The Emperor’s New Climate

Western governments and much of the press corpse apparently believe that they can convince the citizenry about global warming through the use of fraudulent data and surveys, like Kook and Nuttercelli.

They have run into a huge problem however – the Sun is not cooperating. One thing that people are not going to be fooled about is the record snowfall of recent years.

ScreenHunter_1280 Oct. 04 22.06

Rutgers University Climate Lab :: Global Snow Lab

ScreenHunter_1434 Oct. 13 06.50

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to The Emperor’s New Climate

  1. kbray in california says:

    And the fraudulent reporting…
    Some thatch and sheet metal got blown down in the wind.
    Global warming fueled devastation…? Forget about it.

  2. More snow means increased humidity due to warming. Less snow means melting due to warming. Got it?

  3. Crashex says:

    I think it’s funny that they’re still looking for the spring 2013 data. How many more months will be needed before it can be plotted?

  4. Bill says:

    I think I found the missing heat. It was in 1981.

  5. Climatism says:

    Reblogged this on CACA and commented:
    • US snowfall increasing this century
    • Slowest tornado season on record in the US
    • Eight years since a major US hurricane strike – longest such period since the Civil War
    • 71% of the US below normal temperatures
    • Record Antarctic sea ice
    • Record 52% Growth In Arctic Sea Ice Since This Date Last Year
    • Third highest July western Arctic sea ice coverage on record
    • No Global Warming for 17 years despite 30% of all human CO² emissions, since 1751, emitted in the last 15 years.
    • One of the slowest US fire seasons on record
    • Earth Currently Has More Sea Ice Than 1990
    • Record corn crop forecasts and world record 2013 grain harvests
    • IPCC 2013 report confirms “low confidence” link between human GHG emissions and extreme weather.
    • Rate of global sea level rise decelerating this century
    • Ocean temps 0-700 metres flat since 2003

    What more is required of mother nature to prove that humans 3% contribution to atmospheric CO² (versus her 97%) is having no impact whatsoever on our climate?
    In fact, the opposite of what the global warming alarmists predicted is happening, in most cases.

    • X says:

      Great list, it’s not even needed to get into the details about solar forcing, right now.
      Let’s wait a few months more when the effects will probably be evident everywhere.
      All oceans are colder now than 12 months ago and, consequently, world’s temperatures shall follow in the same direction in the near future.

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