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That’s not a rifle scope. It’s Joe Romm and Professor Parncutt looking for talent. You know, for the next denier job.
Good to see that everyone’s got access to assault weapons!
Yeah weird huh? You would think France would have some kind of law…
An “assault weapon” is anything used to assault someone. It is a term that has zero technical meaning. It is a politically flexible term; a Progressive dog whistle intended to sound scary for propaganda purposes. If I hit someone with a 4′ long yellow pine 2×4, that chunk of lumber has become an “assault weapon.”
A Brown Bess with a bayonet was an assault weapon, and a nasty one at that.
And has surely killed more Americans than all the AR-10/15 and M4/16 pattern rifles combined.
Not if you hit a liberal over the head. No damage done.
I just saw an excuse for those in political power to even take more freedom away. You would nearly think this is a Sandy Hook II. Politicians don’t like critical press that they can’t control.
The only things we’ve heard about Mourad Hamyd from official sources was that he is 18 years old – and that he apparently turned himself in to authorities tonight.
In Charleville-Mezières, students from Lycee Monge and the surrounding community have been tweeting with the hashtag #MouradHamydInnocent. Many of them also changed their names on Twitter to replicate the hashtag
Translation: What is this madness, the Mourad Hamyd was with me this morning.
Translation: Mourad Hamyd wrongly accused, he was in class at the time of the facts, his classmates can attest !!
Basically we are supposed to believe that 2 (or 3) muslims meticulously planned a mass murder (complete with an illegal weapons cache and a list of targets)… wore masks to hide their identity… and brought their ID’s (and “accidentally left their ID’s in the car”) ??
Finally a martyr on our side!
I think the 3rd person who has given himself in should be given the benefit of the doubt. Let the French police see how much he knew. It seems odd he would be in school when it happened if he was in on it all, but he could have been. Or else they cut him out of the picture.
Anyhow, this is interesting
One of the two Paris policemen killed by Islamist gunmen on Thursday has been named as Ahmed Mourabet, a Muslim, believed to be of Moroccan origin.
These people do not care on religion, they care about power and their version of what is right.
Notice how it’s mainly young men? As it has been throughout history…..
Step back and look at it from the point of view of those at the top.
It is really a great way to get rid of not only some of your enemies but also the young hotheads that might later threated your position. Convince them that there is much glory to be had and a big reward waiting for them on the other side of death. It wipes out a lot of the less desirables and leaves more women for the rest.
Even better you can claim to have nothing to do with them. “Not me man. I am a moderate….” Until you find your wife divorcing you or you find your daughter has become too ‘westernized then you cut her head off.
They’ve been promised 72 virgins – but that doesn’t mean they’re human females..
Animals! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-IqGUGzJoo
Now they are going to force you into sensitivity training Tony,
Darn it, you owe me a new cup of tea and a clean monitor!
Oh, this is just too delicious.
Seems no one warned de Blasio to beware what you ask for you just might get it!
Our buddies at the New York Times have already printed this a few weeks ago:
The “broken windows” policing strategy:
In case you do not remember NYC found if they went after the turnstile jumpers they caught the perpetrators of much more serious crimes. Giuliani was the mayor at the time. link
Well the police have given the Blacks and the Mayor EXACTLY what he asked for.
As far as the Mayor not being responsible, seems that is a matter of opinion
Unfortunately two more NYPD officers have been shot. Plainclothes New York City police officers were shot Monday night while responding to a robbery in the Bronx.
At the Holland Tunnel this morning a black criminal thug drug dealer with a long arrest record tried to run over several cops there while driving a very expensive car.
PS: He wasn’t shot. The thugs who I fought personally for years ( and this is how I got to know Giuliani back in early 1981 when he was a Federal investigator!) are back on the rampage now.
They don’t want any stinking law enforcement they want the good old days of the 1970’s when they ruled NYC brutally and crime was through the roof.
MY folks left NYC and moved to Upstate New York because my father, who had started a Union, was threatened by the Union Mobsters who wanted to come in and take over control of the union. Dad who was very well liked and therefore favored by the union members for leader was told get out of town or you and your family are dead. So we moved.
This is one of them that Mom mentioned she knew. I can not remember the others. One was a next door neighbor whose kid tried to kill my brother.
As I said de Blasio is getting what he asked for.
Bill Bratton is the New York City Police Commissioner and is caught between the cops and the mayor so he blames the media.
If their point is to show the world that it’s a very old ancient religion….
practiced by barbaric backward people…
..and that neither has a place in the modern world
100% success!
No the goal is intimidation just like that of all bullies.
Today the highly stupid Leftists are aiding and betting these bullies unlike President Jefferson who kicked their butt because of the high tributes demanded by the Barbary states and because they were seizing American merchant ships and enslaving the crews for high ransoms.
Reagan also dealt swiftly and sharply with the bullies.
You would have though the lessons from those time would have been learned on both sides.
If you wish you could lay the blame directly on the Rockefellers. In 1933 Saudi Arabia gave Standard Oil of California (The Rockefellers) exclusive rights to explore for oil. Socal formed the California Arabian Standard Oil Co. to drill for oil in Saudi Arabia and so the USA became tied to middle east and it’s oil. This is the type of ‘interdependence’ the Globalists like Clinton, Al Gore and David Rockefeller love.
The Rockefeller’s were also behind the anti-nuclear power efforts of Greenpeace, Sierra Club, Union of Concerned Scientists, and the Environmental Defense Fund.” Given their investment in oil, that is not hard to understand. The last thing the Rockefellers would want was a USA not dependent on their middle east oil. So the seeds sown in 1933 and encouraged by the 1970s anti-nuclear power movement leads us to the problems in the middle east today and the problems as the Muslims move into Europe and the America’s. Again thanks to the Left’s ‘Multiculturalism idiocy.
It is tough to find the fingerprints of the Rockefeller’s on the anti-nuclear power organizations. But if you bother to look they are there. (I didn’t keep my links when looking into this years ago so no doubt _Jim will call me nut again… Of course even with links he calls me nuts.)
This is about nuclear weapons but gives a glimpse. It is in ‘Swans’ “a co-operative and collegial effort” formed by Gilles d’Aymery “Aymery is a long-time advocate of policies that promote cooperation (in opposition to competition), equal allocation and sharing of created wealth entailing redistribution of revenues, collective decision-making on the control of resources (both input and output), and “underconsumptionism” to mitigate growing human-made ecological mayhem…. born in 1950 in France… Aymery has worked in the international oil & gas industry, moved to the U.S. in 1982, eventually changed course to become a computer consultant to small US businesses…”
Definitely not a right wing blog.
Don’t see the connection between big oil and nuclear power. Very few power plants utilized oil to make electricity, so as a conspiracy theory it doesn’t hold up. Big coal would have been a far more likely source to oppose nuclear power back in the day.
The error was not going forward with thorium reactors because they do not produce much bomb making material. So the DoD was against thorium reactors, which we proved up back in the 1960’s, and are being talked about again. DoD wanted a steady supply of bomb making material thus the type of reactors we built.
I agree the error was in not developing thorium. The Chinese are correcting that.
“Don’t see the connection between big oil and nuclear power.”
Much of the connection was because the Rockefellers are globalists. Also you can turn coal into gasoline or oil if you have the cheap electric. Richard S.Courtney has done work in England for one process. The Germans had done the same during WWII.
Also as far as Middle East, Do not forget the Natural Gas (for heating) associated with the oil. http://www.geoexpro.com/articles/2010/01/the-qatar-oil-discoveries
Most people forget the Rockefellers owned coal too. SEE: Ludlow Massacre, April 20, 1914 When the Rockefellers actually got out of coal is hard to tell because of the problem of ‘holding companies’ and ‘in name only.’ and all the scuttlebut floating around.
The biggest connection is Malathusian beliefs in the population explosion and that humanity must not be allowed to advance.
“A massive campaign must be launched to de-develop the United States. De-development means bringing our economic system into line with the realities of ecology and the world resource situation.” —Dr. Paul Ehrlich, Anne Ehrlich, and Dr. John Holdren, Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment, 1970, p. 323
“Giving society cheap, abundant energy would be the equivalent of giving an idiot child a machine gun.” —Dr. Paul Ehrlich, Anne Ehrlich, and Dr. John Holdren, Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment, 1970, p. 323
Here is a connection to the Rockefellers:
The event is tragic, but not making much news is the fact that in the Middle East children are beheaded if they do convert to Muslim, Thousands of Christians are killed in horrible ways.
Yes, all lives matter. but I have less compassion when they die as a result of the crimes they have committed.
Saddam and Assad both protected Christians and other minorities before the NATO/US/Israel attempts at overthrowing them.
Hitler also treated Jews more humanely before Allied attempts at overthrowing him. This whole dictator overthrowing business …
And if Herschel Grynszpan didn’t provoke the Nazis by shooting at them it could have been even more humane.
Why did the Nazis treatment of the Jews change from 1939-45?
Saddam “protected” Christians?
Saddam killed on average 20,000 of his people a month. He, his sons and his henchmen would pull young girls out of their schools to be brought to rape houses. He din’t particularly target Christians but I think to imply he was some kind of “good guy” who the U.S. simply decided to target one day is stupid and bizarre not to mention ignorant of the facts. If Saddam was still in power, still killing 20,000 of his countrymen every month I assume you would remain quiet about his crimes and be good with it. One of Saddam’s personal favorite way to torture/kill his enemies was to use a giant chpper designed to turn wood waste into mulch. He would suspend the poor Iraqi citizen by his arms and slowly lower him into the machine that removed his fleash and bones an inch or two at a time. What was the great crime that engendered such a severe punishment? Being the wrong sect of the muslim religion or owning land that one of Saddam’s henchmen wanted or the very worst crime possible; complaining about Saddam’s henchmen taking his daughter for special treatment to a rape house (colloquially known as an Iraqi date). This is the Saddam that you rise to defend. Yes I know it isn’t your intent to defend Saddam and that your real goal was to insult and diminish the U.S.
There seems to be a compassion, from the left, for tyrants who do not target specific groups of people. That is why Stalin is idolized and Hitler villianized.
Read all the hand-wringing in the big media about this terror act. The usual nonsense about censorship, about a ‘backlash’ against Mohammedans, yada yada. Pathetic.
Now that the only true bastion that stood against Mohammedism throughout history, that dared to fight it, that saved Europe on several occasions from it, has been vastly weakened, into that vacuum comes Jihad. And America has the doors wide open for Mohammedan immigrants.
Meanwhile, the French scholars at the NYT translate, “Je ne te tue pas car tu es une femme et on ne tue pas les femmes, mais tu dois te convertir à l’islam, lire le coran et te voiler” as “Don’t be afraid, calm down, I won’t kill you. You are a woman. But think about what you’re doing. It’s not right.”
Funny. Something is missing there.
Stark, you are making more out of it than is there.
It seems Liz Aldermanjan, Laure Fourquet and Karine Granier-Denfert of the New York Times just heard it differently than the journalists at L’Express and Radio France Internationale.
The brothers were simply gallant and old-fashioned, with a touch of sexist contempt. Just like your typical American conservative.
True, that’s why they corrected it from their original translation of, “I’m not going to kill you because you’re a woman, we don’t kill women, but you must convert to Islam, read the Quran and cover yourself[.]” without noting that they’d changed the text of their own article.
Exactly. They fixed it. They put their focus on the real problem:
The killers didn’t show professional respect to the Charlie Hebdo female staff. They only wanted to deal with the men.
Just wait—they will now go after these brothers for their sexism, big time. These terrorists will never again dare pissing off the New York Times.
Scumbag was running toward that poor cop at the time. You need to lead him just a tiny smidgen to the right.
Bill Donahue, of the Catholic League. has this take:
“Killing in response to insult, no matter how gross, must be unequivocally condemned. That is why what happened in Paris cannot be tolerated. But neither should we tolerate the kind of intolerance that provoked this violent reaction.”
Suffice it to say that I disagree.
I was in Boston when the good Irish Catholics were sending money to Ireland to buy bullets.
If I were the Catholic church I would be keeping a low profile on this.