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They have us WAY too warm. But I guess the map is after adjustments.
I say “ditto” to that here too.
And some people still deny global warming is real. Fools!
It has been a very pleasant summer where I live. I’ve only had the cooler fan on low, unlike all the other previous years when it spent most of it’s time on high.
Funny how the most below normal winter spring and summer has been concentrated in states bordering the Great Lakes.
The Great Lakes are remnants of glaciers, and the current weather pattern mimics that of the ice ages.
I knew that about the origin of the lakes. Drive over the Niagara escarpment pretty frequently too. I’m just wondering if things really haven’t changed that much in the last 12,000 years and when the next glacial period comes will it come down the same paths here and in Europe that it did before? I guess it would since the lakes are low areas no matter if they are still lakes or not by then. If they do then they will just carve deeper further in some places I guess. I guess really the question is, why would they NOT follow the same path as before?
I’m not a worrier by temperament but these are worrisome patterns. As any farmer knows, it doesn’t take too much cooling to cripple a harvest.
the farmers in Indiana are having a great year for the most part. Biggest problem I’ve heard was early on when it was so wet some of them had to replant portions of their fields. But just driving along looking at the fields, the corn and soya beans look great. Though based on the cool weather and the fact the harvest of tomatoes here central Indiana is on right now. It seems there may be fewer trucks hauling them this year. I think Red Gold didn’t have a great crop this year. Same in the gardens. Still a whole lot of green tomatoes when usually by this time their done. Not enough hot days I guess.
Oh, one other comment. I have NEVER EVER heard a farmer say they had a perfect year. And since my family business would do welding and metal fabrication for them and I grew up in that business, I’ve talked to a few.
rah, don’t forget water plays a part on how fast and how well crops do. My wild blackberries were doing great and then two weeks before they ripened we had no rain at all. They turned out hard as a rock fit only for the birds.
True. Too much moisture—early or late—is going to do it.
And true on the “perfect year” observation.
Heh. My first response was to rah.
And too little moisture will do it, too, Gail.
Goldilocks got it right …
Goldilocks leads a dull life.
I don’t know, Phil.
People say she’ll get shot during one of her burglaries and they are put off by her sleeping around but I never heard anyone say it was a dull life. Even revisionist investigative journalism*) makes it sound daring:
*) I think some details in The Hamilton Spectator piece are fishy. I want to hear the Bear family version.
Yes, but who gets to find everything “just right”? I mean really, AC does not feel real good unless you go out and work up a sweat first!
Gail, my blackberries got plenty of rain all at the right times…except the last few days. Just when they started to ripen we got 3 days of rain…and that wiped them out. Or I should say the birds got them while it was too wet to do anything about them. The few I did get were fantastic…the best in years.
So it’s not just while growing, it also includes a ‘window’ to allow for harvesting.
Wait another week and check that chart again! Lots more record cold over much of the US over the next week with chances for record early frost/freezes in the corn belt.
That will be great, leading into the “People’s Climate March” later this month in NYC. Naturally, the alarmist crowd will say the cold is a result of AGW. Nothing like having all your bases covered!
the Gore effect?
Here is part of a post at WUWT by ferdberple and which I agree with wholeheartedly.
There is no such thing as “average” climate. It is a meaningless term when talking about fractal distributions. Thus, the entire basis of Climate Science, the idea that climate can be characterized by “Anomalies” is false.
You cannot characterize climate by how much it deviates from the mean, because the mean has no meaning. Dynamic systems are not like a coin toss or toss of the dice. They follow the power law distribution, not the normal distribution.
I did go to Dr. Will Happer’s Lecture. It was cold and drizzly but there was a respectable crowd. At the ‘reception’ before the lecture we were told it was for physics grad students so I was a bit surprised I could follow the entire lecture without getting lost. It takes a very good speaker to be able to engage people at two different levels of understanding.
There were a lot of equations of course but the take away was the CO2 ‘modeling’ is a mish-mash of theoretical equations and experimentally derived data. Where the Climate alarmists missed the boat is in using equations for ‘line broadening’ aka the ‘wings’ where the current CO2 absorption ( at 400 ppm) is supposedly taking place. These equations produce results that do not match up to the experimental data. The lines are not as broad as theory would have it and this was the point of the lecture. Why was the theory wrong?
Dr. Will Happer did agree with what Dr Brown and Peter Malcombe said about the time to radiate being about ten times slower than the time to the next collision in the troposphere. Dr Happer in his lecture also answered my question about where CO2 energy is radiated instead of being handed off via collision. Experimental data shows barely any radiation at 11 KM and that radiating is in the stratosphere ~ 47 KM above the surface.
He did get some very timid Warmists who tried to trip him up with questions about CAGW and not about the lecture. One tried to get him to agree that since the models got ‘history’ correct and they were only wrong for the last few years then they got CO2’s effect on climate correct.
Dr.Happer quoted John von Neumann’s “With four parameters I can fit an elephant, and with five I can make him wiggle his trunk” to explain how easy it was to fit history and then quoted Feynmen about the testing of a theory is how well it can make predictions. Luckily at the very end of the lecture he had shown the video clip of Feynman saying:
There was another question/statement that only CO2 could explain the climate and if I remember correctly the person brought in the “heat hiding in the oceans” to explain the current ‘pause. Dr.Happer got a bit of the deer in the headlights look so I chimed in with the Earthshine/albedo inflection point and Dr Happer ran with it.
I really wish I could have gotten a copy of his slides since there was an awful lot of very good but very technical information in the lecture. That was the bad news. The good news is he is writing a paper on his findings with Freeman Dyson so with luck all that great information will be freely available on the net.
Climate Depot’s has Selected Highlights of Dr. Happer’s May 20, 2010 Congressional Testimony but it does not touch on the subject of this lecture.