Scientists Grant Earth Another 15 Year Reprieve!

Scientists warn that we are about to pass a global warming tipping point.

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While we may not yet have reached the “point of no return”—when no amount of cutbacks on greenhouse gas emissions will save us from potentially catastrophic global warming—climate scientists warn we may be getting awfully close.

Have We Passed the Point of No Return on Climate Change? – Scientific American

This sounds bad, but is actually excellent news. In 1989 they only gave us until the year 2000 to stop global warming, so this is actually quite a nice reprieve.

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Mercury News: Search Results

But it is even better than it seems! Forty years ago this month climatologists told us that unless we let them melt the polar ice caps, global cooling would kill us all.

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So far, we have a total of 40 years of passing the global cooling/warming tipping point. But the news gets even better. Seventy years ago, scientists said that we were about to pass a global warming tipping point.

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Scientists have granted us 70 years worth of reprieves, just in the last 70 years.  Not to mention the countless reprieves they granted us prior to that.

As long as we continue giving climate scientists government grants to lie about the climate, they will continue to grant us reprieves. Once they stop making threats and granting us reprieves, government has no reason to grant them any more grants.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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53 Responses to Scientists Grant Earth Another 15 Year Reprieve!

  1. michaelspencer2 says:


  2. Ben Davidson says:

    Would you put it past the UN/others to intentionally heat the planet when this cooling trend ends?

    PS- I’d do anything for an interview.

  3. Disillusioned says:

    Yep – the falsification dates keep getting pushed further into the future. That’s because the CAGW proselytizers’ system of grantology is alive and well.

    But CAGW already died. Time to bury that dried-up cadaver sitting over there in the corner.

  4. gator69 says:

    A friend of mine was told by his doctor that his cholesterol was too high, and that he need to go on an anti-statin drug or face coronary issues. He is half Korean, and his family is not prone to heart conditions, plus he was very fit. The doctor never asked about his diet, and put him on a generic anti-statin for his ‘high’ colesterol. As a result my friend now has severe neuropathy and cannot move his arms or hands, and has difficulty speaking, he has lost nearly all of his muscle mass from the waist up, and looks like he is starving to death. All this because his doctor never advised him that what he really needed to do was eat more vegetables and fruits.

    Aaaah science!

    • rah says:

      Oh man. Dealing with the pill pushers. My parents are both in their 80s. Both are in a poor state of health. Dad was a successful entrepreneur and businessman and so they have the means to remain in their home with 24 hour care. If they were persons with an average income they would have no choice but to be a nursing home by now.

      But dealing with the doctors? What a battle. It just gets ridiculous. Each of my parents have been prescribed over 10 different medications and we do our own research to ensure indications-contraindications and interactions are acceptable whenever one of the pill pushers wish to prescribe a new medication. When either parent goes to one of their several different specialists we take a list of the prescriptions they are on.
      More than once we have caught problems that the health care “professionals” failed to see.

      • gator69 says:

        Before my father died from complications of lung cancer (agent orange exposure), he withered away for years, and like your parents, mine insured that they had in home healthcare.So at least dad spent his last day in the house he built with my mother, and me, because I had traveled down to visit for mom’s birthday.

        On a previous visit I watched as mom pulled out what amounted to a small tackle box, with compartments filled with daily dosages. I just about screamed! It was insane. He was seeing multiple specialists as well as his prmary physician, and every one of them just wrote prescriptions like they needed to get rid of old stationary. I’m surprised dad did not rattle when he walked.

        I told my mother that even with my limited knowledge of medicine, dad was being over-prescribed, and they needed a new primary care physician who would look at the big picture. Thankfully they had a good VA hospital about an hour away, and found a wonderful doctor there who cut my dad’s prescriptions in half. Some of the drugs were redundant, and some were even counteracting one another.

        As for my neiighbor, he was tested for Lou Gehrig’s disease, and spinal cord damage, and God only knows what else as his condition continued to worsen. This went on for years! Doctor after doctor, and not one ever asked about his diet as it pertained to his statin drug.

        If You Take Statins for Two Years or More, Nerve Damage Appears to be the Rule

        What does it mean when you sustain damage to peripheral nerves? As reported by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS):

        “Symptoms are related to the type of affected nerve and may be seen over a period of days, weeks, or years. Muscle weakness is the most common symptom of motor nerve damage. Other symptoms may include painful cramps and fasciculations (uncontrolled muscle twitching visible under the skin), muscle loss, bone degeneration, and changes in the skin, hair, and nails.”

        At you can see 88 studies on statin-induced neurotoxicity (nerve damage), with12 studies further statin drugs directly to neuropathy, including chronic peripheral neuropathy.

        Not one doctor in three years checked into this. I find that I get better health related info from the internet, than from my doctor. I had to tell my doctor that I was vitamin D deficient, and he scoffed at me, but I kept taking extra D and my symptoms went away. Then about two years later he finally read the report I had read two years before and started preaching to me about the importance of vitamin D, and started annually testing my D levels.

        My friend may die from his lowered cholesterol. He has labored breathing now, I fear the worst, he is losing all muscle mass from his waist to his scalp. And he is only in his mid forties.

        Anyone on anti-statins needs to know about this.

        • Mark Luhman says:

          Don’t be so sure agent orange had anything to do with you father lung cancer, my father lung cancer was due to smoking, and it killed him, my wife did survive but never smoked and was never near agent orange. Don’t tell me it might have been second hand smoke, that research is pure BS. It takes and average smoker 40 + years to have and effect non smoked do not live anywhere long enough to collect that much carcinogens in their lungs. Oh by the way I am a life long asthmatic and am very certain had I smoked I would have been dead by now, than again not, I had an uncle, his wife was an asthmatic and a smoker, she died of emphysema, the uncle smoke also, lung cancer kill him first. both were in their seventies.

        • gator69 says:

          It was detrmined by his doctors that Agent Orange was the cause, he never told us and it was not until we were helping mom process the paperwork that we found the the docors’ notes. There was no doubt on the part of his pulmonary specialists as to what caused the cancer, this was not an assumption. In fact, he was not aware of the exposure until they told him.

        • rah says:

          A friend that retired from the Air Force as a flight engineer worked the Ranch Hand missions in Vietnam from the back of a C-123 during his first tour. Pretty dangerous stuff flying low over Indian country all the time even without spraying poison. After retiring from the AF he went back to school and ended up writing the manual for the first Boeing 747s that UPS put into service. He has had diabetes for years and the VA pinned the cause as Agent Orange exposure. Here is his web page:

        • gator69 says:

          My dad was stationed at Cam Ranh, and worked as a logistical engineer. His exposue was most likely from being on the flight line, and in and around the C-123’s. He used to tell me that some day there will be a resort there, said it was one of the most beautiful bays he had ever seen.

        • Gail Combs says:

          Darn good reason to do your own research and change your diet BEFORE you take any of the crap the Doctors hand out.

        • CC Reader says:

          “I find that I get better health related info from the internet,”
          You are correct, I diagnosed my own problem as GCA/PMR while sitting in a hospital for 5 days after loosing vision. I was put on prednisone and about 4 months later placed,on Ciprofloaxian before a root canal. After three doses all the tendons in my body started stiffening and causing great pain..the internet saved me again as these two drugs interact. In the future is for nurse-practioners and computers to be the first person you consult.

  5. Marsh says:

    Pass a tipping point ? From the evidence ; the Global trend appears to be slightly Colder with more failed CAGW predictions . The tipping point, maybe when the Media fully wakes up to the CC nonsense and tips the lid, on these fraudsters…

    • Snowleopard says:

      Very likely the next tipping point, when it comes, will be in the ice age direction. I sometimes wonder if the top mission of those driving the warmist agenda is to keep the majority looking the wrong way until that tipping point arrives..

      • Gail Combs says:

        That is my take too. Remember Club of Rome formed about the same time that Hays and Shackleton found evidence that Milancovitch was not crazy.

        Also the earth does not have to go into a fullblown Ice Age. Just a drop of a few degrees C can make Canada, Russia and Northern China, no longer able to produce grain. There was a grain crisis due to cold weather ~ 1969 that was kept out of the media. It think that scared the Elite witless given the food crisis and the French Revolution.

        You can see the 1970s had the Köppen climate classification (baised on vegitation) drop by ~200 miles in the 1970s. That translates to a heck of a lot of grain across Canada, Russia and China.

        Notice that Russia is ‘acquiring’ the Breadbasket of Europe and China is acquiring farmland in Africa and South America.

        • AndyG55 says:

          But, but, but…. Gail, just ask them…. there was no global cooling scare in the 1970’s.

          They DENY it like crazy !

          Its mythology, fairy tales… Brothers Grimm stuff ! 😉

  6. Skiphil says:

    “simple measures of stockpiling food”

    oh yes, the world would be so much better if we had been stockpiling food since 1975. GIve me a can of 40 yr old SPAM, please!

    • gator69 says:

      Actually canned foods can last over a century, and still be edible. The date codes on canned foods are there because no food company wants you to eat their product after it has lost some of its freshness. I read a study about Franklins lost expedition of 1854, and they concluded that the use of lead solder in their canned goods contributed to their deaths, but made a point of saying that the food would have been edible for many years, had it been canned as we do now.

      According to the USDA, high-acid canned goods, like tomatoes and citrus fruits, will keep for up to 1½ years. Low-acid canned goods—that’s pretty much everything else, including vegetables, meat, and fish—will last for up to 5 years. Canned foods are sterile, so they won’t host bacteria, but eventually the taste and texture of the items inside will deteriorate. Keep them at room temperature in a dark place, like a cabinet or a pantry. Of course, there’s no way to find out whether a canned food has gone south unless you open it, so if you can’t remember when you bought it and want to err on the safe side, throw it out (and replace it before hurricane season starts). And toss any cans that are bulging and leaking or that spurt liquid when opened. Although the toxin that causes botulism is extremely rare in commercial canned goods, damaged cans have a higher chance of being contaminated.

      The bacterial spores that cause botulism are found every where, and only produce toxins when they consume ‘food’. When food is canned, it is heated to kill those bacteria and then left sealed to prevent exposure. The botulism causing bacteria actually thrive in low oxygen environments, and that is why proper heating is necessary when canning. Bulging cans are a sign of improperly canned foods, as the bacteria is consuming, growing and producing toxins.

      I keep a stocked pantry full of canned soups and vegetables. I have only had one go bad, and it was a highly acidic fruit cocktail that ate through the can. As long as the cans are not bulging or spew when opened, they are safe to eat, and can last a century or more. I rotate through my stock, and have on ocassion eaten foods whose expiration dates were over 5 years past. I could not tell the difference, except that in one case the consistency had changed slightly.

      Buying canned goods on sale is a cheap and effective way to be sure that if food supplies are ever interrupted, you will not go hungry.

      • rah says:

        Lead poisoning from cans was a big problem often not mentioned in the histories. During the Spanish American War more service members died from food and lead poisoning than combat.

        • gator69 says:

          When we lived in Germany, C-rations were being handed out to anyone on post, and you could take as many as you could carry. We always threw a few in the trunk when we traveled, and used them for camping and backpacking. I first realized just how long canned goods could last, when I started asking why they were being so generous with the rations. The Quartermaster said he wasn’t sure how old the rations were, but was told to liquidate then ASAP.

      • AndyG55 says:

        The very best way to preserve fruits is to use alcoholic beverages such as brandy with oranges, schnapps, rum or brandy with peaches, crème de menthe with pineapple… yum !! .

        Except mine never seem to last more than a year of so !

        Eventually, all I can find is empty jars ! 🙁

    • Skiphil,

      Them’s fighting words!

      “During World War II, of course, I ate my share of Spam along with millions of other soldiers. I’ll even confess to a few unkind remarks about it—uttered during the strain of battle, you understand. But as former Commander-in-Chief, I believe I can still officially forgive you your only sin: sending us so much of it.”

      Dwight Eisenhower in a letter to a former Hormel executive

      Our family ate a can of UNRRA-labeled Spam in mid-1960s Europe. The 12 oz. was about 20 years old and the Spam was good.

      Go, Hormel Girls, Go!

      Hormel Girls
      By Elisa Korenne

      I left the war with a pink slip in my hand
      It was back to the kitchen, till
      Hormel gave me a chance. He said
      “Military ladies, come and drum for me”
      “Military ladies, find out what we can be”

      We were a 60 service girls drum and bugle corps
      JC Hormel thought we could do some more
      The drummers learned to dance,
      Then the new girls tried out, and he gave them a chance, he said
      “You can perform and sell door to door”
      So during the day we’d go store to store saying

      Hey ho, how do you like it?
      Hey ho, you gotta try it!
      Spam and Dinty Moore
      Delicious canned meat galore
      We got chili con carne, gonna twist your arm
      So tonight, come out, and give it a go

      The Hormel Girls Caravan Orchestra Show

      35 cars, white, attention-catching
      We drive up in pairs, our dresses all matching
      Comportment and style 60 hours a week
      Dance instructors keeping track of everything we eat, no tanlines can be seen
      It’s a small price to pay to live a service girl’s dream

      Hey ho, we‘re the Hormel girls
      Hey ho, we’re here to sing
      Spam and Dinty Moore
      Delicious canned meat galore
      We’ll take our show to the radio
      So tonight, turn it on and give it a go
      The Hormel Girls Caravan Orchestra Show
      We broadcast on CBS from Hollywood and Vine
      Our scripts are written for us we plug every Hormel line
      5 commercial breaks will tell you what you need to know
      About every Hormel product, you’ll hear it on our show

      We girls would be showing on a Saturday night
      Then we’d be selling before every flight
      Driving two by two with a plastic bag
      Full of dummy cans to sell the Hormel brand
      Mr. Manager, “How’re your products moving?”
      Free tickets to our shows should see your sales improving

      Hey ho, how do you like it?
      Hey ho, we’re here to sing!
      Spam and Dinty Moore
      Delicious canned meat galore
      We’ve got chili con carne, gonna twist your arm
      So tonight, come out, and give it a go

      The Hormel Girls Caravan Orchestra Show
      Tonight, come out, and give it a go
      The Hormel Girls Caravan Orchestra Show

      • rah says:

        Shoulder Pork Ham (SPAM) was invented a the French Chef for Hormel because they couldn’t come up with a good way of using the shoulder meat. During WW II the US Military nomenclature for SPAM was “luncheon meat” and it went around the world. During the war the Russians were shipped 1,000s of tons of the stuff and loved it. The Brits got even more of it and during those years of deprivation were thankful.

        One aspect of the war in Europe and the great build up on the British Isles during that time that is often not thought about by Americans is how much farm land was converted for the housing and training of all those forces and for depots for their equipment and of course the airfields. It really put a pretty large dent in the amount of food the Brits could produce at a time when they were already suffering from rationing the likes of which the citizens of the US could not imagine. And so, when the US started really building up for Overlord they also had to increase food shipments to Britain on top of everything else.

        Add to that the fact that on June 3rd, 1944 Rome was liberated and when ever a big city was liberated from the Germans, who had taken everything they could before they left, the requirement for rations just to feed the mass of civilians sky rocketed.

        And it was the US that provided that food. So much has been made of the US as the “Arsenal of Democracy” during WW II and rightfully so. But the simple fact the US was to a large extent, also the more important breadbasket for the allies. And then there is the fact that all of that stuff had to be shipped. In 1943 and 1944 the US launched more tonnage than the rest of the world combined.

        • gator69 says:

          My dad used to love to talk about the Berlin Airlift, mostly because he was so proud of what we had accomplished both in saving lives, and logistically. So of course one of his greatest heroes was Gail Halvorsen, “The Candy Bomber”.

          Colonel Gail S. “Hal” Halvorsen (born October 10, 1920) is a retired career officer and command pilot in the United States Air Force known as the original Candy Bomber or the “Rosinenbomber” in Germany and a recipient of the Congressional Gold Medal. He was born in Salt Lake City, Utah. He is best known for piloting C-47s and C-54s during the Berlin airlift (also known as “Operation Vittles”) during 1948–1949. On his 94th birthday, Gail was profiled in a feature-length documentary titled Meet the Mormons, which highlights his experience as the Candy Bomber among the life experiences of other members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Gail is perhaps best known for advocating themes of service towards others: “Service is the bottom line to happiness and fulfillment.”

        • Brett Keane says:

          In this respect, and many others, the efforts of Canada and the rest of the Commonwealth were also immense. Over a far longer period. Lest we forget.

        • rah says:

          Just like the fighting on the western front during WW II, the Berlin airlift was a combined US-UK effort. A considerable amount of the supplies were flown in by the RAF.

          Hard to believe they even flew in that terrible nasty coal to keep the Berliners from freezing and keep some of the lights on.

        • rah says:

          Oh, BTW I had a tour of Tempelhof in the 80’s. In a shallow tunnel under than main building they built FW-190 fighters late in the war. I remember the old radar antenna still up on top of that building.

        • rah says:

          BTW today is the 73rd anniversary of the Doolittle Raid. There are only two of the raiders left now. They are toasting their fellow raiders that have passed today at the Air Force Museum at Wright Patterson, AFB in Dayton, OH.

          Jimmy Doolittle had a set of silver goblets made. One for each man and they are kept together as a set at the AF Academy usually. When a raider passes his goblet is turned upside down. It will not be long now before all 80 goblets are upside down.

          The Doolittle raid was justified as a moral builder for the American people because all of the war news early on was bad and FDR thought it might be disheartening for some. But the result of the raid was far more extensive than that because of how the Japanese High command perceived it and reacted to it. It actually changed the course of the war.

          A look at the history shows that before the raid the Japanese command had moved quickly but always with good planning and pretty accurate estimates of the enemy and the number and type of forces needed for a given operation. The bombing of the home islands however changed that. The Japanese High command had specifically and publicly promised the emperor that the home islands would never be bombed. They lost face because of that raid and it effected their planning. In fact the attack on Midway would not have happened when and as it did if not for the Doolittle raid.

          Oh, and the Chinese paid dearly for helping the raiders. About 250,000 of them were murdered during the Japanese quest to find the raiders and subsequent punishment of the towns and villages that had helped to get the raiders to that crashed to safety.

        • gator69 says:

          Another of my father’s favorite heroes and stories, and a hero of mine, just like dad. A truly incredible feat of American exceptionalism, and bravery. There is a good reason why they are known as the greatest generation.

  7. Winnipeg Boy says:

    We have passed a tipping point. 2% growth is a disaster for pension plans and social security, but they kick that can down the road; why wouldn’t we kick the global warming tipping point down the road?

  8. oldfossil says:

    Unmistakeable sign of weak parenting and weak leadership: “This is absolutely your final warning.” Repeated ad infinitum every time the miscreant transgresses.

    Naughty, NAUGHTY fossil fuels! How many times do we have to tell you!

  9. chick20112011 says:

    Most of the comments of the Religion-of-Climate-Change remind me of another era in which it was “lock stepping” or a Concentration-Work-Reeducation Camp.

  10. Dave1billion says:

    All of this reminds me of the changes to “debt ceiling”.

    Except that I think the US national debt is actually a serious issue.

  11. oldbrew says:

    Reblogged this on Tallbloke's Talkshop and commented:
    By the time people realise the climate ‘experts’ got it all wrong – again – most of the culprits will have retired, most probably with nice pensions.

  12. Andy DC says:

    It is never too late to filch the public with a huge carbon tax in the name of saving the planet. With the economy struggling as it is, that is all we need to trigger a major recession or depression. That would be a far more clear and present danger than a degree or so of warming over the next hundred years, assuming it even happens.

  13. Centinel2012 says:

    Reblogged this on Centinel2012 and commented:
    Not to worry Mother Nature will not let Obama or the Believers destroy us!

  14. Doug Corrigan Jr. says:

    This hyer globul worming causin’ us all sortsa greef in Michigun.

    Coast Gard hadda rescue boaters last week in lower Lake Michigun afta they became surrounded by ice floes.

    At the hite of last summer, icebergs in Lake Superior almost caused anudder Titanic. Lucky, Leo DiCaprio wuzn’t aroun. He luvz icebergs.

    This yer the lakes all turnd ta ice. How cum greenies dont jus’ ship them pollar bares ovr to owr Grate Lakes?

  15. KTM says:

    What if I don’t want a reprieve? I think all these scientists should tell people it’s too late to do anything meaningful to stop catastrophic climate change. Simplify the options.

    If we’ve already baked 2C warming into the pie, then we should follow Dr. Curry’s recommendations and focus on efforts to adapt (especially those steps that would make us more resilient to any extreme weather even if it’s not caused by CO2) rather than trying to influence carbon emissions. A reprieve just keeps CO2 mitigation on the table when we should all be clamoring to take it off the table.

  16. gregole says:

    “…when no amount of cutbacks on greenhouse gas emissions will save us from potentially catastrophic global warming…”

    Potentially catastrophic warming. So some minute warming might be catastrophic. Meaning it might not be catastrophic. Why does a small practically impossible to measure bit of warming equal catastrophe? This warming may be nothing more than a spell of nice weather; how does slight warming automatically equal catastrophe?

    Added CO2 certainly has its advantages:

    • gator69 says:

      Interesting that he mentions he was taught that the Sahara would expand when he was a student. A paper I wrote for one of my Climatology classes was on that very subject.

      I had studied Geology for about six years by the time I took my first Climatolgy class, and always thought that my professor seemed to see climates as static. So I dug into the latest university and government studies and found ‘Desertification’, and decided to write a paper on it. Every study available to me (this was before the internet, and one had to actually go to the library and read “books”) told me that unless all governments banded together and spent the world’s wealth on mitigation, we would all end up desert nomads. So my paper concluded that mitigation was absolutely necessary else the deserts would continue expanding, all based on the best university and government studies, and there was not a single publication I could find that said otherwise.

      Of course it all turned out to be BS, just like the ice age scare, and I learned my lesson (as someone who studied Geology for so many years I should have known better from the start). So when I first heard the hypothesis of man made global warming, I immediately smelled the same rat, and my first utterance on the subject was “bullsh*t”.

  17. Brian H says:

    Aside from the doubt it throws on the predictability of climate, the delays and pauses have a multiplier effect on the time it is supposed to take to reach any given stage. The 100-year timeline has probably reached 150 by now, and climbing fast.

  18. kirkmyers says:

    Don’t the editors of this pseudo-scientific rag realize they’re viewed as crackpots by the vast majority of rational adults? Any person who seriously believes that mankind is capable of changing the planet’s climate is hopelessly naive and suffering from terminal hubris. If CO2 levels rose to 10 times the current 400 ppm, it would result in a great greening of the planet and increased agricultural production, helping to feed the world’s population.

    We should be giving “Friends of the Earth” humanitarian awards to the greatest emitters of this life-sustaining plant nutrient.

    • Don’t the editors of this pseudo-scientific rag realize they’re viewed as crackpots by the vast majority of rational adults?

      No. I am certain. Some of my friends, neighbors and acquaintances also believe this nonsense, defend it passionately and think of themselves as absolutely rational.

      But you know that, Kirk, don’t you? I sometimes ask such rhetorical questions in my exasperation, too.

      • rah says:

        Well why wouldn’t they think they’re rational? I mean after all, their getting their information from Scientific American. A publication that I’m sure is mentioned quite frequently since it gives one the aura of knowing what their talking about.

        It’s kind of like the way some people deal with their doctor. They wish them to be infallible and so they perceive them that way in order to abate their own fears. So much the better if they have been published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

        It really is funny. My work could have been published in the New England Journal of Medicine when I was an SF medic. I rewrote every lesson plan for every subject I was the primary instructor for at the Special Operations Medical course at Ft. Sam Houston.

        One of the subjects I taught was environmental heat and cold injuries. Being at Ft. Sam which was and still is where the greatest concentration of medical minds in the US military is gave me great resources. It even gave me opportunities to contact and talk to the best in the field of treating things like frostbite, hypothermia, and heat stroke that were civilian physicians.

        Major Moloff, the SF qualified course physician, was a graduate of Harvard and has already been published in the New England Journal of Medicine. It was part of his job to approve or reject all new or revised lessons plans for the course. When he read my lesson plan he called me in his office. He said something like ‘If you would write the information you have here in the from of an article I will get it published in the journal.’ He said he would have to be the lead author but I would be the coauthor for it to be published. I thanked him but refused. Wasn’t interested. It just wasn’t important to me then. But there have been times since I wish I had.

        • gator69 says:

          Sounds like you made a difference, in the right direction, and that counts a million times more than any co-author credit. You should have no regrets for the lives you have likely saved.

          My humble thanks for making a marked difference for those who have served, and serve to this day may not mean much, but thank you. There is no greater honor or purpose than to serve others.

        • rah says:

          gator. Thanks but all I did was do my job to the best of my ability. And I thought about it and perhaps if I had written that article and it had been published perhaps it may have helped others do theirs. I should have written it just for that reason. To disseminate the information I had gathered to those that may have used it. But I had other lessons plans to write and I ended up writing about a dozen new trauma clinic scenarios also.

          Then I made it my mission to duplicate and protect the entire course curriculum when I found that it was all being kept in our school house which was originally a Calvary barracks built in the late 1800’s with no fire suppression system. So I got it all, every single lesson with all AV aids used in that concentrated 27 week course copied and then stored off site in another building in a fire proof vault suitable for protecting digitized media. And as I did it I had an extra copy of everything made for me. So in my attic are the floppies and slides and copies of every handout for the entire SOMED portion of the SF medic course as taught per the syllabus in 1991.

        • gator69 says:

          gator. Thanks but all I did was do my job to the best of my ability.

          That is more than most people can say. Thank you for your service to others.

        • Gail Combs says:

          I will add my thanks RAH,

          I have written enough lab procedures in my time to realize just what you have accomplished so a H/T to you.

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