Global Warming Is Keeping The President Up At Night

Global warming not only causes the president to have asthma, but it is also affecting his sleep

ScreenHunter_8499 Apr. 10 08.08

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to Global Warming Is Keeping The President Up At Night

  1. scizzorbill says:

    I’m sure he was ‘affected’ long before the global warming scam was invented.

  2. gator69 says:

    Odd, you usually think of Hawaiian born Kenyans as being well adapted to warmer climates.

  3. omanuel says:

    It must be global warming. It certainly could not be Obama’s conscience.

  4. mat says:

    And it begins… #climatenazis
    “preparedness funds to states whose governors do not recognize the risk of climate change in their state hazard mitigation plan. ”

    • mat says:

      Beginning March 2016, FEMA will no longer approve disaster preparedness funds to states whose governors do not recognize the risk of climate change in their state hazard mitigation plan.

    • Hugh K says:

      What a biased POS article. As if anyone doesn’t believe the climate changes. Charlotte is fast becoming North Carolina’s Austin.

  5. Andy DC says:

    After this past winter/early Spring, a lot of people are hoping for a little global warming. The last 2 days in DC were only in the 40’s, while normals are well in the 60’s.

  6. SMS says:

    The only thing that keeps Obama up at night is thinking of new ways to bring this country down or to come up with a new tax for it’s citizens. He knows that if he can tax those that work, he can redistribute to his constituents.

  7. Barbara says:

    Steve, I wish you had been present at the Cornwall Alliance Forum tonight featuring their Dr. Beisner and Bii McKibben. (I watched the live feed which worked until about half way through the question period.). ***Your facts as posted in Real Science were desperately needed. ***. McK.threw in every AGW cliche possible from hottest decade ever to sea level rise ( and poor New Orleans needing levies to keep the rising water out; double duh, the city is mostly built below sea/ gulf level), Bangladesh to be totally solar by 2020 (one panel, small battery, one light bulb per household Just too wonderful for them!), smaller world agric. production because of the warming. Dr. Beignet presented well, but he didn’t have numbers to explain what he meant by “scale” for energy, etc. I think Dr. Christy will do better tomorrow. Can’t find a place to comment on the forum, so have to vent here. Feel free to delete!

    • Barbara says:

      Sorry, typist error : Bill McKibben. and Dr, Beisner. word help or whatever it is called kept wanting Beisner to be beignet (maybe because the forum was in New Orleans?) I didn’t catch it the second time.

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