they actually got right.

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