Academics Appeal To The Pope To Stifle Debate

Climate scientists and other academics are hopeful that Pope and Catholic Church will be able to stifle debate about their theory of  a CO2 centric universe.


ScreenHunter_3595 Oct. 11 12.04

Climate experts refuse to listen to Dr. Roy Spencer, because he is a Christian – and have instead invited the Pope to come to the US and speak about climate science.

ScreenHunter_8901 May. 03 08.36

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to Academics Appeal To The Pope To Stifle Debate

  1. Robertv says:

    All religions have been made by men.

    Napoleon Bonaparte

    • omanuel says:

      The alliance of Pope Pious XII with Joseph Stalin in 1945 ended the scientific revolution that Copernicus and Galileo were prosecuted for starting 300-400 years earlier with experimental evidence the Sun is the center of the solar system, Earth is not the center, but only one of many planets that move in orbit around the Sun!

  2. Owen says:

    The problem is most people can’t think for themselves. They need religion or governments or the fascist green movement to tell them what to believe and how to act.

  3. sfx2020 says:

    Spencer is one of the most educational scientist online.

  4. Steve Case says:

    Climate experts refuse to listen to Dr. Roy Spencer, because he is a Christian – and have instead invited the Pope to come to the US and speak about climate science.

    First chuckle of the day (-:

  5. Me says:

    Being a Christian doesn’t make him right, being right makes him right.

    • Gail Combs says:

      Tell that to the idiotic Congress Critter that only questioned Roy Spencer about his religious beliefs and not about science.

  6. BobW in NC says:

    I can only add this comment from a very well-known Catholic of my generation:

    ““The truth is the truth even if no one believes it,
    and a lie is a lie even if everyone believes it.”
    Archbishop Fulton Sheen


    • omanuel says:

      The scientific revolution began with Copernicus’ 1543 discovery the Sun rules the solar system; Earth is one of many planets orbiting the Sun. The Church said this was heresy, but Galileo defended himself at trial in 1633, noting the heliocentric solar system is just the Divine Order that any other persistent observers could decipher.

      Stalin apparently won WWII during Aug-Sept 1945 events hidden from the public by a news blackout [1] and then united nations (UN) and national academies of sciences (NAS) on 24 Oct 1945 to hide NEUTRON REPULSIONthe powerful force of creation and destruction in cores of heavy atoms and ordinary stars from the public with three government-sponsored LIES [2]:

      1. SNM (Standard Nuclear Model): Short-range attractive nuclear forces bind neutrons together

      2. SSM (Standard Solar Model): Interstellar clouds of hydrogen form stars (H-fusion reactors)

      3. BBC (Big Bang Cosmology): A Big Bang created hydrogen from nothing and started time at t = 0.

      Although an atheist himself, Stalin’s greatest feat was soliciting the Church’s help in ending the scientific revolution in 1945. Here’s the proclamation Pope Pius XII made to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences on November 22, 1951 [3].

      Thus was humanity denied the promise in the last paragraph of Aston’s Nobel Lecture of 12 Dec 1922:CHAOS and FEAR of nuclear annihilation during a news blackout in Aug-Sept 1945 [1] convinced political and religious leaders to unite nations (UN) and national academies of science (NAS) on 24 Oct 1945 to forbid public knowledge of Neutron Repulsion – the source of energy [2] that

      _ a.) Destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki;
      _ b.) Created and sustains every atom and life [3]; and
      _ c.) The climate of every planet [4] in the solar system.


      1. “Aston’s warning (12 Dec 1922); CHAOS and FEAR (Aug-Sept 1945)

      2. “Solar energy,” Advances in Astronomy (submitted 1 Sept 2014) or
      “Solar Energy for school teachers”

      3. Pope Pius XII, “The proofs for the existence of God in the light of modern natural science,” An address to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences (22 Nov 1951)

      4. O. K. Manuel, Barry W. Ninham, Stig E. Friberg, “Superfluidity in the solar interior: Implications for solar eruptions and climate,” J. Fusion Energy 21, 193-198 (2002)

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