“Peace For Our Time”


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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34 Responses to “Peace For Our Time”

  1. Moderate Muslims at a 2013 Peace Conference *) in Norway, speaker Fahad Qureshi **):

    0:54 “These are general views that every Muslim actually has, every Muslim believes in these things. Just because they are not telling about it, just because they are not out there in the media doesn’t mean they don’t believe in them.”

    1:08 “So I will ask you, everyone in the room, how many of you are normal Muslims, you are not extremist, you are not radical, just normal Sunni Muslims, please raise your hands?”

    “Everybody, M? sh?? All?h!”

    1:52 “How many of you agree that the punishments described in the Quran and the Sunnah whether it is death, whether it is stoning for adultery, whatever it is, if it is from Allah and His Messenger, that is the best punishment ever possible for humankind and that is what we should apply in the world. Who agrees with that?”

    “Allahu Akbar!”


    *) The conference was held to fight misconceptions about Islam.

    **) We found another excellent Nobel Peace Prize candidate. He doesn’t have to travel far to receive the prize. Fahad Qureshi studied engineering in Norway and lives there.

    • omanuel says:

      Thanks for the video!

    • emsnews says:

      Go to any Christian conference and the answers would be nearly identical. Or any orthodox/right wing Jewish conference. They all worship the same god.

      • gator69 says:

        Same god? 😆

        “However, Christians and Muslims have two different views of what the final matter is. Both views of the end, however, cannot be true since they are diametrically opposed to each other. The Muslim Jesus descends and converts the world to Islam, kills the Jews, breaks crosses, declares himself a Muslim and gets married. He dies after 40-years.”

        Does that sound like the same god Christians and Jews follow? You have no idea what you are speaking of, Islam is diametrically opposed to Christianity and Judaism, on purpose.

        • John West says:

          Yes, same God. God of Abraham.

          You’re confusing the Messiah with God. The differences between the three religions center on Jesus not God. Christians believe Jesus to be the Messiah and that the Messiah is the sacrifice for their sins. Most Jews still await the Messiah. (There are Messianic Jews that accept Jesus as Messiah but still remain true to Jewish Law and Tradition to various degrees, but it is a numerically minor subset). In the Quran Jesus is ‘the one who holds my soul in his hands’ (from memory so consider that a paraphrase) and is the Messiah but Messiah means something more akin to great prophet rather than savior.

          The point of the post is that Muslims must be the ones that stop Muslims from committing atrocities. It’s not what the majority of Muslims believe that counts it’s what the majority of Muslims are willing to put a stop to. Who stopped Christians from enslaving Africans? Other Christians. Who stopped Christians from massacring Native Americans? Other Christians. Who stopped Christians from slaughtering Jews? Other Christians. Who stopped Christians from organized oppression of non-whites? Other Christians.

          See the pattern?

        • gator69 says:

          I see you are unfamiliar with Islam.

          So, the same God that sent his son to teach us to love one another, turned around and told Mohammad to kill nonbelievers including followers of his son.

          Makes perfect sense. 😆

        • John West says:

          Actually, I am familiar with Islam. You’re mixing points of view to induce ludicrousness. From the Christian POV the same God that tested Abraham’s faith sent his own Son to save us. From the Muslim POV the same God that tested Abraham sent the “correct word” (so to speak) to Mohammad and never (ever) sent any “son” as He doesn’t have offspring. Throughout much of the Quran God is described in much the same way as in the Bible. Certainly, you realize there are Biblical passages and even commandments that no sane modern Christian would endorse following. Similarly modernizing Islam is the challenge of Western Civilization as both attempts at eradication and containment have proved to be unsuccessful. While Christianity is rather malleable, adjusting to and absorbing other cultural traditions and even religious practices, Islam is more rigid and less likely to accommodate schisms. It’s not so much that Islam is incompatible with Christianity (although you’re right that it is), it’s that Islam is incompatible with Western Civilization. Regardless of the belief or doubts of its members, Christianity (as well as many other religions) works on a secular level as a philosophy that is compatible with modern (Western) civilization. I believe such a transformation of Islam is underway, there are Muslims comfortable in modern society, but it is in its infancy. How do you instill Western Civilization values of individualism such as freedom of religion, freedom of speech, free press, etc. coupled with an overriding directive to not violate the rights of others (compatible with the Golden Rule) to people entrenched in a set of values where honor (or heresy) can trump an individual’s right to life? I don’t know, but I hope it happens sooner rather than later.

          BTW: Modern Environmentalism is similarly incompatible with Western Civilization.

        • gator69 says:

          John, I cannot for the life of me see how you missed the point. Hand waving does not change the fact that “Allah” instructed Mohammad to kill anyone who refused to follow him, anyone who followed Christ or was a Jew. So the “God of Abraham” instructed his prophet to kill his chosen people and the followers of his son. Do you understand how ridiculous that is?

          Many tyrants have donned the veil of religion to sway the masses.

          Jesus taught us to love one another.

          Mohammad taught his followers to kill Christians and Jews.

          Is any of this sinking in?

        • John West says:

          Its ridiculousness depends on your point of view. If you don’t believe Jews are God’s chosen people or that Christians follow His Son and that these are actually such false doctrines as to condemn those lured by it to their destruction then it’s not so ludicrous for the God of Abraham to instruct Mohammad to destroy them, just as the God of Abraham told Jews to destroy the inhabitants of Canaan.

        • gator69 says:

          So you are fine with a bipolar god. Got it.

          You really have no clue what I am talking about.

      • You bring up a good point, emsnews. Catholicist terrorism is on the rise and Catholic priests are calling for the death of non-believers. Here is an example of their writings:

        People know the consequences: Opposing view

        By Józef Mojzyla 3:43 p.m. EST January 8, 2015

        Why did France allow the tabloid to provoke Catholics?

        Contrary to popular misconception, Catholicism does not mean peace but rather means submission to the commands of God alone. Therefore, Catholics do not believe in the concept of freedom of expression, as their speech and actions are determined by divine revelation and not based on people’s desires.

        Although Catholics may not agree about the idea of freedom of expression, even non-Catholics who espouse it say it comes with responsibilities. In an increasingly unstable and insecure world, the potential consequences of insulting Jesus Christ are known to Catholics and non-Catholics alike.

        Catholics consider the honor of Jesus Christ to be dearer to them than that of their parents or even themselves. To defend it is considered to be an obligation upon them. The strict punishment if found guilty of this crime under Church Law is capital punishment implementable by a Catholic State. This is because Jesus Christ said, “Whoever insults me kill him.”

        However, because the honor of Jesus Christ is something which all Catholics want to defend, many will take the law into their own hands, as we often see.

        Within liberal democracies, freedom of expression has curtailments, such as laws against incitement and hatred.

        The truth is that Western governments are content to sacrifice liberties and freedoms when being complicit to torture and rendition — or when restricting the freedom of movement of Catholics, under the guise of protecting national security.

        So why in this case did the French government allow the magazine Charlie Hebdo to continue to provoke Catholics, thereby placing the sanctity of its citizens at risk?

        It is time that the sanctity of Jesus Christ revered by up to one-third of the world’s population was protected.

        Józef Mojzyla is a radical Catholic priest in London and a lecturer in Church Law.


    • Pete J. says:

      I heard on the TV that the difference between and radical and moderate Muslim is the radical muslim wants to blow you up and a moderate muslim wishes a radical muslim will blow you up.

  2. Gail Combs says:

    One of the commenters on WUWT who lived in the UK mentioned he was in a high back booth. A Muslim from work who he considered a friend came in with a bunch of other Muslims.

    The conversation the Muslims had among themselves was a real eye opener. He has not spoken to the guy since.

  3. gator69 says:

    Muslims clerics will tell you that the Quran forbids the killing of innocents. But press them on what an ‘innocent’ is, and you will find it is not anything other than a devout Muslim.


  4. catweazle666 says:

    There are no ‘moderate’ Muslims, there are impatient Muslims and patient Muslims.

    The foundation of their seventh century cult is the eventual global imposition of Dar al-Islam – the ‘House of Submission’ NOT ‘peace’ as it is wrongly named – over Dar al-Harb – the House of War, ie everyone but (some) Muslims.

    Some are prepared to wait, some aren’t.

    But each and every one of them believes in the utter submission – or death – of all kufir, infidel or whatever.

    The seventh century cult of Islam is demonstrably utterly incompatible with twenty-first century socially liberal civilisation, sooner or later this matter must be addressed, whatever the price.

    The longer we leave it, the messier it will be, and this coming war is one we cannot afford to lose.

  5. Ralph Wolsey says:

    The Strategy of Tension is alive and well, and it wasn’t invented by the Arabs. Operation Gladio comes to mind on how to fake an event to create the tension you desire to keep everybody hating the wrong people and groups.

  6. Tel says:

    I notice a whole bunch of world leaders marched for peace recently in France. Some of those were Muslim, I believe Mahmoud Abbas was there in the front row.

    Turned into a big photo op, big on publicity, low on sincerity. The same leaders claiming the sanctity of freedom of speech are back home writing more rules and regulations, and finding ways to muzzle journalists. I don’t trust any of them. Merkel is probably best of a bad lot.

    • Tel says:

      I think Obama must have had golf that day, or perhaps a fundraiser, bake sale or something like that.

      Dunno if I should applaud his lack of obvious hypocrisy, or be worried that he doesn’t even bother pretending any more.

  7. Chris Barron says:

    On the day of the attacks, Breivik electronically distributed a compendium of texts entitled 2083: A European Declaration of Independence, describing his far-right militant ideology.[11][12][13][14] In them, he lays out a worldview encompassing Islamophobia, support for “far-right Zionism”[11] and opposition to feminism.[15][16] The texts call Islam and Cultural Marxism “the enemy”, argue for the violent annihilation of “Eurabia” and multiculturalism and advocate deportation of all Muslims from Europe based on the model of the Beneš decrees.[17][18]

    77 dead.
    It’s all to do with god, apparently

    Belief in god/gods is a serious problem and needs to be eradicated from modern culture, I can’t think of a religion which has not massacred non-believers of their god flavour at some point.

    I was nearly murdered once by a christian who tried to bore me to death with stories of heaven and redemption, soon after they died in a car accident….no doubt, that pleased them

  8. Chris Barron says:

    Don’t die of ignorance, cure yourself of religion.

    • Daavid A says:

      yea, Chris, let the world pretend a “religion” is the problem, reject religion, and start statist communistic central power and sans religion we will have utopia.

      Oh crap, what happened? …we did already do that… what, how many dead by democide? (death by government) Well over 100 million, brutal mass torture, starvation, slaughter like nothing ever seen.

      I am so glad we blamed religion, instead of the dark side of human nature.

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