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- Yonason on “Fascist Salute”
- Yonason on “Fascist Salute”
- Yonason on “Fascist Salute”
Gee, this is a short enough timeline that wagers could be made (and won!) in my lifetime …
The article is from 1986. Are you planning on making it to 2016?
Do you think liberals are actually going to check the publication date? If the NYTimes ‘prints’ it, it is true (in the minds of the libs).
Climate quackery keeps going because media is being used by vested interests who keep writing doomsday press releases, misinforming the public. Real science doesn’t predict the future, but science fiction does. Everybody thinks “science is smart and the experts are always correct.” Wrong.
“But let’s err on the side of caution. Climate = the environment anyway” — Wrong. Focusing on faux science takes our eyes off the real problems affecting environment, such as 3rd World development by globalist interest groups — which makes pollution and CO2 even worse, not better. China is the development model for Africa, etc. to “open up new markets” for globalists. Climate change and CO2 are a convenient non-ideological “enemy” used to mount their agenda and will unwittingly ruin the environment even more.
One real problem being ignored is coastal engineering, or meddling on Atlantic by Army Corps of Engineers, in Everglades, Intracoastal Waterway, manmade barrier islands, deeper harbors for bigger ships, the Chesapeake Bay bridge-tunnel and increased inland urban sprawl rainwater runoff to the coasts. This is why Atlantic side varies from place to place, the water levels. But no such changes on the Pacific coast, where less meddling happened. There’s no Everglades or Intracoastal on Pacific coast.
Science is never “settled” by a consensus. Einstein and Galileo upset their times in what’s called a Paradigm Shift:
Global warming is like “cold fusion” in the 1980s, example of Pathological science:
One place where we haven’t seen any sea level rise is Australia, and everywhere else. Here’s a story: Australian Prime Minister Seeks Alliance Of “Like-Minded” Countries To “Dismantle” Obama’s Climate Policy…
Australian Alarmists are in a real flap over this. It’s almost as if they want us all to be completely broke!
Tallbloke had a good guest post on the NY times vested interest in CAGW.
Reblogged this on vuurklip and commented:
Are you scared yet? Will the Cape Flats be inundated? Relax, this NY Times dire warning dates from 1986! So we still have two whole years to prepare for the “worst”
I’m not sure about the NY Times calculation on sea level but, I’ve calculated the rate of change in Antarctic Sea Ice Extent over the past five years – It’s growing at a rate of over 4 Million Sq Km per decade! Feast your eyes.
(sotto voce: It’s exponential, as is everything alarmist.)
Now why are alarmists not partying in the streets singing Kumbaya and dancing “The Carbon Tax Polka”?? Do they remain in denial that the sea ice extent is actually growing?
Doubting Thomas’s!
Only 2 more years for the other 270mm of sea-level rise? Heavens!
Eric Eckholm still writes for the NYT. I wonder if he is embarassed? Someone should ask him.
Look at this Article… What’s most stunning to me is they ADMIT Global Sea Level actually dropped… All in the midst of proclaiming Biblical Flooding… I don’t recall the Left halting it’s proclamations about Sea Level rise in 2010 or 2011…. Never heard anything except that melting and Oceans rising had accelerated!!
The explanation offered is ridiculous… As if teenie Australia could absorb Enough water to affect Global Sea Level… It’s as if they searched far and wide for anything… Any excuse to cover their asses… Alarmists claim the cold spell here in the USA was an Anamoly … Didn’t affect global temps… Yet we’re supposed to believe this study claiming Australia is some kind of reservoir for 7mm worth of the Worlds Water…
Cut the funding NOW… This is crap…