This tweet appears to be satire, but isn’t.
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“But we can’t exonerate the West for its insulting of the prophet. I’m not justifying what happened, but these are causes,” Sheikh Ashraf Saad said. “Just as we condemn extremists, we must also condemn these freedoms that have reached the point of insulting the prophet.”
Nations should never tolerate intolerance on the part of immigrants. It’s incredibly disrespectful for immigrants to be intolerant of the customs and mores of nations that welcome them in to start new lives. If you don’t appreciate the customs and mores of your adopted country, leave. Move to a country that shares your intolerance. You reap what you sow. A nation only owes immigrants the same respect (or disrespect) shown by them.
As a small boy, my grandfather and his parents immigrated to the US from Switzerland. He later served in the US Army as an interpreter during World War I. When I asked him why he didn’t teach his children to speak German, he replied, “Because we’re Americans. Americans speak english.” – ‘Nuff said.
“Insult” includes but isn’t limited to “rejection of Islam.” If we aren’t part of the “peace” movement, we’re against Peace! Besides, insult = mortal injury. Failure to become Islamic mortally wounds the Religion of Peace and people must pay!
No animals were harmed in the filming of this infomercial.
You can reject Islam as long as you pay the tax and don’t insult Islam.
Only as long as dhimmitude is allowed. If not it is convert or die.
Perhaps to be ‘fair’, followers of Islam in the west should be required to pay a tax if they wish to continue to be Moslem.
Islam is against freedom of speech and freedom of religion. In these ways and perhaps others, Islam is fundamentally incompatible with the US Constitution. It is treasonous to suggest the violent overthrow of the US, yet in effect, that is what Islam calls for. What do you do with a religion that insists on everyone to submit, whether willingly or not.
Operation Ajax, end of democracy in Iran. It’s all about the oil.état
That tweeter is following *many* others who are clearly satirical, anti-Islam, Jewish, or atheist… so, despite the tongue being 8 inches into cheek, it does appear to be satire by way of distasteful reverse propaganda
Not sure I see any satire in the guys posts. Looking at some of his others he seems pretty serious.
“Under Shari’ah law women will wear the burka..this prevents lusting and so protects women from sexual women will welcome this.”.
“This account is coming under attack from kafir and even worse. …Jew.”
“Eventually people will see that Shari’ah law is the only way forward for the United Kingdom.”
“When Shari’ah law encompasses the UK all females will only be allowed outside whilst accompanied by a male blood is Allah’s wish”
It’s twitter. Lots of [l]users have auto-followback set up, & lots of [l]users follow thousands of frankly random people in hopes of getting followbacks. It’s pathological, & it means you can’t read overly much into whom someone follows, since a lot of follows are generated purely through searching for keywords & following every single person who uses such a keyword.
Yeah, women will love to have their abuse and torture reserved only for their husband to administer, be condemned for being violently raped (as if it’s their fault), be treated as property, and have no rights to speak of. Yeah, they’ll just love it. Oh, then there’s the chance to be raped for weeks and then stoned to death for dozens of (minor) infractions. One Muslim country just decided that a woman getting wet to the waist in the ocean is guilty of adultery because the word for seawater is masculine.
Shariah law is all about male domination, female and child oppression and abuse, and subverting all to the cult rules of Islam/Shariah and it’s interpretation by irrational Imams who simply make up absurd rules because they can. Islam is patently violent—it is a lie to claim otherwise—and so 700 AD.
The only moderate Muslims would be those who do not attend a mosque, where indoctrination and behavior are imposed, and openly renounce Shariah law and Islam’s violent features. When 30% of Muslims are radical and 77% of the remainder would support Shariah law, there are not vey many possible moderates out there; a small minority, at best, only ~16%.
I really liked
But the website is now off-line.
Islam Watch: Website for the Scrutiny of Islam by ex-Muslim…
About US: We are a group of Muslim apostates, who have left Islam out of our own conviction … Let the world watch Islam through and be warned.
Then there is:
Amen to that!
I like the one on the top row two in from the right seems like a nice girl.She got me all lusting.
Jimmy, is that you? You had your chance to get into Iran and you blew it and limped through the rest of your term.
Islam is a Religion without tolerance ; this makes it incompatible with all other religions or a democratic Country . Any extremist doctrine that displaces laws of the land ; has no place in a modern civilised society. Islam has won in one area ; its shown the West, how to become less tolerant in one area !
I believe it is Allah’s wish that we drop a few thermonuclear bombs on the ass.
Well, well, well Thank You Jimmy Carter.
How do you tell this is not satire?
If you are serious, then I suggest you visit and also and browse for a short while. It seems pretty obvious to me, but perhaps your sensibilities are rather different. Please report back your findings.
It’s not satire when it is totally true and there is no dialog or text required to show the point. Nothing has been stretched or altered. It’s just facts that demonstrate differences.
Unfortunately, Professor Ray exhibits the qualities needed for academic advancement under a totalitarian government that uses academic institutions to retain totalitarian control of the public.
Sorry, this comment was intended for the “Nutty Professor.”
Burka is not an attire worn by women in Iran, it’s Afghan clothing.
As for what is fashionable among iranian women, here is a video taken a couple of months ago in Teheran’s metro :
The desire to protect always ends up with less freedom for the one protected.. It is like the State ‘protecting’ us from terrorism.
This Is What Hell Looks Like
See videos below for real Hell, not imagined. Ah heck, just watch this…
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.
When do you think they come for the gun owner or if you have a carbon footprint they don’t like or just because you reply on this blog. Iran is hell but first you have to have your own house in order.
My house is in order, speak for yourself. Skeeter will be dethroned in short order. I moved out far enough so that I will survive the nonsense it will take to bring back real order. I have not seen a cop, or a police vehicle, in months. My local ‘authorities’ leave me alone, and I can do just about what I damn well please out here, because I chose not to live like a citiot.
It is you city folks who have allowed this to happen. Coddling criminals and terrorists instead of driving them out. Making excuses for animalistic behavior brings in the lion tamers. Stop the PC, apologist, white guilt, western guilt bullcrap, and maybe we can get back to what our founders intended.
Meanwhile, in the other Iran, change is afoot
I’ve always said that the route to overthrowing extremist nations is paved with a steady diet of MTV-like and other mind numbing reality TV shows, copious branches of McDonalds ‘restaurants’ and Starbucks, with the odd Krispy Kreme thrown in
It’s just too damn tempting for the youth, just be patient, they will change
Those kooky kids…
The women of Iran (they must have forget to dress to suit the stereotype)….mentioning how US sanctions hurt their economy
Not sure who she is wearing…
Persecuted Iranian kids not able to ‘just hang out’
Gay pride parade.
Like Chris said, “Just hang out”.
Note that the photo above is from over a year ago. October 25, 2013 to be exact. It is a photo of Baha’is. From this site:
As for Iran and the Baha’is…
Not exactly the carefree place Chris the Wind-barron is trying to portray.
Much of Iraq, is back under Sharia law and it is spreading. This is the five year plan by ISIS
All fear Sharia law….. If you like that sort of thing
It’s just something to do with ‘god’
It’s actually the case that Sharia law has a jewish equivalent……much like the preparation of halal meat has a jewish equivalent which also involves blood letting….but just to mention it make someone somewhere get a stiffy which leads them to to call you antisemitic.
If you’re not a jewish sympathiser then you’re antisemitic, but if you’re not a muslim sympathiser you’re Charlie Hebdo….. If you’re not an atheist you’re a ?
What perilous weakness leads people to desire a god.
When coffin dodgers drink too much, the say…..
[Rupert] Murdoch says Muslims must be held responsible for France terror attacks
News Corp boss tweets to say even peaceful Muslims must bear burden of deadly Charlie Hebdo death toll.
> > > >
“Christian god held responsible for actions of new age christian David Koresh”……….ahhhh, We can but wish
“ I have come that they may have life, and have it more abundantly ”
That is from John 10:10 and not, repeat _ not_ from the Koran …