Will The Met Office Censor My Comment?

The UK Met Office is claiming :

the ice continues to thin and the volume of sea ice continues to shrink.

Is Arctic sea ice shrinking or expanding? | Met Office News Blog

I responded with this :

ScreenHunter_524 Sep. 13 06.36

Will it get published?

h/t to Marc Morano

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to Will The Met Office Censor My Comment?

  1. Andy Oz says:

    You have a better chance winning the Lottery, Steven. 😀

  2. Lance says:

    Powerball …here i come….

  3. MikeTheDenier says:

    You really think they will post a bitch slap? 🙂

  4. Fred from Canuckistan says:

    The UK Met office knows how to hide a decline so they will have no problem hiding a rationale, truthful comment.

    They are getting ever more desperate to secure their liplock on the public teat and their First Class ticket on the Glowball Warming Fame Train.

    Time to pull an Oz on this bunch of clowns. . . Just defund them.

  5. QV says:

    Well, it haint appeared yet.
    Probably receiving a lot of consideration.
    i.e. how can we justify not posting this comment?

  6. tom0mason says:

    Friday, 13 September 2013, 10:26:37 (New York time) you comments are still there.

  7. QV says:

    No longer awaiting moderation, so apparently accepted.

  8. Climatism says:

    But you’ve killed the thread. Climate morons hesitant to contribute further, or do even they see through the MET’s BS? Not likely. Into the too hard, too many facts, basket.

  9. QV says:

    Looking back over previous MO blog threads, they don’t normally seem to get many comments.
    3 seems about average.

  10. Lars P says:

    Well, Met office should know better then the that.
    “However, yesterday there were stories on BBC online and CBS News, among others, saying satellite evidence confirms the ongoing story of long-term decline. So what’s really going on?”
    “Satellites provide the most comprehensive measurements of sea ice extent, and have provided data since 1979. They show a long-term trend of decline in sea ice extent, at an annual rate of more than 4% per decade.”

    The question is over what time frame?
    – over 2 years – expanding
    – over 20 years – shrinking
    – over 800 years – about equal if not expanding
    – over 1 500 years -shrinking
    – over 4000 years -expanding
    – over 10 000 years – expanding
    – over 20 000 years – shrinking
    – over 120 000 years – expanding
    – over 200 000 years – shrinking
    – over 2 000 000 years – expanding
    – over 20 000 000 years – expanding
    Interesting to see the comments they receive 🙂

  11. Colorado Wellington says:

    Resistance is futile. You will be moderated.

  12. jeremyp99 says:

    I’ll give ’em their due – I’ve written contrarian posts on the Met blog and not been moderated/deleted. Compare and contrast with the Guardian where deviant thought is jumped on with full force.

  13. tom0mason says:

    As of 8:58 PM on Friday, September 13, 2013 (EDT Time)
    All of Steven’s an a few other very derisory comment are still there.

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