Daily Archives: October 21, 2013

Paul Ehrlich – With A New Face

Population Control Extremists: Get Rid of People Causing Global Warming | LifeNews.com

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Greenpeace To Melt Two Miles Of Ice In Greenland – In The Next 17 Years

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=NC7bE9jopXE] . Temperatures never made it to the freezing mark this year in the interior of the ice sheet. summit:status:webcam

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Nothing To See Here, Move Along

Seymour Hersh says that the White House account of the Osama bin Laden raid is completely false. ‘Pathetic!’ Award-winning journalist Seymour Hersh slams American press for not challenging US government’s ‘LIES’ about Bin Laden raid | Mail Online The families … Continue reading

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In Response To Sandy Hook, Obama Expands America’s Gun-Free Zones

h/t to Dave G

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Obama’s Crack Software Engineers Locate The Problem

The MSM has been telling us for five years how high tech the community organizer is, and his team of crack software engineers have narrowed the problem down to this procedure. void itIsAllBushesFault(void* obamas_intellect, void* obamas_conscience, void* obamas_integrity) { … … Continue reading

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Obama To Explain Why He Spent The Last Four Years Playing Golf, Instead Of Doing His Job

Obama to address healthcare glitches New

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1895 : Large Winter Bush Fires In NSW

06 Sep 1895 – BUSH FIRE IN NEW SOUTH WALES. Sydney, September 5.

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Probably Not

Paige: Off the record, can the Broncos go undefeated in 2013? – The Denver Post

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Obama To Make A Speech

A great joy for those of us who don’t have a television.

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1912 Shock News : Huge NSW Fire Occurred – In September

Climate experts say that the October fires this year are due to something called “climate change” – yet a century ago they were having huge fires a month earlier. 25 Sep 1912 – NEW SOUTH WALES BUSH FIRE. SETTLERS’ EXPERIENCES…

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