Discovery News : Global Warming Eats Beaches

ScreenHunter_1244 Oct. 03 17.15

Global Warming Eats Sandy Beaches : Discovery News

Apparently we are down to the last of the beaches now. The only ones left are those which 120 metres above sea level 20,000 years ago.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to Discovery News : Global Warming Eats Beaches

  1. omnologos says:

    Global warming is actually very advantageous for anything slimy/disgusting, and a disaster for anything fluffy/lovely.

    The jury is still out on the future prospects of fluffy spiders.

  2. Sea levels rose .2 meters in the past century and 2 meters every time the tide comes in.

  3. Okie says:

    Due to global warming, all we’ll be left with are old episodes of Baywatch.

  4. Robertv says:

    Building on or near the beach is eating them. A beach and the dunes are the natural way to take the force out of the waves. Like an airbag. Controlling the rivers is the other problem. But there is hope, sea level is falling.

  5. WPBHurricane05 says:

    I went to the Lake Worth beach a couple of weeks ago. September is the perfect time to go. School is back in session, so it was completely empty, but the water was still warm. Oh, and plenty of beach too.

  6. WPBHurricane05 says:

    A lot of people don’t realize that Palm Beach is really an ancient coral reef. You can actually drive through part of it on the north side of the island. Lots of sea level rise left to go before that baby goes back under the ocean.

  7. More crowded beaches, more crowded ski runs… oh the humanity.

  8. Andy Oz says:

    Discovery News are such chicken littles.
    We need some Myrmidons to get our beaches back.

  9. Andy Oz says:

    To D news. It’s not Global Worming eating beaches. It’s sharks!
    Let’s go to the videotape!

  10. jimash1 says:

    “”The Entrance to the Grand Canal, Venice,” circa 1730″

    Losing the sandy Beaches of Venice !

  11. Sandy hit at high tide. Tides is Atlantic City are 5 feet twice a day:

    Sea level rise in Atlantic City is 1.3 feet in 100 years:

    But these geniusus say it was the 1.3 feet not the 5 feet that caused all the flooding.

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