Monthly Archives: October 2013

Understanding GISS Data Tampering

It has been a tough year for alarmists, so they needed a fake headline. Twitter / SteveSGoddard: @AGW_Prof RSS satellite temps … In fact, September was a fairly typical month and ranked 11th since 1979 in the RSS satellite record. … Continue reading

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1837 Shock News : Maldives Were Disappearing Into The Ocean

‘ The natives observe the atolls to be wasting away; in some the cocoanut trees are standing in the water ; in another the black soil of the island is discernible at low water thirty feet from the beach ; … Continue reading

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No Sea Level Rise In The Galapagos For 35 Years

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No Sea Level Rise Along The Western Coast Of North America Since The Start Of Satellite Records

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Shock News : Southern Queensland Almost As Warm As 1940

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Southeast Australia Is The New Canary In The Coal Mine

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Shock News : Maldives Has Been Underwater For 25 Years – Manhattan For Five Years

The president of the Republic of Maldives tries to explain that the physical existence of his country is threatened. What kind of danger are they in now? It’s the first country on Earth that completely disappears as a nation if … Continue reading

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Shock News : Arctic Has Been Ice Free For Over Five Years, Asia Has Drowned

Polar ice cap melting away in 2008 ? How low will they go? Putting a date on the melting of the Arctic ice cap has been a popular prediction game among scientists of late; in recent months, we’ve heard estimates … Continue reading

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See Ya Later, Bill

I’m travelling this week and my Windows laptop is having some issues, so I am blogging from a Linux laptop. It turns out that for almost everything I do on WordPress, it is faster and easier on Ubuntu Linux than … Continue reading

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Shock News : North Pole Has Been Ice Free For The Past Five Years

North Pole could be ice free in 2008 You know when climate change is biting hard when instead of a vast expanse of snow the North Pole is a vast expanse of water. This year, for the first time, Arctic … Continue reading

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