A Fast Start At NCDC

Our friends at the National Climatic Data Center are poised to break data tampering records again this year. Through January 28, they are fabricating more than 50% of their station data, with an average upwards adjustment of 1.0F

ScreenHunter_6520 Jan. 29 08.32

ScreenHunter_6521 Jan. 29 08.32

These numbers will go down as more raw data is received, but it shows how their data tampering algorithms are strongly biased towards creating warming. The more missing data, they more they cheat.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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35 Responses to A Fast Start At NCDC

  1. Glacierman says:

    The scam is getting harder and harder to keep propping up.

    • gator69 says:

      They are so desperate, it is a complete joke that only they do not get.

      HadCRUT4 is out. It’s another hottest year ever on record result at 0.563C above the 1961-1990 mean. That just tops the next hottest, 2010, which was 0.555C above the mean if you go by straight numbers. It makes it equal hottest once you allow for confidence ranges.”

      So by ignoring over half of the 20th century, and the past quarter century, they really have something to crow about. 😆

      • stpaulchuck says:

        I just love the way they cherry pick the base value time lines. “Continual accelerated warming since the beginning of the Industrial Age.” Which just happens to be around 1850 and THAT just happens to be the end of the Little Ice Age. So let me see… ice age, cold, not ice age, warm. Somehow that’s supposed to alarm us. Good Grief!

    • omanuel says:

      Yes, they are desperate! Big Brother is going down hard!

      1. Robert K. Wilcox, well-known author of a book on WWII’s intriguing ending recently remarked that the fact the UN was formed on 24 Oct 1945 to prevent public knowledge of the energy source that destroyed Hiroshima – the same source of energy as the Sun – is “the greatest secret of the universe”!

      2. Once society accepts the influence on human life of a pulsar only 1AU (one astronomical unit) away from Earth, that scientific fact will almost certainly induce profound changes in mental, emotional and spiritual well-being of society, as noted earlier:


  2. Andrew M. says:

    Of course, Steven. There’s a climate treaty to be signed in Paris exactly 10 months from now and the alarming warming must be delivered on schedule!

  3. Glacierman says:

    Incredible precision to be able to determine earths temp to 0.008 degrees difference from year to year. A thousandth of a degree? Please.

    I bet they couldn’t detect that level of precision at one location using the technology they have, let alone averaged out over the entire surface of the Earth. Significant Figures! Yea they actually taught that in school at one time. This is not legit science.

  4. In 5000 years, we’re going to find a guy in a glacier holding a sign saying “save us from the hottest year ever”. Any bets on 2015 being the hottest ever too? I wonder what the longest “run” of “hottest year ever” claims is. This is another good way to detect cheating.

  5. Robertv says:

    The Future of Our Free Society


  6. James Harold Thomas says:

    Honest questions here: Why do they even make the raw data available? Are we sure that new raw data hasn’t itself been tampered with? Wouldn’t it be easier for their cause if the public only saw the data they wanted us to see?.

    • Gail Combs says:

      After climategate they had no choice but to make the ‘raw data’ available. Otherwise they would have lost the war at that point.

      However from the tampering I have seen with the data at my weatherstation between the actual readings on the data and the ‘reported data’ the next day I have some doubts about the ‘Raw Data Product’ being actual raw data.

      Zeke Hausfeather of BEST said:

      ….For example, MMTS sensors tend to read maximum daily temperatures about 0.5 C colder than LiG thermometers at the same location. There is a very obvious cooling bias in the record associated with the conversion of most co-op stations from LiG to MMTS in the 1980s….
      Understanding Adjustments to Temperature Data.

      Yet notrickszone reports

      …German veteran meteorologist Klaus Hager, see here and here. The test compared traditional glass mercury thermometer measurement stations to the new electronic measurement system, whose implementation began at Germany’s approximately 2000 surface stations in 1985 and concluded around 2000.

      Hager’s test results showed that on average the new electronic measurement system produced warmer temperature readings: a whopping mean of 0.93°C warmer. The question is: Is this detectable in Germany’s temperature dataset? Do we see a temperature jump during the time the new “warmer” system was put into operation (1985 – 2000)? The answer is: absolutely!…

      So that may explain why the new MMTS near me always sees an up adjustment the next day. It was installed at a local airport built about fifteen years ago.

      Presentation of the Original Temperatures project by Frank Lansner

      As Frank said

      1. Introduction
      The number of adjustments of temperature data appears overwhelming and often undocumented. Are we facing homogenization of temperature data? Or is it “pasteurization” (= warm treatment) of temperature data?

      As a sceptic it is my opinion that we need to know for sure. I therefore started out 18 months ago collecting original temperature data and now I have started presenting the results on http://www.hidethedecline.eu

      So Frank is the one best able to answer you question at least for the European data set.

  7. mtminer says:

    I thought you might find this excerpt from a Live Science article by Becky Oskin amusing. Typical AGW Alarmist Orwellian Doublethink if you ask me. Not one but two Orwellian Doublethinks back to back.

    Surprise! Fish lurk in Antarctica’s dark underworld

    By Becky Oskin
    Published January 23, 2015
    Facebook25 Twitter37 livefyre2 Email Print

    Life at the grounding line is limited to about 33 feet of freedom between the ice and seafloor, in seawater about 28 degrees Fahrenheit. The drillers had hoped to find the outflow from Lake Whillans but saw no evidence of estuary-like brackish water, Tulaczyk said.

    The researchers also retrieved samples of the sediment and seawater, to investigate how Antarctica’s ice shelves are responding to rising ocean temperatures. Models suggest that Antarctica’s floating ice is melting from below as ocean temperatures increase. Because ice shelves hold back glaciers on land, as the shelves shrink, these flowing glaciers may speed up, boosting sea level rise by dropping ice into the ocean more quickly.

    The seawater temperature measured at the drill site was warm enough to melt ice, Tulaczyk said. “Just by measuring the seawater properties, we will be able to verify the theoretical predictions people have been making for decades now,” he said. “I think this will be the reference point for what the conditions are at grounding lines. I’m quite confident that it’s not representative of every place, but it establishes a baseline.”

  8. emsnews says:

    As sea water (which we hope to GOD isn’t freezing!) is warmer than ice…doesn’t mean ice isn’t happening. It gets colder above, the air temperature, that is, and the ice increases. But of course, they know this and if they explain that ‘warmer than freezing’ is NORMAL even during Ice Ages in Antarctica, they would get no money for further research of this obvious fact.

    I fear that if the surface ice grows enough to link up with South America, this will alter the Southern Hemisphere climate enough to cool down Australia, Southern Africa and the lower half of South America! In other words: cause a new Ice Age.

    • Gail Combs says:

      That is what I figured.

      The Antarctic Circumpolar Current ( West Wind Drift), by far the world’s strongest current, is a wind driven current. If Drake Passage is ice clogged at the tip of South America more cold water will be driven up the side of South America as the Humboldt Current.

      The Humboldt Current goes up the coast of South America and then turns west before it reaches the equator. This is part of the dynamics of ENSO and the strength of this current helps determine whether an El Nino will form. The Humbolt current “is a cold, low-salinity ocean current that flows north along the west coast of South America from the southern tip of Chile to northern Peru.” (WIKI)

      More ice around Antarctic could also affect the currents at the tip of Africa and therefore the cold water currents running up the coast of Africa. This in turn could affect the gulf stream in the Atlantic.

      These papers shows why we need to pay attention to what is happening with Antarctic sea ice and not the Arctic.

      Effect of Drake Passage on the global thermohaline circulation

      -The Ekman divergence around Antarctica raises a large amount of deep water to the ocean’ surface. The regional Ekman transport moves the up-welled deep water northward out of the circumpolar zone. The divergence and northward surface drift combine, in effect, to remove deep water from the interior of the ocean. This wind-driven removal process is facilitated by a unique dynamic constraint operating in the latitude band containing Drake Passage. Through a simple model sensitivity experiment WC show that the upwelling and removal of deep water in the circumpolar belt may be quantitatively related to the formation of new deep water in the northern North Atlantic. These results show that stronger winds in the south can induct more deep water formation in the north and more deep outflow through the South Atlantic. The fact that winds in the southern hemisphere might influence the formation of deep water in the North Atlantic brings into question long-standing notions about the forces that drive the ocean’ thermohaline s circulation.

      Research on Drakes Passage today:


      The experiments address a fundamental question of how the circulation of the ocean works. Since the global overturning circulation is apparently sensitive to wind even in regions where the ocean has eastern and western boundaries, it may be influenced by wind outside the Drake Passage latitudes. However, our results indicate that the unique geometry of the Drake Passage latitudes does make the global circulation – and perhaps the climate of the North Atlantic – especially sensitive to wind there.

      Drake Passage and palaeoclimate

      ABSTRACT: The effect of Drake Passage on the Earth’s climate is examined using an idealised coupled model. It is found that the opening of Drake Passage cools the high latitudes of the southern hemisphere by about 3°C and warms the high latitudes of the northern hemisphere by nearly the same amount. This study also attempts to determine whether the width and depth of the Drake Passage channel is likely to be an important factor in the thermal response. A deeper channel is shown to produce more southern cooling but the magnitude of the effect is not large. Channel geometry is relatively unimportant in the model because of a haline response that develops when the channel is first opened up.

      South America and Australia separated from Antarctica between 20 and 40 million years ago, isolating Antarctica and the South Pole behind a continuous band of ocean water. The palaeoceanographic record shows that this separation led to the accumulation of glacial ice on Antarctica and an abrupt cooling of the ocean’s deep water (Kennett, 1977). Both effects persist to this day. The palaeoceanographic record gives every indication that the isolation of Antarctica was a major step in climate evolution.

      Today, the band of open water around Antarctica is most restricted between the tip of South America and the Palmer Peninsula, a feature known as Drake Passage. In one of the earliest scientific papers written about the output of an ocean general circulation model, Gill and Bryan (1971) showed how a gap such as Drake Passage alters the ocean’s meridional circulation and heat transport. With Drake Passage closed, the ocean transports heat southward by moving warm water poleward near the surface. Cooling at the Antarctic margin leads to deep-water formation and the northward flow of cold water at depth. With Drake Passage open, warm upper ocean water from the north is unable to flow into or across the channel because there is no net east–west pressure gradient to balance the effect of the Earth’s rotation. The ocean’s ability to transport heat southward is thereby diminished. Cox (1989), England (1992) and Mikolajewicz et al. (1993) carried out similar experiment…..

      • emsnews says:

        Absolutely correct.

        The mystery as to why Siberia and Alaska were mainly glacier free during Ice Ages most likely is due to a warm Pacific and a very cold Atlantic matrix. I can see no other reason why this would happen.

        And it is scary to think about for we just saw Antarctica’s ice grow rapidly last winter!

        • emsnews says:

          Last ANTARCTIC winter, that is! 🙂

        • Gail Combs says:

          Remember the glacier free areas of Siberia and Alaska are called polar deserts.

          If you look at the Laurientide Glacier it follows the same pattern as the ‘Polar Vortex”

          Biota of tundra and polar barrens

          ….Upland sites are drier and have a more sparse ground cover that merges into polar desert at higher elevations or where insufficient moisture is available for plant growth. Grasses, occasional prostrate willows, and mat-forming dryas occur in patches in the uplands and are the dominant vegetation in the polar barrens.

          The true polar desert generally occurs on coastal areas fringing the Arctic Ocean and on areas of a few hundred metres elevation in the extreme High Arctic where soils have not developed and the frost-free period and soil moisture are insufficient for most plant growth. The occasional plants growing there often become established in frost cracks that capture blowing snow and finer windblown soil material.

          I was looking at a paper on the Alaska ice free corridor and the migration of animals and people. It is a very long paper (174 pages.) that summarizes the current state of information.
          Een “kort”overzicht van de indiaanse geschiedenis en het continent Amerika in vergelijking met de rest van de wereld!
          (A “short” list of [amer]Indian history and the continent of America in comparison to the rest of the world!)


          Paper includes this link:


          This passage really tickled my funny bone.

          …Pedra Furada, Brazil contains 400 prehistory sites including 340 stone walls filled with ancient paintings.  Of these only two have been excavated suggesting this date.  New remains are being found at the rate of 40 per year.  American archeologists reject these claims but French and South American archeologists, after studying the findings, concluded the site clearly establishes human presence to this date.  It is interesting to note that some North American archeologists will concede the ruins they likely date to 32,000 B.C.  This site basically kicks the chair out from under long held beliefs of the archeologist community.  Some archeologists suggest the American archeologists should write less and excavate more.

          ….More and more researchers suggest America was peopled likely before 50,000 B.C. An interglacial period when the world is warmer than today and the sea levels are twenty feet lower than today.  Many believe this is an ideal period for the colonization of America.  Linguists agreed by saying it would be most likely that this is the Early Migration to America based on language variations in America….

          The passages are short with good photos and drawings.
          These are a couple of examples:

          21,000 B.C.  
          According to long held scientific theory, Alberta is covered with continent sized ice sheets from glaciations.  This is not supported by facts.  Gravel pits near Edmonton, Alberta reveal that during this time the area is teeming with wildlife.  One gravel pit yielded 900 bones.  An extinct giant bear, a North American lion, mastodon, wolves, giant bison, cow sized ground sloth, camel and herds of horses.  Some believe the ice age didn’t affect this area until after 20,000 B.C. based on the analysis of these bones.

          16,000 B.C.  
          Maximum glaciations and sea levels are four hundred and twenty-five feet below present levels and maximum glaciations in America as far south as thirty-nine degrees north.  The Great Lakes are completely covered with ice.  Barren polar deserts covered the dry northern latitudes of Siberia and Alaska.  Huge zones of desert occupied more than half the earth’s surface between latitudes thirty degrees north and south.
          Ocean levels were a staggering 140 meters (460 feet) below current ocean levels.  Since 50,000 B.C. to about 6,000 B.C. ocean levels have been on average 40 meters below current levels.  
          Genetic study suggest Cro-Magnon man likely arrived 16,000 to 19,000 B.C. in America from Spain.  During this same period Caucasian genes arrived central American and can be found among the Aztec People.  Cro-Magnon man is blood type 0 and rhesus negative.  This is the same as found in the Basque and Irish People.  These people commonly have curly reddish brown hair and green eyes.  Peru have red haired Caucasian mummies.

  9. lance says:

    Paris….need we say more?!!

  10. AndyG55 says:

    I bet they are cursing big time that USCRN was installed.

    They are obviously now using all this “invented” data to match to USCRN, which actually has a cooling trend since it was installed (about -0.04F/yr by my calcs)


    This cooling in the US, is probably the reason that Gavin et al had to go manic with Paraguay, and Reykjavik etc, and probably many others that haven’t been found out yet.

    He had to get some warming from somewhere.!

  11. Dave N says:

    Hmmm.. I’m thinking they’ll be replacing a bunch of “E”s as time goes on. If not, this becomes way beyond a joke.

    • MrX says:

      They would only do this if they’ve “lost the battle”. They think this is a political war. About ideology. The numbers don’t matter to them. The fact that they’re this deliberate means that it’s game over. They know it’s a lie and things are getting worse for their ideology.

  12. stpaulchuck says:

    why is this not page one of every media outlet?? If the public saw this there’d be pitchforks and torches across the land I guess. In particular the White Hut would have to back off their protection racket run for their buddies in the Middle East.

  13. chick20112011 says:

    Steve, I’d like to hear your thoughts on this.
    phys dot org headline (University of Arizona, cough, research)

    “Iceland rises as its glaciers melt from climate change”

    um, Volcano erupting, many Volcanoes and plate tectonics with rifting going on. The lifting is
    being blamed on melting glaciers due to climate change.

  14. emsnews says:

    HAHAHA…that little island is growing fast! Due 100% to volcanic activity. These ‘climate’ people are insane and if any geologists are saying this ‘melting glacier’ tripe, it is beyond insane, it is criminal.

  15. Eliza says:

    Thisis what senator Wickersaid at the senate vote “Climate Change”to substantiate his denial:

    “I believe the climate has changed numerous times over the course of history and that these changes have happened naturally,” he told McClatchy. “To the extent that there has been some warming over the past century, I do not think it was caused by human activity”.

    Guess who was right? The other 99% of democrat and republican idiots or him?

    Read more here: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2015/01/25/254204/mississippis-wicker-unabashed.html#storylink=cpy

    Ther has been no significant climate change in our lifetime and probably not in the previous or previous generation.. He is correct

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