Global Warming In Colorado

When we first moved to the Front Range of Colorado in the mid-1990s, I used to brag to my parents about how mild the winters are here. But since the winter of 2006-2007, we have had a rash of very long, cold winters – with the current year headed for being the snowiest on record. I just took the dogs out for a walk in a bitter cold wind, and remembered what lies in store over the next eight months.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Global Warming In Colorado

  1. Stephen Richards says:

    I was only this morning saying to my lovely wife that 10 yrs ago I could garantee a starry night weeks in advance. Now it’s a cloudy night garanteed.

  2. Jimmy Haigh. says:

    Global Warning does that.

  3. Jimmy Haigh. says:

    Warning? Warming…

  4. orson2 says:

    SAME HERE, Steve.

    I blame natural cycles like the PDO. Too bad it took over a decade for IPCC-people to catch on…kinda…some of them.

  5. Steve Keohane says:

    I moved to Ft Collins in Jan of ’72. I think it was the winter of 72-73 we had weeks of sub-zero temps barely making positive readings in °F during daytime and -20-25°F at night. I moved here for the sunny days having endured the terminal slate grey of New England winters and the rare blue-sky sunny day there. Seemed like the Arctic air would just slide down the front of the Rockies and sit there. Moved to the banana belt on the western slope twenty years ago, where the weather is more moderate.

  6. Pathway says:

    Here in the banana belt we set a record yesterday for the lowest maximum. Today we set a record for the lowest minimum.

  7. Mkelley says:

    Here in Southcentral Montana, I had 11 degrees F. this morning, and we are still dealing with the 19 inches or so of snow on top of hard rain we got the other day. We have a lot of trees down.

  8. pete says:

    Not bitterly cold, but refreshingly chilly! : ) Wish I was back in Evergreen. It snowed 7 feet in 3 days the week we moved back to Florida ten years ago I think it was. Sweated our rear off at the Gator game yesterday. Now I read about ‘bitterly cold’ – and am JEALOUS! Climate change. Go figure.

    Love your work. Go Go. Don’t relent!! I share your insight and wit with many on a regular basis. I have a ton of college kids following your website daily now. Entertainment with information – you are doing it right for the younger generation to pick up on.

  9. TomE says:

    We spent 10 weeks last winter in the Palm Springs area. I had worked my career in CA and had sworn never to move back. However when I contemplated another snowy cold winter in Oregon we uprooted, downsized and bought a condo in the Palm Springs area. As the temps are now in the 80’s, sunshine every day and looking forward to 8 months of weather delight, I am confident even with CA’s political insanity that it was a good decision. I check to confirm it.

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