Daily Archives: October 23, 2013

It Was Actually Only 69 Million

US: French tapping claims ‘false’

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Understanding Glaciers

If a glacier is retreating, it is due to global warming melting the glacier. If a glacier is advancing, it is due to global warming melting the ice and lubricating the base of the glacier. If a glacier is neither … Continue reading

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Guilt First – Then Taxes

How Obama convinces Americans to let him steal their money Bait and switch : It won’t cost you a penny Guilt : Think about the polar bear babies drowning, and the poor people not being able to kill their own … Continue reading

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Nobel Prize Winner – Earth’s Temperature Is Millions Of Degrees


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Annoying Idea Circulating Among Skeptics

Several skeptics have made claims that the CO2/greenhouse effect curve is in something called the “linear region” where the energy balance scales linearly with CO2. While there is some tiny grain of truth to this, it is nearly irrelevant.  Eighty … Continue reading

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This Scam Is Over – Put A Fork In It

The last remaining hope for alarmists was the Arctic ice scam. That is now dead, but they will continue to lie about it like the do with temperature, sea level, hurricanes, tornadoes, droughts, ocean pH, etc. All they have left … Continue reading

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What NSIDC Is Hiding

The animation below alternates between NSIDC September ice age for the year 2012 and the year 2013. Figure5.png (2116×3123) Figure5_october_2012.png (2430×3170) Note the huge increase in the amount of white colored ice, which they used to call 5+ ice, but … Continue reading

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NSIDC’s Nature Trick – Hiding The Incline

NSIDC pulled a clever trick this year.  What they used to call 5+ ice, they now call 4+ ice. They also stopped publishing their ice age graph, most likely because they didn’t want people to see the huge increase in … Continue reading

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Nixon : “LBJ Never Likes Being #2”


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Ted Cruz Explains Obamacare

You may have noticed that all the Nigerian e-mail scammers have become a lot less active lately,” Cruz joked to constituents in Texas. “They all have been hired to run the Obamacare website.” Health care website problems jeopardize Obama’s legacy

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