Monthly Archives: September 2014

Stay Tuned

I found out what Gavin did to make August the hottest ever. It will blow you away.

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A Closer Look At Record August Fraud From NASA

August was cool in the US, western Europe, southern Asia, parts of Siberia, Australia, Africa, South America, Antarctica and the Arctic. It was the first or second coldest summer on record north of 80N. And NASA says it was the … Continue reading

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NASA Obliterates All Records For Fake Data [CORRECTED]

[CORRECTION the graph at the bottom is incorrect. I was looking at the HUFF Post map, which showed warming since 1880, not temperature anomaly.] I speculated a few months ago that NASA and NOAA have been instructed to make 2014 the … Continue reading

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What is the difference between Islamic terrorists and global warming activists? [youtube=]

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What Part Of This Isn’t Clear?

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Life In Paradise

We are having a picture perfect day in Maryland.  This video was my drive back from the gym on Saturday afternoon, after the cold front passed. [youtube=] You might note that I live directly in line with the BWI runway. … Continue reading

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Visualizing Extreme Temperature Fraud In Wisconsin

July maximum temperatures in Wisconsin have dropped at a rate of 1.9 degrees per century since 1895, but our friends at NCDC wipe out almost all of this decline by altering the data. The adjustments are a spectacular hockey stick … Continue reading

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One Of My Favorites


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The Day The Music Died


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