Will My Comment Be Censored By The Houston Chronicle?

ScreenHunter_1100 Sep. 29 21.29

Who is Eric Holthaus, and why did he give up flying today? | SciGuy | a Chron.com blog

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Will My Comment Be Censored By The Houston Chronicle?

  1. dp says:

    I’ll help pay for the vasectomy and I’ll toss in an extra $500 to help pay back his lobotomy.


  2. gofer says:

    Didn’t see your comment, but I did see this comment, the real reason comes to the surface.

    “Mostly, non-acceptance and ties to the holy dollar by bubble people and corporates will be our destruction. The industrial complex.”

  3. papiertigre says:

    Did you read Eric Berger’s interview of No-Fly Boy?
    This is my favorite part.
    Berger: So how much do you travel for your current job, and how big of an adjustment will it be?

    Holthaus: Right now, i work for a startup: Weathermob. Our goal is to revolutionize weather forecasting globally. In the last 10 days, we’ve been fundraising with VC’s in NYC, Boston and San Francisco. I have to travel a lot.

    Holthaus: But, my CEO is very supportive of me and how strongly I believe in the importance of the climate change problem. I’ve used Skype for meetings before, and I can plan around the most important meetings by taking Amtrak.

    McFly wasn’t crying about global warming, and he doesn’t have a choice. His company can’t afford to send him out on a plane anymore.

  4. Lou says:

    Lol. Berger sucks. He gave interview to Mann. Pretty much lost credibility right there… Plus he’s kinda obsessed with bigfoot thing. Seems to want to prove that they don’t exist by ignoring everything reported…

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