PhD Boldly Goes Where Kooks And Nutters Have Gone Before

ScreenHunter_1779 Oct. 23 14.25

Letters (Oct. 23) – Las Cruces Sun-News

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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14 Responses to PhD Boldly Goes Where Kooks And Nutters Have Gone Before

  1. Bob722 says:

    Ice extent maybe irrelevant, and ice volume more important, except that extent can actually be measured, and volume can only be modeled.

    And modeling is darn near useless when it comes to accurately measuring anything. GIGO

  2. Don says:

    How can a study published in 2013 be “rebuked” by studies from earlier years? 2004, 2007, 2009 as alleged by Farmer? Why it must be the AGW crowd at work again.

  3. Jimbo says:

    Extent does not matter UNLESS it’s September 2012 or 2007. 🙂 Remember the headlines?

  4. Jean-Paul says:

    This “Dr” G. Thomas Farmer is so interested in the ideas sceptics develop about his work that he doesn’t even bother checking their name. As far as I know, Dr David Legates is not called Largates by anybody but “Dr” G. Thomas Farmer. And if reproducing and precisely recomputating the flawed logic that produced the Cook et al 97% consensus is the only way “Dr” Farmer understands critical checking, then it is easy to see why “Dr” Farmer is on the warmists’ side. He is as stupid and crooked as they are.

  5. omnologos says:

    Anybody mentioning “Doran & Zimmermann” in support of the 97% myth, is an obvious fraud who has not read Doran & Zimmermann.

  6. papiertigre says:

    The one comment back at Dr. Farmer, from the Las Cruces Sun;

    Robert Endlich · Top Commenter · Advanced Weather Officer at USAF Retired

    Dr Farmer has it wrong again. The BBC and NBC News have been awaiting the disappearance of Arctic Sea Ice, supposedly in September of this year but it didn’t happened, another alarm falsified by measurements in the real world.
    Despite our use of fossil fuels, Global sea surface temperatures have been falling as revealed by the National Climate Data Center. A better measurement of sea ice for global climate change is the combined Arctic and Antarctic ice, and this data is kept by the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign and their web site called Cryosphere, which keeps track of global ice extent.
    Dr Farmer should take a glance at that page and in particular examine the Global Sea Ice Extent page; it looks like the EKG of a regular heartbeat we all should have, in fact, since 1979, global sea ice extent has increased.
    Dr Farmer, please consult 2010 Geophysical Research Letters, in particular the article written by my friend and colleague Petr Chylek of Los Alamos, Twentieth Century Bipolar Seesaw of the Arctic and Antarctic Surface Air Temperatures.
    When Dr Chylek comes to the NMSU Physics Department to present a colloquium on his results, Farmer would profit from the knowledge gained

    October 23 at 2:21pm

  7. rw says:

    I’m fascinated by the fact that this 97% figure keeps recurring in the warmist literature (much like the repeated demonstration of a hockey-stick temperature graph). Even though the figure originally applied only to climatologists (as I recall only 82% of the respondents overall answered yes to the two relevant questions in the first study that came up with this figure). It’s pretty clear that they’re trying to justify the earlier figure by coming up with the same number in another study, even though the population is now quite different, so that getting the same number really makes no sense. Another case of DDS – Dummies Doing Science.

  8. Scott says:

    So the take home from this is that noses aren’t important? Why doesn’t this guy then cut off his nose to lower his carbon footprint?


  9. Scott says:

    Oh crap, I remember now. I actually saw somewhere this summer (a comment at Neven’s I think) where the new metric for them isn’t even volume–it’s average thickness. So even though volume was (supposedly) up this summer, he/she was claiming this year was the worst condition of the Arctic ice because average thickness was (supposedly) a record low.

    That’d be like claiming that the Arctic ice in April is worse than it is in September because April has, on average, a thinner ice pack (because of all the short-lived ice at the periphery).


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