Beginning Of Time – Finally Determined


Climate scientists have determined that time began in 1979, and feel very comfortable starting most of their trend lines in that year. When generating global warming propaganda, it is important to cherry pick the coldest year for starting your trend.

ScreenHunter_9195 May. 12 08.46

It is also important to cherry pick 1979 as the starting point for ice graphs, because it was the highest point in the satellite record – which goes back to the 1960’s


ScreenHunter_8822 Apr. 30 06.28

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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17 Responses to Beginning Of Time – Finally Determined

  1. omanuel says:

    Geo-engineering of planet Earth and its inhabitants require skillful selection of data or some of the inhabitants (Tony) may realize they are being manipulated and controlled.

    Careful selection of data to match carefully crafted standard scientific models of Earth and the Heavens after 1945 reduced the conflict with organized religions.

    On 22 Nov 1951 Pope Pius XII reported that modern science proved the existence of God and the instantaneous creation of everything, including time at t = 0.

  2. Dave1billion says:

    Don’t forget, they’ve established a time for the end of the world (or at least a time for the tipping point signalling the beginning of the end). I believe it’s a rolling 15 years from today.

    It reminds me of the “Free Beer Tomorrow” sign at a restaurant I used to go to.

  3. Cornelius says:

    Based on the first photo, we can theorize that an alien black monolith has stimulated the brains of unscrupulous scientists and politicians such that one day they began beating us about the head with climate propaganda. Next thing you know they’re in charge, and we’ve got The Blue Danube Waltz playing as doomsday climate charts are dancing around (we would have to edit out the UAH and RSS satellites from that scene in our “2015: A Climate Odyssey” film).

  4. Andy DC says:

    Yes, the 1979 Cherry Pick is one of the essential elements of modern climate science. If you are warmer than the coldest year on record, does that prove global warming? I would hardly think so. All the chart shows is that temperatures almost returned to 1930 normals, then stalled. Hardly a convincing case for catastrophic global warming.

  5. azslopoke says:

    If that is so, then we aa\ truly an advanced species. But, then just where did all the “global goonies come from” ?

  6. JST1 says:

    Any reference to the great Stanley Kubrick is OK with me. I am definitely warm to the cold calculated work of this great artist.

  7. omanuel says:

    I suspect that these news reports from the 1970’s were only hints to the public that the Geophysical Section of the US National Academy of Sciences started geo-engineering of planet Earth and its inhabitants, perhaps in conjunction with other members of the little-known International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme.

    1. The American Geophysical Union (AGU) represents the Geophysics Section of NAS and has been involved in many controversies, e.g., Kuroda’s report of natural nuclear reactors burning on Earth at the 1956 AGU Meeting and Dr. Sabu’s and my report the Sun made our chemical elements and birthed the solar system at the 1976 AGU Meeting . The AGU name was used as early as 1919, but AGU remained part of the US National Academy of Sciences for the next 50-60 years.

    According to this report from the National Science Foundation (NSF),

    “From 1 Oct 1996 through 31 Dec 2003, AGU received $7.6 million in NSF awards of which $6.1 million was for the SysTem for Analysis, Research and Training (START) program . . . the START program receives programmatic guidance from the International Council of Scientific Unions, namely the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme, the International Human Dimensions Programme on global environmental change, and the World Climate Research Programme.”

    2. The Swedish Royal National Academy of Sciencesc established the Crafoord Prize in 1980 in astronomy and mathematics, biosciences, geosciences or polyarthritis (a disease of the founder Holger Crafoord) research. It has been awarded on “Crafoord Day” since the spring of 1982, about the time Lenin’s Birthday, May 1, and Earth Day are celebrated each year.

  8. Winnipeg Boy says:

    1979 was the beginning of time. I discovered how wonderful beer is on a hot day at 13 years old.

  9. omanuel says:

    Nature reports mysterious anti-matter in thunder bolts:

    An advantage of consensus “science” – reality is always a mystery !

  10. nigelf says:

    I wonder if all calendars will be re-calibrated to reflect this magic year?

  11. sfx2020 says:

    Rainfall time starts in 1958.

  12. Billy Liar says:

    O/T Steven, have you noticed that both CSU and NCSU are predicting close to a record low Atlantic hurricane season?

  13. Steven White says:

    Have you noticed that all those who claim man-made global warming leave out the facts that the entire solar system is undergoing climate change during this same period?

    Venus winds increase:

    Mars heats up”

    Jupiter loses a stripe:

    and gains a spot:

    Saturn storm heat spike:

    This is just what we have noticed due to extremes. But global warmist’s prefer to ignore 90% of the data so their theories sound good. As long as we ignore the entire solar system undergoing changes during this same time frame – we can blame man for the cause.

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