Name That Wind Gust

We are having wind speeds along the Colorado Front Range higher than most of NOAA’s named tropical storms this year.

ScreenHunter_1383 Oct. 11 08.13

NCAR Mesa Lab Weather (english, 5-minute)

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Name That Wind Gust

  1. kbray in california says:

    NOAA Blows.

  2. kbray in california says:

    Noah More.

  3. tom0mason says:

    NOAH Pbbrpwwprrrphrew!

  4. ACR says:

    And these wind speeds were actually recorded by a land station independent of the NHC. Virtually none of NOAA’s named tropical storms can claim that distinction!

  5. Scott says:

    I biked to work into those headwinds for 6 miles. Slowest trip into work I’ve recorded. Should have worn shorts. 🙁


  6. gator69 says:

    2013 Remix…

    I Call the End Obama

    The left defends Obama

    The main stream press they have no shame
    They claim he killed Osama
    Through all this mess they ignore Joe,
    And they all defend Obama

    Obama throws our money around
    And gives to those not tryin’
    Obama makes Pinocchio sound
    Like someone sworn off lying

    The press defends Obama

    Before I knew Obama’s name
    And heard his wail and whinin’
    I had high hopes and I was free
    And healthcare was not confining

    Election day I lost my world
    Freedoms far behind me
    And since our loss, up go our costs
    Now Skeeter he can fine me

    The left defends Obama

    Obama is a name for pain
    Our end and ire only
    But what a cost and what a bone
    There ain’t no word but phony

    And what a lost and phony man
    With a red star to guide thee
    Obama blew my rights away
    And took away my country

    The left defends Obama

    Woe is my country

  7. Chuck says:

    Michelle or Nancy

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