What Happened To Fake Hurricane Humberto?

NOAA Fish Hurricane Humberto magically appeared a few minutes before breaking the record for the latest first hurricane, and disappeared almost as quickly.

What a surprise.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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16 Responses to What Happened To Fake Hurricane Humberto?

  1. Eric Barnes says:

    Did it kick the crap out of the “Boulder Prophet” on his way to work?

  2. Lawrence13 says:

    Named and Shammed

  3. Latitude says:

    …and it broke the record!
    oh course, there were satellites way back when

  4. mwhite says:

    “How Green Party runs Brighton and Hove City Council”


  5. stewart pid says:

    This is sad & we all noticed the ruse but most won’t and the embarrassment of yet another climate fail was avoided by the alarmist cabal.

  6. omnologos says:

    N Snow and Ice DC under water. Climatologist and Clueless start with the same two letters. Coincidences?

  7. Fred from Canuckistan says:

    They created it because they needed some quick cheap points.

    Then they hid it. Just like they hid the decline. And the deep ocean heat.

    Because nobody can hide stuff like Climatologists.

    Because nobody needs to hide stuff like Climatologists

  8. Must be a record decline from a Hurricane to a Post-Tropical Cyclone.

  9. I sent the following to the public affairs office at the Nat Hur Center.

    “Had to be the record shortest time anything was ever a hurricane. What…maybe 20 minutes? You folks are really desperate.”

  10. Lawrence13 says:

    You have to understand that Brighton is twenty five minutes away south from London is a fine and old spa seaside town. Over the last thirty years due to its locality , close proximity to London and fine old buildings it has been taken over by the left social Marxist classes.
    It’s a very well known established ‘gay’ centre (like a smaller St Francisco) and is increasingly populated by BBC/Guardian types who can’t take the violence and crime in London but to avoid re evaluating their belief systems , move instead. The whole of the SE of the UK from Whistable eastwards to Margate (Tracey Emin) around the south westwards to Brighton has become the left luvvie havens where all the politically correct boxes that celebrate and promote homosexuality, ethnic minorities and green issues are ticked.

    So you would expect Brighton Council to be dominated by these busy body self important lefties, who want to shape the world to their minority view.

  11. reformedii says:

    I am not usually this gullible about anything from the gubmens but damned if I don’t think you have got something. Also, just magically went up exactly 5 mph. each report.

  12. Traitor In Chief says:

    I wonder if there is a way to pressure/petition to have the record amended?

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