Obama’s $2.6 Trillion Middle Class Tax Hike

Adding up CBO’s estimates for the different provisions in the bill, the president’s health care law will amount to at least $2.6 trillion over a true 10-year period (from FY2014–23)—not $900 billion.

SBC Analysis Of President Obama’s Health Law – Budget Background – Research – U.S. Senate Budget Committee

That works out to about a $20,000 tax hike for every middle class family.

The media thinks that they can protect Obama by lying about Obamacaredisaster indefinitely, but it should be obvious to even the Communist News Network that people will figure it out soon enough.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to Obama’s $2.6 Trillion Middle Class Tax Hike

  1. gofer says:

    And there will be more uninsured people than before it was enacted.

  2. Stephen Richards says:

    gofer says:

    October 5, 2013 at 6:56 am
    And there will be more uninsured people than before it was enacted.

    There can’t be gofer because they will have to pay the sdame amount in fines. There’s no way out for anyone except the senateurs and the congress.

    America, Welcome to europe

    • The fines were to eventually (not initially) be roughly equivalent to the cost of the healthcare not obtained.

      But this isn’t true currently, and millions have simply dropped insurance — with the understanding that they can get it later, health conditions or not.

      Also, the fine schedule is not in line with the huge increases in premium, making it still cheaper. More millions will remain uninsured, with the plan to buy insurance if they develop a condition that needs it.

      ===|==============/ Keith DeHavelle

  3. ralphcramdo says:

    Even a 2.5% tax/fine of a persons gross income doesn’t equal what one will pay for “affordable health care”.

  4. beowulftoo says:

    That is the big lie. $2.6 Trillion is BS. The costs to the states will eventually be another $2.6 trillion (read that as state taxes). The ‘cost’ to Bronze policy holders will be unbelievable. The donut hole will be the first $4000 in expenses. That is crummy insurance. But that cost will be over all policies. So add in another $2.6 trillion (or more) for crummy expensive insurance. Then add in the cost of the 30 million uninsured. This thing keeps get more expensive. But that is ok. The Left has just engineered a takeover of one sixth of US economy. All without a shot being fired!

  5. kbray in california says:

    If one is forced to pay high monthly premiums and thousands of dollars in deductibles, isn’t it cheaper just to pay a doctor CASH ?
    $10,000 out of pocket annually would pay for a lot of “cash only” office visits.
    One could also have a “catastrophic medical insurance policy” for major medical issues and would most likely never be used. It would have a cheap premium, just like a term life insurance policy. Congress could use a brain transplant. They need better ideas.

  6. beowulftoo says:

    That catastrophic medical insurance policy was the type my wife and I had since early 2002 (after Bush). Our premiums were less than 100 bucks. We paid the first $6500 then the policy kicked in and paid everything else! We typically negotiated for minor stuff with the doctors (usually 50% discount) and didn’t file a claim. It worked for us, for the doctor’s office, and the insurance company (no paper work). Everyone was happy. We generally put the health insurance ‘savings’ in the bank. We accumulated well over $37,000 in the 10 years we were able to do this (a tax deductible HSA account). We still have most of it.

    • kbray in california says:

      Your technique sounds like a functional and affordable arrangement.
      However the new Affordable Care Act forces the “non-poor” to pay higher premiums to pay for cheap or free care for “the poor”. It’s enough to trigger a revolution.
      Throw the bums out.

  7. LOL in Oregon says:

    Oh, picky, picky, picky!
    Just cuz there will be 20 million more folk gifted by YOU expecting Steve Jobs class medical
    ======> but no more doctors
            actually fewer since the PAB will squeeze them down towards minimum wage
    means YOU will get
        a person practicing to be a physician!
    doesn’t mean that the IRS won’t audit you if you complain!
    =====> you need to get your mind right, Luke! errr Steve!

  8. Robertv says:

    What productive industry is going to pay for all of this ? The green jobs industry ?

  9. Rosco says:

    I am amazed at the figures I see quoted – are they real ?

    I pay about $360 a month for top shelf private health cover in Australia. I pay 1.5% of annual salary for Australia’s Medicare.

    If you choose to not pay for private health insurance and earn more than $75K you pay an extra 1% tax – $750.

    There are NO deductibles under Medicare Aus. except for pharmaceutical benefits – which are cost subsidized anyway – that is after spending about $1400 in a calender year all pharmaceuticals are free after that for the remainder of the year.

    If you are a pensioner with a Government Health Care Card the threshold is less than $400.

    I can be admitted to any public hospital – that is a government run hospital – at no cost for any treatment – the drawback is a waiting period where urgent cases are prioritized.

    If medical practitioners choose to bill the Government directly you pay nothing including services such as X-Ray, scans and blood tests and pathology – many choose to as it guarantees return on investment in establishing the practice – patients flock to “free” services.

    Hence private insurance – I can choose immediate treatment at no cost in the majority of scenarios.

    Private insurance pays benefits for things not covered by Medicare – dental, optical, private therapy etc. Again no deductibles – only an annual limit and only about 75% of actual Medicare dictated costs.

    Australia’s tax rates are higher to subsidize this but it is well worth it.

    I can’t believe the figures I see quoted.

  10. Mkelley says:

    I don’t think this thing is going to work. I wouldn’t enter my data into this system if you held a gun to my head (well, maybe only then):




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