Hansen Forecast Peak Ice Loss In Antarctica

As Antarctic ice extent breaks its all-maximum time record, we must not forget that the world’s greatest climatologist predicted peak ice loss, right at the spot where they have had peak ice gain.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Hansen Forecast Peak Ice Loss In Antarctica

  1. gator69 says:

    Meltdown Man.

  2. mikegeo says:

    I’d like to see Hansen’s prediction record compared to Paul Erhlich. I suspect they’re now running neck and neck. Got virtually nothing right, but they still keep getting honours and awards from the shrill leftist organizations. Where else but in the alarmist environmental world can you be all wrong and still get rewarded?

  3. Streetcred says:

    Hansen has already achieved ‘peak brain cells’ … its been all downhill for a while already. In this early stage of his decay, the weaker brain cells have been eliminated already which explains why he thinks that he’s so smart but in reality his decline is exponential as the ‘remaining smart cells’ have reached the tipping point or peak cells. Just a little peek into his future.

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