15 Years Since The UN Declared The North Pole To Be Ice-Free

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Ages-Old Icecap at North Pole Is Now Liquid, Scientists Find – New York Times

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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16 Responses to 15 Years Since The UN Declared The North Pole To Be Ice-Free

  1. gator69 says:

    Scientists Discover That Ice Melts

    • Albert Gore Einstein the Third. says:

      They also found that ice isn’t water. So that means that glaciers can’t melt or that water isn’t capable of freezing. Just make my NASA climate research grant check out to Albert Gore Einstein the Third.

    • Jimbo says:

      That New York Times article later produced a CORRECTION when they were told the claims were bogus. 50 million years ago my arse. Other examples of an ice free North Pole can be seen HERE.

      New York Times – 29 August 2000
      “The fact of having no ice at the pole is not so stunning,” said Dr. Claire L. Parkinson, a climatologist at the Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. “But the report said the ship encountered an unusual amount of open water all the way up. That is reason for concern.”
      Correction: August 29, 2000, Tuesday A front-page article on Aug. 19 and a brief report on Aug. 20 in The Week in Review about the sighting of open water at the North Pole misstated the normal conditions of the sea ice there. A clear spot has probably opened at the pole before, scientists say, because about 10 percent of the Arctic Ocean is clear of ice in a typical summer. The reports also referred incompletely to the link between the open water and global warming. The lack of ice at the pole is not necessarily related to global warming.

  2. emsnews says:

    Except it isn’t melting. They still say it is melting. Your brains are melting!

    This should be used in anti-drug commercials. 🙂

  3. Gail Combs says:

    “…The last time scientists can be certain the poles were awash in water was more than 50 million years ago….”

    YEAH, Right.

    …..We therefore conclude that for a period in the Early Holocene, probably for a millenium or more, the Arctic Ocean was free of sea ice at least for shorter periods in the summer……

    …..Arctic sea ice cover was strongly reduced during most of the early Holocene and there appear to have been periods of ice free summers in the central Arctic Ocean……

    A quick background to the last ice age

    The time span of the last 130,000 years has seen the global climate system switch from warm interglacial to cold glacial conditions, and back again. This broad interglacial-glacial-interglacial climate oscillation has been recurring on a similar periodicity for about the last 900,000 years...

    Warmth. Around 130,000-110,000 years ago (the Eemian interglacial), the Earth’s climates were generally much like those of today, though somewhat warmer and moister in many regions….

    The start of the present warm phase, the Holocene. Following the sudden ending of the Younger Dryas, about 11,500 years ago (or 10,000 14C years ago), forests quickly regained the ground that they had lost to cold and aridity. Ice sheets again began melting, though because of their size they took about two thousand more years to disappear completely. The Earth entered several thousand years of conditions warmer and moister than today;….

    Goes with Al Gore’s ~ “ The interior of the earth is several millions of degrees.”

    ‘Never in the history of humanity in the last 10 million years have all human beings got together to face one danger that threatens us – never. ~ David Attenborough Sky News 1/2/2015

    The Smithsonian;
    What does it mean to be human?

    Ardipithecus ramidus

    The pelvis, reconstructed from a crushed specimen, is said to show adaptations that combine tree-climbing and bipedal activity. The discoverers argue that the ‘Ardi’ skeleton reflects a human-African ape common ancestor that was not chimpanzee-like….
    When Lived: About 4.4 million years ago

    They really must think we are dumber than a box of rocks. Either that or they are dumber than a turnip.

    • rah says:

      If it is true it jumps the chain to way back. I’ll wait for the jury on Ardipithecus ramidus

      • Gail Combs says:

        rah, that is as far back as you could possibly stretch the time line with any scientific backing at all and the beast is certainly not ‘Human’ as most people think of human. The brain would be smaller than the 500 cubic centimeters (cc) from the time when the genus homo diverged from the australopithecines about 2-3 million years ago. Modern Homo has a size of about 2,500cc.

        Homo Erectus was around from 1.8 million years ago to 300,000 years ago. The first spear dates back 350,000 years so you could possible push ‘tool using homo’ back that far. Homo
        Sapiens didn’t arrived until about 120,000 years ago, right after the Nebraskan Glacial.

        No matter what you uses as ‘Human’ on the family tree you do not get back anywhere near “10 million years” and David Attenborough as a trained geologist with access to the internet darn well should know it. He does not have the ‘dumb as a turnip’ excuse the sex poodle has.

        Note how I was able to come up with the info. with ease. Attenborough should be able to do the same.

        • rah says:

          Ok. Sometimes I write things to figure them out and learn. I find I can fit pieces together of something complex and retain it best by writing them in my own words.
          I wrote the following. How about checking it out Doc and see where I’m wrong?

          Here it is:
          History of our ever changing climate and where man fits into the geologic time scales.

          What we layman tend to call “The Ice Age” was actually just the latest of many periods of major glaciation our planet has seen. Evidence indicates that for the last 2.8 billion years of it’s existence this planet has cycled between major periods of glaciation interspersed by warmer periods. It is accepted theory that 800 million years ago during the Neoproterozoic era nearly the whole earth was covered with ice with evidence of glaciers extending into the tropical latitudes within 20 to 15 deg north of the equator. To give an idea of how far south that is if the same thing occurred today the glaciation would reach down to Miami, FL. That era is often referred to as “Snowball Earth” and it is believed that there was at least one other time and possibly more before that when the earth was virtually encased in ice.

          However the Neoproterozoic era provides no basis for determining what will happen in the near future speaking in the geologic time frames because at that time almost all the land was contained in one super-continent that has been given the name Rodinia. The oceans with their flow of warm and cold waters within and between the continents is the great modulator of earths climate and so to best determine earths more immediate future in the terms of climate in Geologic time it is best look at a time when earths land masses and thus oceans were similar to what they are today. So the last major advance of glaciation sometimes called the Wisconsin Ice Age but more properly called the Wisconsinan Glaciation because it marks the last major advance of glaciation during the current longer term Ice age which started at the beginning of the Pleistocene Epoch and which continues to this day is the “Ice Age” when the positions of the land masses on this earth were most similar to today.

          As mentioned before in the Geologic timescale for a little over the last 11,700 years or so we humans have lived in the interglacial period named the Holocene Epoch of the Quaternary period. The Wisconsinan glaciation marks the last 85,000 years or so the previous epoch of the Quaternary Period named the Pleistocene Epoch. The entire Quaternary Period is made up of the Pleistocene and Holocene Epochs. The Pleistocene Epoch spanned a period from 2,588,000 to 11,700 years ago. The entire known pre-history and history of man is encompassed in the Pleistocene and Holocene geologic Epochs.

          Most of the three ages of man from the Mesolithic period in the middle of the Stone age through the Bronze and Iron ages are encompassed by the Holocene Epoch. Though there have been no major periods of glaciation during the last 11,700 years and the majority of the Holocene has been characterized by relatively mild climatic changes with general warming and then cooling there have been variations of temperatures and climate that have had significant impacts on our history. For example the Medieval Warm Period (MWP)about AD 950 to 1250 was a time of plenty for people in Europe but was followed by what is termed as “the Little Ice Age” AD 1550 and 1850. Though this is not considered a period of major glaciation and so not truly an ice age the hard conditions it brought to much of Europe spurred social change and increased migration to the New world.

          But it seems that during the tiny speck of time in the geologic timescale in which we Homo sapiens and the majority of what are believed to be our evolutionary ancestors have existed is encompassed by this ice age. We are really evolutionary products of that Ice Age. All periods of major glaciations are characterized by lower sea levels and generally dryer conditions over most of the land mass that is not covered by glaciers because so much of the earths water is locked up in ice. It is believed that the ecological changes those dryer conditions caused are what drove our evolutionary ancestors to move from the trees to the ground and then to learn to hunt and fish in an organized way. The much higher protein diet and the eventual development of cooking that helped improve ingestion and digestion of the meat and fish allowed for the increased brain development that led to us Homo sapiens. It is believed that much of the “Behavioral modernity” of Homo sapiens that has occurred in the last 50,000 years such as the change from wondering hunter gatherers to permanent settlements, agriculture, and animal husbandry, was driven to some extent by the Wisconsin glaciation which started about 85,000 years ago and ended 11,700 years ago.

        • Gail Combs says:

          rah, that is a good round up.

          I was just trying to show there is no way you can spin Sir David Attenborough statement as any where near the truth. That means it is propaganda or he is an ignorant turnip. Either way he loses what little credibility might have.

      • Gary H says:

        @ rah . . “It is believed that much of the “Behavioral modernity” of Homo sapiens that has occurred in the last 50,000 years such as the change from wondering hunter gatherers to permanent settlements . . .”

        But what about the 9,950,000 years of human existence prior to 50K yrs ago?
        David Attenborough stated, in that piece published yesterday:

        “Never in the history of humanity in the last 10 million years have all human beings got together to face one danger that threatens us.”

        • Gail Combs says:

          This is an interesting comment:


          I was working at UEA in 2004 when this Global Warming fraud was being at its height, on a project which became the “applied psychology of climate change denial” (i.e. smearing one’s opponents). Part of the strategy to get people to fall for the fraud was to get “trusted celebrities” to endorse the “product” in order to increase its market share: Attenborough was just one of these. Of course, it was all a pseudo-scientific political fraud and all of us working on the project knew it was. The real “product” is global wealth redistribution from poor people in rich people [countries?] to rich people in poor countries. Of course, that product would never sell and would soon be spotted as a global Ponzi scheme, so it had to be “Menckened-up” by making it appear to be Planet-Saving mission which, should it fail, would destroy the planet for our grand-children. It worked for a time, but eventually all the fabricated data and bogus computer models were exposed, the reality of the 17-year “pause” or cooling became all too apparent and the fraud came crashing down, even after a desperate re-branding as “Climate Change”. What mystifies me is why Attenborough still allows his name to be associated with the fraud.

          Most of the rest of the comments are blowing raspberries at David Attenborough.

          At least the Telegraph is not censoring comments.

        • rah says:

          Ah heck I was a fan of Steve Erwin the Crocodile Hunter too and even he was on the Global Warming bandwagon until that stingray took him out.

    • Jimbo says:

      Gail, you don’t even need to go that far back.

      New York Times – May 18, 1926
      Lincoln Ellsworth of the Amundsen-Ellsworth transpolar expedition told The Associated Press here today that he saw much open water at the North Pole when he and his sixteen companions passed over it last Tuesday night in the dirigible Norge.

      Ottawa Citizen – Apr 3, 1969
      North Pole is the goal
      …While the Pole itself doesn’t move, the ice above it does – sometimes there is open water at the site and hitting the exact loca-tion is no easy chore….

      New York Times – 29 August 2000
      “The fact of having no ice at the pole is not so stunning,” said Dr. Claire L. Parkinson, a climatologist at the Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. “But the report said the ship encountered an unusual amount of open water all the way up. That is reason for concern.”

      New York Times – 29 August 2000
      Correction: August 29, 2000, Tuesday A front-page article on Aug. 19 and a brief report on Aug. 20 in The Week in Review about the sighting of open water at the North Pole misstated the normal conditions of the sea ice there. A clear spot has probably opened at the pole before, scientists say, because about 10 percent of the Arctic Ocean is clear of ice in a typical summer. The reports also referred incompletely to the link between the open water and global warming. The lack of ice at the pole is not necessarily related to global warming.

      NOAA Faqs – found 18 November 2013
      10. Is it true that the North Pole is now water?
      Recently there have been newspaper articles describing the existence of open water at the North Pole. This situation is infrequent but has been known to occur as the ice is shifted around by winds. In itself, this observation is not meaningful.

      Naval History & Heritage | U.S. Naval Institute – August 11, 2011 [1959 ???]
      USS Skate (SSN-578) Becomes the First Submarine to Surface at the North Pole
      …The date was 11 August 1958 and the Skate had just become the first submarine to surface at the North Pole….


      [89] U.S. and British sailors explore the Arctic ice cap while conducting the first U.S./British coordinated surfacing at the North Pole. The ships are, left to right: the nuclear-powered attack submarine Sea Devil (SSN-664), the fleet submarine HMS Superb (S-109) , and the nuclear-powered attack submarine Billfish (SSN-676), 18 May 1987.

  4. Keitho says:

    Except for every other time it happened. These jokers should speak to the US Navy.

  5. Eric Simpson says:

    Feel like -50°F right now.

    That’s got to feel just fine for enjoying the summer beachtime bliss, but in the winter you might want to think about going a bit north as the temperature often feels like -150°F. No kidding. And if you want to know what that feels like, so do I. But I know one thing, it can’t feel good.

  6. redc1c4 says:

    well, they are technically correct: ice is just frozen liquid, so the ice cap has always been a liquid, just not necessarily in a liquid form.

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