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Diet Plan Update
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Turkey: Governor restricts lift use to fight obesity
Dursun Ali Sahin, governor of the western province of Edirne, wants people to take the stairs as part of a campaign against obesity, the Daily Sabah website reports. The only buildings exempt from the ban will be hospitals and nursing homes, but people who can’t take the stairs for medical reasons will also be excused, the website reports. “Taking the stairs instead of elevators can add an extra day to your life,” says Mr Sahin, adding that he intends to make the ban apply to private buildings in the future. “This is a move to promote better health. Moreover, it will help to cut energy costs.” Lift supervisors will be posted in public buildings to make sure the new rules are enforced, Mr Sahin says.
Just preparing themselves to join the EU.
R.I.P. Europe.
Seen on the internet:
ELEVATOR SHAMING and Ableism: Why Pro-Stairs Health Campaigns Kind Of Suck
“I am TOTALLY trying to make “elevator shaming” happen, you guys. This is going to be the next big shameful thing.”
Seen at Blue Cross Blue Shield building:
About time those of us who are elderly or disabled start screaming DISCRIMITATION!!!!
I am da…m sick and tire of the government and the PC crowd ‘deciding’ what is ‘best’ for me. Helmets, seatbelts, spanking our kids, drugging our children in school without parental permission, no smoking even in our own cars and now elevators?
This is the reason for the pro illegal immigrant stance. The US has a population that is aging fast. However the solution is legal immigration and vetting of the immigrants as well as continued employment of those over 45.
I want to work and planned on doing so however no one will hire if one is over 50.
We also found that out the hard way.
Worse the US government killed off the independent contractors by changing the rules to ‘Protect Us’ Now Kelly or a twin hires out a contractor for the wage you used to pocket ($60 to $100/hr) and pays you $10 -$30/hour. On top of that you can no longer take deductions like car/milage/office… because you are an ’employee’ In return you get ‘insurance’ that you find never actually reimburses your medical expenses. – Such a great deal. — for Kelly the 2nd largest employer in the USA after the US government.
Uhhhhhhhhhh, 68 and still working. Cheap labor rate, but it buys my adult beverages and cigars. Plus, it keeps me out of the house and sane.
That is why we have a small business. Pays for my trucks and fuel and that’s about it. Also keeps us active and healthy. We have considered ‘retiring’ and just can’t see doing so.
I retired from my company at age 66 plus a few months. Today, at 71, I’m busier than I was before retirement. I’m not being reimbursed for what I do, but it keeps my mind fresh and I’m healthier than I was at retirement.
You don’t suppose the Crispy Cream Christy is trying to garner Texas votes in 2016, do you?
Associating with Jerry Jones ought to be an automatic disqualification.
I saw that. Could not believe Jerry J had such bad judgement.
Then again – he is sticking with Tony Romo…….. 😀
I don’t mind the government telling me how many calories are in my food. I do mind them telling me what I can and cannot eat. I find that I am much happier if I make the decision on what to eat (or anything else) and either succeed or fail based on my choices as opposed to the government telling me what to do and I fail or succeed based on their choice.
Since the government can’t make 315,000,000 choices a hundred times a day; I would suggest that the government is incompetent in making choices for me or for anyone else in this country.
The government just gives it’s citizens more reasons to bitch about the bureaucrats in charge because when they do make decisions those affected by the decisions aren’t going to be happy.
To the government I say: Stay out of my life as much as possible!
Except the problem is a government that forces the manufacturer to provide all that data whether they want to or not and we, the consumer, pay for the testing, QC, printing etc. that goes along with that mandate.
I do mind the government spending our money on telling us how many calories are in our food.
I do find some support in musty old documents:
On the other hand, I am sophisticated enough to know that I am a troglodyte and I recognize the other side of the argument:
What Did the Founding Fathers Eat?
Wrong question! How did these old white men even know what to eat? They worried about trivial antiquated things like their sacred honor and their rebellion against the King but they did not deal with real life and death questions like getting proper nutritional guidelines from Lord North and his people at Downing Street!
James Madison, remarks on the House floor, debates on Cod Fishery bill, February 1792
Thomas Jefferson, On the Size of Government, To William Ludlow, September 6, 1824
Lady Anne Speke North and Queen Charlotte had similarly refrained from issuing nutritional rules for the King’s subjects, an apocryphal instruction of Queen Marie Antoinette of France notwithstanding.
The Jets and the Giants actually play in NJ, but neither one made it to the playoffs…
I do recall a movie “Lady in Red”, its sounds much sexier than “CC in Red”
FWIW if you go to France and use Airbnb, make sure you dont end up on the 5th floor with no elevator. There was a study done in Boston years ago of ladies who lived over 100, most had lived on the 3rd floor of a brownstone..
Idiot Christie parroting the leftist talking points on
global warmingclimate change and saying we need to “defer to the experts” years after Climategate had exposed these supposed “experts” as ideologically driven leftists that are manipulating the data to dupe the public:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPxDnb2-aVI&info=ChristieOnClimateChange
Is vomiting your diet plan?
Not by choice, but it may be if Christie gets the GOP nomination in 2016.
Dr. Ben Carson for President!
I thought Christie was running for the Democratic nomination….
Survival of the fattest.
The way our country is going you may have a point there.
First, I eat this black guy, then I eat these two white guys.
Dinner Party Planning: How Much Meat Per Person?
Mmm, let me think here. Most people probably have a 75lb skeleton hiding in there (women closer to 60lb). Another 30lb of viscera (though some of that is edible). So the Graf Christie up there is probably 300lb of extremely-well marbled meat.
I sure hope he doesn’t smoke.
Why not, Long pig smoked = Ham & Bacon
Well, I’ve smelled my own roasting flesh once or twice, which is why I know I’d taste pretty awesome, but I’ve heard tell that cannibals tend to avoid tobacco smokers because it imparts in unpleasant taste to the meat.
I’d prefer to get it right the first time, especially if I’m going to be preparing 300+ lbs of the stuff.
Quite the backstrap, I’d guess 😉
After years of trying alternative plans, I’ve finally hit on one that works. I call it the “Naked and Afraid” plan … which basically means not eating. If anyone would like more details see below: