You Can’t Hide From Your Own Stupidity

ScreenHunter_1176 Oct. 01 20.39

‘Climate change refugee’ fights to stay in New Zealand | Environment |

I can imagine that life in Kiribati is quite boring, but sea level isn’t rising there.

ScreenHunter_1177 Oct. 01 20.42

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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15 Responses to You Can’t Hide From Your Own Stupidity

  1. GeologyJim says:

    Why do courts even entertain this kind of crap?

    Fees should be assessed against non-prevailing parties (i.e., losers) to discourage frivolity in the courts

    • R. de Haan says:

      It’s an interesting development. Especially if you realize that many countries have invested billions of dollars to raise sea defenses and dikes after Al Gore told them they were going to get flooded any moment.

      We know the guy is safe on his Island from sea level rise but if I were in his shoes I would be worried about the risk of a big Tsunami hitting the island.

      The island is located in an area prone to massive earthquakes triggering huge vertical shifts due to the enormous stress releases moving the colliding tectonic plates.

      The 9.0 Boxing Day earthquake lifted the fault line by an average of 15 meters over a length of 1.600 km triggering multiple tsunamis with devastating effects.

      Unfortunately for the adventurous asylum seeker, New Zealand isn’t the safest place in the world either.

      Thank the UN for introducing the “climate refugee” and the biased press for these unintended side effects of their propagandistic policies.

      This guy is going back home.

      • Billy N.Z. says:

        Hi R. de Hann,yep,we had another shake last night and again this morning. 4.7 .Maybe a big one is in waiting. We have a few volcanos here that play up a bit now and then. He would most likely be safer at his home.

  2. Pathway says:

    Climate refugees are about to start the annual migration from locations such as Minnesota to more hospitable places like Florida. Bring on the warming.

  3. R. de Haan says:

    The best and highest sea defenses however were no match for the tsunami that hit Japan two years ago.

  4. R. de Haan says:

    Scientist tell us the next mega quake and tsunami is over due for the northwest of the USA, Oragon area.

  5. In the old days a refugee was meant to be fleeing from actual harm, not fleeing from future theoretical harm.

  6. crosspatch says:

    I can understand why he wants to stay in New Zealand. Apparently the Earth is experiencing “global warming”. I’d want to be on a different planet, too.

  7. gator69 says:

    “Kiribati is one of the world’s poorest countries. It has few natural resources. Commercially viable phosphate deposits on Banaba were exhausted at the time of independence. Copra and fish now represent the bulk of production and exports. Kiribati is considered one of the least developed countries in the world.”

    I’m sure it has nothing to do with this.

  8. anthonyvioli says:

    Reblogged this on The Real World and commented:
    Great post showing the downright stupidity of the AGW movement.

  9. John B., M.D. says:

    The data stopped in 2003 – 10 years ago.
    Maybe the island disappeared under the sea.

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