Global Sea Ice Area Approaches A Record

The three year mean of May 25 global sea ice area is at a record high. This indicates a persistent increase in the amount of sea ice on Earth.

ScreenHunter_2015 May. 28 06.22

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Global Sea Ice Area Approaches A Record

  1. Jason Calley says:

    Global sea ice has been high for a couple of years now, but I have a good friend who is convinced that the melting ice caps will flood the coast. He advised me against buying some property in an area that is approximately 150 feet above sea level, because it might end up under water. He thinks the Antarctic is melting.

    Here’s the point. He is an extremely bright guy with a strong science background, one of the smartest people I know, a great guy, a person with strong ethics and a real desire to know the truth — but something has completely short circuited all those attributes when the subject is CAGW. I have shown him charts and reports but they seem to have no effect; it is like pouring water on a duck’s back. The information just rolls off…

    We sceptics tend to laugh at some of the more outrageous propaganda which the CAGW promoters put out, and actually it deserves laughter. But there are those people who are unable to get past their conviction that every person claiming to be a scientist is unalterably honest and impartial. When they read a claim that starts with “scientists say…”, they are hooked, and all their common sense goes out the window.

    • darrylb says:

      I have been gathering information for a book I am writing.
      It will have as its central theme an unchanging, undeniable human
      the main example illustrating the central and predominant characteristic
      is the unswerving persistent believe in AGW.

      It seems humans are predisposed to have an ideology which is exemplified
      as a religious belief; worshiping at the throne of environmentalism which has
      as its Goddess, Mother Earth.

      It is believed we have sinned with our use of fossil fuels, and we must redeem
      ourselves with purchasing indulgences (carbon credits) as penance for out carbon
      sins. Thereafter, we are instructed to go and sin. no more.

      As is often the case in various religions, the prophets, the elite carbon scientists are allowed to sin, (leave their carbon footprints) all over the world as they travel in their
      private jets.

      Oftentimes the sinners in the Church of Environmentalism are very nice people, who
      perhaps, have Mother Earth as their one and true God.

      Of course, there are many variations of this central theme.
      I would expect that many (like me) who post here are interested in maintaining a healthy environment, but we choose to be rational and objective about it.

      It is what it is.

    • Frank K. says:

      “He is an extremely bright guy with a strong science background, one of the smartest people I know, a great guy, a person with strong ethics and a real desire to know the truth — but something has completely short circuited all those attributes when the subject is CAGW.”

      I would ask your friend to defend his position and provide scientific ** evidence ** (not hear-say or conjecture) that the coasts are going to flood as he suggests.

      I any case, you can use the scare tactics to your advantage and buy up all that “worthless” coastal property for a song!

  2. TDK says:

    Must be rotten ice.

    After the 2007 Artic recovering it was claimed that the ice was rotten

  3. Jon Lonergan says:

    It’s so cool it must be melting on the inside

  4. Dare I say what happened to global warming melting everything LOL.

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