Monthly Archives: October 2013

Obama Switches Back To Lying About The Climate

President Obama is bored with lying about the NSA,  Obamacare, Benghazi  the IRS, etc. and has turned his attention back to lying about the climate. Twitter / BarackObama: The effects of extreme weather … The Milwaukee Sentinel – Google News Archive … Continue reading

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State Of The Climate Report

No global warming for 17.5 years 97% of the climate models have over-predicted warming Record quiet tornado season Severe tornadoes declining for 40 years No US hurricane landfalls More than eight years without a major hurricane strike in the US … Continue reading

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The Debate Is Over

It is pretty clear that the scientific debate is over, and that the people behind this scam are no longer making any attempt to be honest. I’m not used to dealing with criminals, and am somewhat at a loss for … Continue reading

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Obamacare Is All The Republican’s Fault!

The Big Kludge – No Republicans voted for Obamacare. [youtube=]

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The New Crisis : The Same As The Old Crisis

Very sophisticated analysis by top government scientists has determined that climate change has already begun. Opinion: The climate change era is already upon us Oct. 28, 2013 We’re beyond debating the existence of climate change. Impacts we’re seeing now should … Continue reading

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Shock News : The Arctic Is Not Melting Down

The amount of sea ice in the Arctic has hardly changed over the last decade, and this year has averaged more ice than 2005 or 2006.

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Settled Science Update

In 2007, Mike Lockwood said that he had conclusive evidence  that man-made CO2 was responsible for global warming. Sun Not a Global Warming Culprit, Study Says National Geographic News July 12, 2007 Cyclical changes in the sun’s energy output are not responsible … Continue reading

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It Is Still All Bush’s Fault

When Bush was president, he got the blame for everything, including Hurricane Katrina. Now that Obama is president, he never gets the blame for anything, including doubling the national debt and legislation named after him which was passed without a … Continue reading

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Shock News : Obama Lied About Spying – Again

White House OKd spying on allies, U.S. intelligence officials say – I was watching Wolf Blitzer on the Obammunist News Network at the Boston airport this afternoon, and he was lamenting that no one in Washington ever tells Obama … Continue reading

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1895 : Massive Winter Bush Fires In New South Wales

The usual climate criminals have been claiming that fires never used to happen this early, but in 1895 they happened two months earlier. 05 Sep 1895 – Bush Fires in New South Wales. SYDNEY August 30. h/t to Ivan

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