Visit With A Hero

I am in Fort Collins this week and had dinner with one of my heroes last night, Bill Gray.

“The greatest scientists in history are great, precisely because they broke with the consensus.”

—Michael Crichton

Yesterday it rained all day and got up to a blistering 59 degrees F. Currently a sweltering 47F.

Some of the global warming devastation I experienced this week is pictured below. The CSU campus has been hit particularly hard.

ScreenHunter_2575 Sep. 06 08.07

ScreenHunter_2573 Sep. 06 08.04 ScreenHunter_2571 Sep. 06 08.03 ScreenHunter_2570 Sep. 06 08.02ScreenHunter_2574 Sep. 06 08.06


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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17 Responses to Visit With A Hero

  1. perdebytjie says:

    Looks like complete burnt out devastation there!

  2. Eric Barnes says:

    The campus of CSU is beautiful. I visited during a trip to Ft. Collins for a family reunion. The row of gigantic American Elms on the oval is fantastic. Hopefully they will survive blistering CO2 induced temperatures.

  3. Edmonton Al says:

    Quick…. Get out while you can…

  4. Gail Combs says:

    The worst thing that ever happened to Colorado was the influx of Progressives.

  5. omanuel says:

    Thanks, Steven aka Tony, for reminding us to celebrate the heroes that contributed positively to the welfare of science.

    There have been many in my life.

    One was Dr. Raymond Bisplinghoff, former Dean of Engineering at MIT, Member of the National Academy of Engineering and the National Science Board. He was Chancellor at UMR in 1976 and helped persuade Science magazine to publish our debate with scientists from the University of Chicago over their claim that fission of superheavy elements made the excess Xe-136 in meteorites.

    Science punished the debate in January 1978, “Strange xenon, extinct superheavy elements, and the solar neutrino puzzle.”

  6. there is no substitute for victory says:

    The next time you dine with Dr. Gray give him my regards and tell him that I sure miss his annual Spring Hurricane Forecast in the morning paper. Especially now that the funny papers have been canceled to save the editorial staffs’ jobs. Now the editorial staff write the comics instead of pay an artist to draw them, and the editors make up all the weather forecasts as well.

    Here is the most honest weather forecast ever broadcast.;_ylt=A2KLqINsFQtUAisADxv7w8QF;_ylu=X3oDMTBzZWQ1aGR0BHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDdmlkBHZ0aWQDBGdwb3MDMTI-?p=george+carlin+weather+report+on+johnny+carson&vid=c13f7729eb2c6009072d2e06e63a30a2&l=1%3A05&

  7. Chuck says:

    I just returned from Durango Co, and it was the coolest visit so far.

  8. Password protected says:

    $5/lbs for tomatoes!
    That’s madness.

    • Ernest Bush says:

      Notice it says organic at the top. I noticed they are Early Girls, indicating the need to get them ripe in the shortest time possible. They were ripening in my backyard in late May here in Yuma.

  9. Ernest Bush says:

    I have friends who spend summers south of Nederland at 9500 ft. They say it was even cooler than usual there this year. It will be interesting to see how much snow falls in Colorado this year.

    All skeptics owe a debt of gratitude to pioneers like Bill Gray. He and others took a stand with real data at a time when so many scientists were selling their souls to spend time in the glow of mainstream media and feeding at the government trough.

  10. omanuel says:

    Please convey my appreciation to Bill Gray for defending the integrity of climate science.

    He reminds me of the high school science teacher, Cecil Gray, in Wichita, KS that encouraged me to go into science in the 1950s:

  11. Tel says:

    From Wikipedia on Bill Gray:

    Gray said those who had linked global warming to the increased number of hurricanes in recent years were in error. He cites statistics showing that there were 101 hurricanes from 1900 to 1949, in a period of cooler global temperature, compared to 83 from 1957 to 2006 when the earth warmed.

    That’s amazing, someone like Bill is skeptical, but can be manipulated along with the data. From reading Steve Goddard and his detailed re-examination of the historical record, I have learned that the warmest period in the USA was between 1930 and 1940, and the warmest period in Australia was between 1900 and 1910, so actually there is a correlation between hurricanes and warming, which is exactly what you would expect from a Carnot engine. Common sense wins again… the problem was jiggered data all along. The Earth right now is cooling, and that’s why the hurricanes are less of an issue today than they once were.

    Cleaning this crap up will take generations.

  12. nigelf says:

    To have dinner with Dr. Gray is an honour indeed.

  13. Sundance says:

    Deniers are people who refuse to understand that we must destroy our way of life to pretend to save the planet.

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