Reader Arctic Forecast Missed By Only 100%

ScreenHunter_1417 Oct. 12 06.41

July 11, 2013 at 11:36 pm

It is truly touching how alarmists forecast their future emotions, based on Hansen’s CO2 theory.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Reader Arctic Forecast Missed By Only 100%

  1. omnologos says:

    in true IPCC form, all he has to do now is redefine the meaning of “million”

  2. kbray in california says:

    To be vulnerable to a broken heart, he must really love that ice.
    He will now be overjoyed with the growth.
    A heart is saved.

  3. Billy Liar says:

    Someone told me that Professor Peter Wadhams sometimes posts anonymously as ‘grant holt’. 🙂

  4. Robert Austin says:

    Grant Holt, I assume, is just a lay scientist as most of the denizens of the climate blogs.Thus, his Arctic ice projections, while perhaps amusingly wrong in hindsight, are understandable. It is the grossly aberrant Arctic ice forecasts of the massively funded and purportedly august institutions that really deserve our disgust.

  5. Robert Austin says:

    Billy Liar,
    If Grant Holt is actually a pseudonym of professor Peter Wadhams, then he is hereby demoted to the rank of “douche bag” for making irresponsible forecasts while under disguise as an amateur.

  6. Wonder What his hurricane forecast was,

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