What Will They Blame The Next Brutal Winter On?

Meteorologist Joe Bastardi in his Saturday Summary at the 7-minute mark looks at the latest NCEP NCAR global winter forecast for 2013/14. The charts point to another “brutal winter for Europe.” The forecast sees blocking and a negative NAO. Joe also tweeted that “SST analog package combined with low solar, and climate cycle (similar to early 50s)  argue for nasty Euro Winter.”

Another brutal winter for Europe?

Last year they blamed the brutal winter on missing Arctic ice. This year there has been a 60+% increase in Arctic ice.

What new ad hoc junk science theory will Hansen come up this year, to hide his spectacularly failed career?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to What Will They Blame The Next Brutal Winter On?

  1. X says:

    They’ll say that there will be more missing heat at the bottom of the Arctic ocean next winter than this year, because the icecap increased “a little” and kept the increasing heat down there, but it will resurface (soon), with a vengeance, and melt the ice, cause runaway global warming and save their jobs!

  2. tom0mason says:

    “Hansen… to hide his spectacularly failed career?
    Steve I believe that you are wrong on this issue.
    Unfortunately this over-confident conman has had too good a career. He singlehandedly put the global warming into politics with his testimony on climate change to congressional committees in 1988. His career as an activist reselling the same old flim-flam has been stellar, his career as a scientist has been negligible.

  3. miked1947 says:

    It is all Bush’s fault!
    He has not had a new excuse since 1988.

  4. rw says:

    I’m really looking forward to this. In fact, it might be worth trying to develop models that would predict just what explanation they’ll produce in this situation.

    Offhand, I’ll think they’ll fall back on some variant of “weather isn’t climate” or “we’re interested in trends, not single seasons” (or single years? or single decades?) Maybe there’s a multi-year lag that’s obscuring things … whoops, that won’t fly since they’ve already used the open Arctic explanation for the winter immediately after.

    I can hardly wait.

  5. Jambon-X says:

    Love how Joe Bastardi refers to warmist alarmists who shout “global warming” or “climate change” for every weather event that happens to make the news:

    climate Ambulance Chasers

  6. I feel sorry for the average English/Euro person who will be suffering this winter because of the idiot greens and their fraudulent polices which the politicians completely fell for. I hope the people riot and hang some of the EU bastards.

  7. Don says:

    Well it is only a forecast for a brutal winter, and we know how reliable they are. Really need to wait and see what unfolds.

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