Your Tax Dollars At Work Supporting Middle Eastern Terrorists

ScreenHunter_601 Sep. 15 13.33

Syria: nearly half rebel fighters are jihadists or hardline Islamists, says IHS Jane’s report – Telegraph

Obama doesn’t trust Americans with guns, but is happy to ship them to al Qaeda

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Your Tax Dollars At Work Supporting Middle Eastern Terrorists

  1. Owen says:

    Nearly half? What-the-heck, did they take a poll? I suspect 99% of the anti-Assad Christian slaughtering scum are hardline Islamists.

    And let’s not forget Obama supports the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. Those savages were committing genocide, slaughtering Coptic Christians.

    Obama’s allies are the filth of the planet.

  2. Rosco says:

    I find it interesting some of your government is trying to stop honest US citizens buying a gun of any type while happily sending grenade launchers to people who openly associate with an organisation your government claimed flew jet liners full of blameless citizens into the twin towers 12 years ago.

    How come ?

  3. geologyjim says:

    Rosco –

    simple answer: Our USA government is run by idiot leftist ideologues who are more interested in “putting America in her place” than doing what’s best for the citizens of the country.

    Nothing else explains the combination of foreign policy screw-ups and domestic policy catastrophes – this administration is doing these things on purpose to bring America to her knees.

    Possibly for us to bow to the Muslim caliphate and accept Sharia and dhimmi-tude.

    Just sayin’

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