Obama Hangs The Global Warming Albatross Around His Neck

Obama has loaded up his entire cabinet with global warming morons, just as the global warming scam collapses. His legacy is that he will be remembered as the worst president in history, and probably much worse than that.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Obama Hangs The Global Warming Albatross Around His Neck

  1. Don says:

    Will Michelle play Evita to Barry’s Juan? That is the question. Because right now all the Dems have is Biden or Hillary, two very old and unattractive baggage laden ass-clowns.

  2. Andy Oz says:

    Obama can get rid of the Albatross by taking the nuclear option in Antarctica.
    He will achieve a number of excellent political outcomes.
    1. Destroy the Albatross – in plague proportions in Antarctica.
    2. Get rid of the Antarctic Ice extent problem though he might need 4 Hiroshimas a second
    3. Put China, Russia and Iran in their place by showing them who is da boss.
    4. Cheap oil for America by opening the Antarctic up for exploration after evaporating the wildlife.
    5. Open up Antarctica for golf course development
    There is no downside.


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