Gavin didn’t like all that cooling from 1940 to 1980 in Iceland, so he simply made it disappear.
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The entire consensus geologic history of planet Earth is fraudulent.
It accreted heterogeneously
It never completely melted
The iron (Fe) core formed first
See: “The noble gas record of the terrestrial planets”, Geochemical Journal 15, 247-267 (1981).
You are wrong Omanuel. Planet Earth, like the other planets, condensed from a gas nebula at the solar abundance (98% H and He), and the rocky iron cores formed in the middle of each planet, then when the Sun ignited, the H and He were blown away from the 4 inner planets by solar wind, leaving the cores behind. The cold accretion theory is just pure idiocy.
Ouch! Mr. wRight. That was a bit harsh! Did you even read the reference supplied by Dr. Manuel? Right up front he states, “The elemental and isotopic composition of the primitive nebula represents an average of all previous galactic nucleosynthesis events (UREY, 1954; SUESS and UREY, 1956; BURBIDGE et al., 1957; REYNOL DS, 1967). ” And where do you think the heavier elements came from?? Sounds like you are attacking the man instead of his ideas. Hardly scientific discourse regardless of the actual truth of the matter. I think what Dr. Manuel is saying is that the solar system is a kind of blown up version of the Sun, my words not his. With the iron rich inner planets and the outer large gas planets the solar system is a schematic of the solar construct. Am I close Dr. Manuel? This post is hardly the place for this discussion but it happened. I really liked the post from Steven. Speaking of fraud…
Thanks, Morgan, for your example of post-1945, politically-correct dogma that has been repeatedly falsified by precise experimental measurements and observations you ignore.
Big Brother’s Great Social Experiment of 1945-2015 [1] is over and Big Brother has been correctly identified as the UN after Occam’s razor shaved away seventy years of growth on BB’s chin [2].
1. Big Brother’s Great Social Experiment (1945-2015)
2. Big Brother identified after shave with Occam’s razor
If you’re going to live in a whorehouse, there’s only one thing you can do: be the best damn whore around.
Reblogged this on Climatism.
Can you tell me where the 2012 data set is selected? The URLs pulls up your data for each chart, but I’m trying to figure out how to select back to the 2012 set.
==============/ Keith DeHavelle
I’ve got that … I’m just trying to figure out how to select the 2012-version data. Are any other versions still online there?
==============/ Keith DeHavelle
Most spiders eat and recreate their webs every day.
I notice that it is an island over 100km from the nearest other station, Reykjavik.
Where is the 2012 data for there and Keflavikurflu?
Where does the post 1980 data come from? How can you claim to identify break points when neighbours are on a different island over 100km away?
I also noticed that the difference between 2012 and 2014 are exactly 0.50, 0.30 or 1.00 for most of the years.
This doesn’t fill me full of confidence that the data was reanalysed after identifying break points using an algorithm.
Do it for THE CHILDREN!!!!!!!!!!! Think of THE CHILDREN!
Oh good grief Word Unimpressed ate my comment again.
The University of Rochester is linked several illegal human experiments.
And then there is this one: Shocker: Nobel prize winner lied about radiation danger; Data suppression abetted rise of linear no-threshold model
Seems Oliver is correct they have been lying since 1946…..
And this is a real sweetie.
EPA’s illegal human experiments could break Nuremberg Code January 1, 2013
Discussion by two Doctors: Environmental Protection Agency’s Air Pollution Research: Unethical and Illegal?
From Washington Examiner
Commit Suicide = Car exhaust. It is the Carbon Monoxide what does you in.
I finally found more recent news on the EPA human experimentation law suits at Energy & Environment Legal Institute — Archive for EPA 2.5 Human Experimentation Suit (A listing of all relevant articles)
As is to be expected in an Unconstitutional era, The Judicial System backed Obummer the Usurper 100%
MILLOY: Federal judge overturns EPA human experiments case: Illegal testing continues to endanger lives
Since Judge Trenga among other things decided the American Tradition Institute did not have ‘Standing,’ that is was not harmed by the EPA, a test subject has come forward. Patient seeking $2 million in EPA human experimentation case
Why would anyone ever think this government considers our best interests when they will KNOWINGLY subject the young, the old and the sick to experiments reminiscent of the horrors in Nazi Germany.
But “Gail Combs” NONE of what you state has ANYTHING to do with Gavin Schmidt’s fiddling of the temperature data records for Iceland, in the context of the original report.
You are spamming this thread with your own personal bugbear. Repeating yourself and even replying to yourself. We are not interested in your spam, and again according to Godwin’s Law, you already lost this point.
Reblogged this on Globalcooler's Weblog and commented:
I couldn’t stop myself from commenting on the comment. Interesting post. As one climate gate investigator wrote, something like , with all the adjustments it is hard to tell if the planet is warming or cooling. I suspect it is about to cool if it hasn’t started already.