Will Obama Address This On Tuesday?

ScreenHunter_311 Sep. 07 13.49

Teenagers’ fingerprints found on car belonging to WWII vet who was beaten to death | Mail Online

If the teenagers where white and the veteran was black, we would never hear the end of it from Obama/Sharpton/Jackson. Only that doesn’t ever happen – and all we hear are crickets.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Will Obama Address This On Tuesday?

  1. Fred from Canuckistan says:

    They look so much like a young Barry!

  2. Fred from Canuckistan says:

    FYI . . More Global Warmongers find out Gaia is a vengeful bitch.


    Especially when it comes to the clueless.

    • David says:

      “We got about 15 miles short of Bellot and the ocean was literally freezing beneath us. The ocean starts forming little pancakes about the size of a quarter and there’s millions of them underneath you. It’s like you’re riding on top of a Slurpee.”

  3. Jeffk says:

    It’s because they missed a few Head Start classes as innocent little toddlers. Society is to blame.

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