Daily Archives: October 23, 2013

Obamacare Collapsing – Hundreds Of Thousands Losing Insurance

So what is Google News top story? Google News has degenerated to being another propaganda arm for the White House. Possibly the worst one.

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Fond Memories From Last Month

Just a few weeks ago Obama was itching to invade Syria, but he got distracted and decided to go after WWII veterans and national park visitors instead. ‘Offer is on the table’ for Arab countries to pay for full-scale U.S. … Continue reading

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Understanding 95% Certainty

The failure of 95% of climate models has made the IPCC 95% certain that the models are correct. Maybe That IPCC 95% Certainty Was Correct After All

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Science Experiment

Let’s try raising atmospheric CO2 from 363 PPM to 400 PPM, and see how much global warming occurs. . Wood for Trees: Interactive Graphs Any questions?

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