Progressives say they are against regime change, which is why they have tried to destabilize and overthrow almost every leader in the Middle East and a few in Asia over the past six years.
Disrupting the Borg is expensive and time consuming!
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- Yonason on “Fascist Salute”
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Reblogged this on Gunny.G: BLOGGING.BAD ~ ORWELL '84+.
When Obama pledged to “fundamentally transform America” he didn’t bother to describe his vision for America. It has been left to us to infer that vision from his actions and words. Some cling to an imagined common purpose, but it is becoming increasingly clear that U.S. citizenship does not make him “American.”
Reblogged this on Gunny.G: BLOGGING.BAD ~ ORWELL '84+.
Jesuit motto
“Give me a child until he is seven and I will give you the man”
Obama is what he was raised to be a hater of the USA and a Communist sympathizer who wants to over throw this country from the inside.
The sanitized version from the Democrats:
The Jesuits were only borrowing wisdom…
“Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the man.”
-Aristotle, ‘The Philosophy of Aristotle’
well that puts an end to the conventional wisdom of “creeping socialism” .
How about a groomed communist?
And two more years because no one will impeach him.
It appears that Stanley Ann left Mr. Soetoro because he was working for an “evil” oil firm; they had many arguments about this, and little Barry was sent back in part because of this conflict. I suspect that the stepfather was a reasonable fellow — but his influence was intentionally minimized.
==============/ Keith DeHavelle
One of these days your sense of humor is going to get you in trouble.
World leaders know how important they are.
Obama is yesterday’s news. He is the lamest of lame ducks.
I think he is actually quite dangerous at this point. He has nothing to lose and he can stick it to whoever he likes and advance any agenda without worrying about tomorrow.
I think Obama will eventually be recognized as a Traitor. Yesterday may not have been soon enough to avoid calamity.