Will Obama’s Daughters Fight For Justice In Syria?

Obama says that women should be in combat, and that the US has a moral imperative to go to war with Syria. I assume that he means it, and that his girls will be signing up for ROTC soon – in preparation to go fight their father’s perpetual war in the Middle East when they come of age.

Just like their father’s brave military service, when he killed Osama bin Laden.

ScreenHunter_223 Sep. 04 20.44

“And so shortly after taking office, I directed Leon Panetta, the Director of the CIA, to make the killing or capture of bin Laden the top priority of our war against al Qaeda, even as we continued our broader efforts to disrupt, dismantle, and defeat his network. Then, last August, I was briefed on a possible lead to bin Laden. It was far from certain, and it took many months to run this thread to ground. I met repeatedly with my national security team as we developed more information about the possibility that we had located bin Laden hiding within a compound deep inside of Pakistan . And finally, last week, I determined that we had enough intelligence to take action, and I authorized an operation to get Osama bin Laden and bring him to justice. Today, at my direction, the United States launched a targeted operation against that compound in Abbottabad , Pakistan…

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Will Obama’s Daughters Fight For Justice In Syria?

  1. Don says:

    I love that photo in the war/situation room since I first laid eyes on it. The General at the center, Obama off to the side looking as if he’s sitting on an orange crate. Bloodless coup?

  2. The photo is such an obvious fake? But if we were to accept it as real, then we would have to admit that Obama is lower ranking than everyone who got a seat at the table. He’s back on a bench instead of in a seat!!!

  3. jack b :-) says:

    ‘I, me, mine.’. The Beatles, 1970.

  4. Chewer says:

    I’m assuming you’re all smarter than that!
    This whole episode has nothing to do with anything in Syria or the mid east, but everything about bringing the present situation around the planet, in regard to private capitalist enterprise to an end!
    If for whatever reason you think this is not the case, I’d love to hear your reasoning!

  5. Sam says:

    Every politician and media pundit that urges War should be MADE to prove they support the war …. SEND THEM to the front lines. No more sitting safe at home piling up WAR PROFITS.
    John Kerry had NO PROBLEM castigating ALL AMERICAN Troops as War Criminals. Kerry has some $500MILLION …. HE can pay for any bombs …. There are at least a 1,000 moral and ethics rules being broken by Kerry as he tries to PIMP America’s military to Saudi Arabia …. a foul dictatorship if ever there was one.

  6. Norma says:

    The son of a bitch (really, ’cause his mother posed for porno), was NEVER in the military!
    What nerve he has!

    BTW, this is a great way for depopulation, in ALL ways.

    Military women in combat, future mothers, suffering from PTSD, effecting their daily lives, coming back maimed physically, effected by DU, giving birth to deformed children.

    Great show, obummer~.

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