Learning To Think Like A Progressive

Progressives normally blame the 1934 drought on farmers, saying that they caused the Dust Bowl.

This is a fascinating theory, given that the 1934 drought covered 70% of the US, the Dust Bowl didn’t start until 1935, and it only covered a small area around the Oklahoma Panhandle.

So other than having everything wrong temporally and spatially, progressives did find yet another way to blame productive people for providing them with an essential commodity.

ScreenHunter_263 Jun. 23 10.48

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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22 Responses to Learning To Think Like A Progressive

  1. rah says:

    I don’t WANT to learn how to think like them. Here the dingbat is interviewed by another particularly nasty progressive who’s name I shall not write or speak and tells us what she believes to be the greatest threat to “civilization as we know it.”

  2. jjreuter says:

    This was brought up on Huff and Puff news article about ACC. They say the government fixed it by planting trees. Just FYI. The government fixed it. In case you missed it the first time. /Sarc off

  3. Toppelton Geardom says:

    Droughts are common; however, there would have been no “dust bowl” if the prairie had been left in place. Drought (natural) + bad farming practices (human) = Desertification (Dust Bowl)

    “It is a misconception that droughts cause desertification.”

  4. mjc says:

    Actually, it was the USDA that caused the ‘Dust Bowl’…the ‘best practices’ recommended by the USDA were the worst thing to do in severe drought conditions, but they were still pushed as ‘best’. The USDA iis also to blame for the introduction of the multiflora rose, kudzu among other ‘helpful’ things.

  5. Rick says:

    ‘Droughts are common; however, there would have been no “dust bowl” if the prairie had been left in place.’
    Drought was more common before the sod was busted.

  6. Brandon C says:

    Well they are kinda correct, but not in the way they are actually representing it. The farming practices back then, mostly using multiple cultivations a year, lets most of the moisture in the top bit of soil escape. Ironically, this type of farming is absolutely vital to going all organic. The farming community has gone to low disturbance farming, which is actually using chemicals for weed control, and that keep moisture in the ground and keeps some plant material to help anchor the land.

    Many places have experienced droughts as bad as the dirty 30’s since then, they have just been localised. But organic farming practices are starting to show soil drifting again in drier years. If they had all our modern practices available in the 30’s, the soil drifting would not have been as bad, but it still couldn’t have made a crop out of a drought. NO farming practices can overcome a large drought.

    • mjc says:

      One of the practices was to create a ‘dust mulch’…basically pulverize the top fraction of an inch of soil to a fine dust. It was supposed to break the capillary action between the surface and lower parts of the soil. It works…to a point. But the fine dust is one of the first things to blow away when the winds come. And the drier/finer the dust is, the easier to blow away.

      And yes, other than the abundant use of chemicals, ‘modern’ farm practices were pretty much in use in the 30’s…or at least starting out. WWII put them on ‘hold’ and they didn’t become very widespread until the 50’s.

      • Gail Combs says:

        Much of the equipment and methods used now were in use in the 1930’s the only real difference is the replacement of animal power with tractors and the size of the equipment.

        A bit of farming history:

        A History of American Agriculture 1776-1990
        1890 – 40-50 labor-hours required to produce 100 bushels (5 acres) of wheat with gang plow, seeder, harrow, binder, thresher, wagons, and horses
        1890 – Most basic potentialities of agricultural machinery that was dependent on horsepower had been discovered
        1910-15 – Big open-geared gas tractors came into use in areas of extensive farming
        1915-20 – Enclosed gears developed for tractor
        1918 – Small prairie-type combine with auxiliary engine introduced
        1910-19 – Average annual consumption of commercial fertilizer: 6,116,700 tons
        1920-29 – Average annual consumption of commercial fertilizer: 6,845,800 tons
        1920-40 – Gradual increase in farm production resulted from expanded use of mechanized power
        1926 – Successful light tractor developed

        1930-39 – Average annual consumption of commercial fertilizer: 6,599,913 tons
        1930’s – All-purpose, rubber-tired tractor with complementary machinery came into wide use
        1940-49 – Average annual consumption of commercial fertilizer: 13,590,466 tons

        • kuhnkat says:

          One question would be how much land was being worked during the 6 million tons compared to the period of 13 million tons of commercial fertilizer. The tractors allowed more acreage to be farmed.

  7. … another way to blame productive people for providing them with an essential commodity.

    … another way to blame productive people for keeping them alive.

    • Gail Combs says:

      Yeah the Soviets showed how well that worked when they killed off the Ukrainian farmers and then had to buy food from the USA because they had wiped out their knowledge base.

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