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- Timo, not that one! on New Arctic Climate Discovered
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- arn on Flooding Of January 1862
- Mike on Flooding Of January 1862
- Bill on UK Green Energy Record
- oeman50 on Flooding Of January 1862
Not much to worry about….
Martin Luther King, Jr. had good advice for us as integrity is restored to our government:
“The limitation of riots, moral questions aside, is that they cannot win and their participants know it. Hence, rioting is not revolutionary but reactionary because it invites defeat. It involves an emotional catharsis, but it must be followed by a sense of futility.”
? Martin Luther King, Jr.
Damn! It will take over 40 meters to drown the Capitol, that’s 14,000 years of sea level rise, at 3 mm/year. We need to burn more coal, and fast!
Just set Al Sharption and his ‘Social Justice’ Commie thugs on D.C. and they will burn it to the ground. All you have to do is come up with the $$$ to pay them.
All you need to do is explain to them what Lincoln actually said about blacks, and the National Mall would be in flames. No money needed.
Make sure you pay in cash. He burns his receipts.
That is what the Tides Foundtion is for — Money Laundering writ large.
I followed the link, and they don’t even have a fractional meter selection which is what’s needed for a realistic assessment. But then who really thinks the people putting stuff like this out are trying to be realistic.
Anyway the rate of sea level rise over the last 30 years at Baltimore is a little over 4 mm/yr and the acceleration over the last 60 years is about 0.075 mm/yr². IF that were to continue until 2100 Baltimore would see about two feet of sea level rise or a little over 0.6 meters..
D.C. et al are built on infilled swamp. It is a RIVER DELTA for goodness sakes and deltas are always changing over a geologic or not so geologic time period.
The Warmists of course are busy trying to rewrite history and say NO! DC was not originally a swamp….
There’s a reason why the metro station nearest the White House is called Foggy Bottom.
Technically, all of Chesapeake Bay is an estuary, that is, a drowned antecedent river basin.
Sorry, I should have added that so are it’s flooded tributaries.
It would be more useful to see a map of sunken sea levels. All those folks north of 40 are going to need to relocate.
Does anyone else see the irony in Cherry Hill New Jersey being directly between the nearest mainland and what will become Pine Barrens Island?
Just jack up your house, add stilts/floats and trade your bike for a paddle boat…
Great tool. It looks like I’ll have waterfront property at about 20 meters of sea level rise. I’m not holding my breath.
I want ocean front property too! I am several hundred feet above sea level and would appreciate some sand, too, when the ocean comes around these here mountains.
They had better get started moving I-95 westward. If they start now it might be done by the time the water gets there.
The problem with this propaganda is that most of us in flyover country are hopeful that Washington D.C. will disappear off the map. A 20 mile inland loss of coastline on both coasts would be a good thing in our estimation. It would provide new opportunities for beach front investment.