Monthly Archives: September 2014

New York Times Says That Alaska Will Soon Be Like Florida

“If you do not like it hot and do not want to be hit by a hurricane, the options of where to go are very limited,” said Camilo Mora, a geography professor at the University of Hawaii and lead author … Continue reading

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Hey Ho! Eight Inches Of Permanent Drought For Katherine

Intellicast – Weekly Precipitation in United States

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Help – I Lost My Hockey Stick!

As of 1986, temperatures were among the coldest of the past 7,000 years. Thirteen years later, the hockey stick magically appeared. Crispin Tickell: Introduction.

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Understanding Ice-Free

The area of sea ice on Earth right now is about the same as the US and Europe combined.

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Climate Disaster In Maryland

The wind behind the cold front blew my Begonia over this morning.

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A Special Thanks

I wanted to thank the spider which killed nearly a dozen flies in my apartment while I was away last week. It is difficult getting good help these days.

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The 97% Consensus Forgot To Show Up

Yesterday’s march of politicians, actors, communists, and other fellow travelers was conspicuously absent of the 97% consensus of imaginary scientists which form the basis of their folklore.

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Understanding The Missing Heat

A few years ago climate experts explained the discrepancy between theory and satellite temperatures as being due to missing heat at the bottom of the sea. Climate science has advanced since then, and now they say that the missing heat … Continue reading

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Thermometer News!

NCDC tells us that improvements in temperature reading technology since 1998 require an additional 0.5F adjustments

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RFK Junior Wants To Punish Apostates To The Global Warming Religion

New York City – Environmental activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. lamented that there were no current laws on the books to punish global warming skeptics. . “I wish there were a law you could punish them with. I don’t think … Continue reading

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