During 2012, shortly after announcing the demise of winter (see the post below this one) -Bryan Walsh of Time Magazine also announced the demise of rain.
U.S. Drought: No Respite Soon and Why It Won’t Be the Last | TIME.com
Shortly after he made that announcement, the drought ended, and the US became wetter than normal.
Bryan has demonstrated that he has no idea what he is talking about, which likely lines him up as Obama’s next press secretary.
Mr. Walsh is just another useful idiot for the alarmist crowd. Problem is….there sure are a lot of useful idiots for the alarmist crowd.
More than any other blogger, Steven Goddard aka Tony Heller is exposing the “Red Matrix of Deceit” Stalin and other frightened world leaders designed “to save themselves and the world from nuclear annihilation” in 1945 by:
1. Uniting Nations and National Academies of Science worldwide
2. Paying geophysicists to hide Neutron Repulsion – the energy that destroyed Hiroshima
As explained on p. 3 of this paper (under review), neutron repulsion is increasingly important in all atoms (planets, stars and galaxies) heavier than ~150 amu (atomic mass units):
The US National Academy of Sciences used the AGU (American Geophysical Union) to block disclosure of neutron repulsion in natural nuclear reactors, cores of planets, and the Sun.
Neutron repulsion generates only ~10 MeV per neutron in particles lighter than ~150 amu, but increases when neutrons are confined in the cores of particles heavier than ~150 amu.
The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) says:
Give all the record cold and snow, deaths, building collapses, transportation disruption both this winter and last winter, I wonder how the “Hottest Year EVAH!” will go over with the Japanese.
Seems the Japan Times ran this: Learn from climate change’s instructive past yesterday.
Heavy snowfall in Saudi Arabia.
Wow! The rare and elusive Cryo Camel (humpus frigidecae.) I’m amazed. He must have hit it with his truck because according to the legends they’re too slippery to catch. If you can find one of them maybe there’s hope for finding the unicorns the warmists so desperately need to power everything.
LOL. Do the Cryo Camels also have to listen to people yelling Hump Day? Because that’s what they do (according to GEICO anyway).
What was that saying about ‘better to be thought a fool’? 😆