The Global Warming Two Degree Tipping Point

Temperature data tampering at NCDC and NASA is about to pass the two degree mark, which means a tipping point of fraud which the agencies won’t be able to recover from.

ScreenHunter_9385 May. 20 00.10

Almost half of their temperatures are now fake. They can get any trend they want, because they are simply making up data.

ScreenHunter_9392 May. 20 03.43

In the National Climate Assessment they claim that the US has warmed 1.9 degrees due to humans. In a way this is correct – all of the claimed warming is due to human data tampering by a small group of people at NCDC and NASA.

ScreenHunter_9390 May. 20 03.38

The US temperature record from NCDC and NASA is a fraud, and skeptics who tell the press that it is in someway legitimate, are enabling it. NASA doesn’t even believe their own data, and have massively altered it.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to The Global Warming Two Degree Tipping Point

  1. Andrew M. says:

    Tony, I have a question about this contagion.
    How much does this adjusted USHCN data contribute to world average temperature series such as in HADCRUT or the GISS world average?

  2. scp says:

    Is the code that does these adjustments available to the public? It might be interesting to see what happens if you run a raw file of zeros or otherwise identical data through it.

    • Neal S says:

      My guess is that despite the fact that US taxpayer dollars paid for it, that NO, the code that does the tampering is NOT available. Feel free to ask all you want. This is just another indication that what is happening is NOT science.

      It is likely also only a matter of time before the raw data will no longer be made available, or in the alternative, it will be pre-tampered with and passed off as raw data when in fact it will be nothing of the sort.

  3. DD More says:

    So Tony what have your detractors to the original identification come up with? After all, A. Watts posted –
    NCDC needs to step up and fix this along with other problems that have been identified. And they are, I expect some sort of a statement, and possibly a correction next week. In the meantime, let’s let them do their work and go through their methodology. It will not be helpful to ANYONE if we start beating up the people at NCDC ahead of such a statement and/or correction. I will be among the first, if not the first to know what they are doing to fix the issues, and as soon as I know, so will all of you. Patience and restraint is what we need at the moment. I believe they are making a good faith effort, but as you all know the government moves slowly, they have to get policy wonks to review documents and all that. So, we’ll likely hear something early next week.

    That was June of last year and I never read about any corrections and from the above well over 40% still fake they are only making more.

  4. Brilliant by Tony Heller. Have there ever been clearer signs of fraud / gross negligence? Are there no watchdog journalists left in mass media? No one who wants to become famous?

    Wikipedia: “The role of a watchdog journalist can be that of a protector or guardian. The role of a watchdog journalist as a guardian is to supply the citizens with information they must have “to prevent the abuse of power”, and to “warn citizens about those that are doing them harm”. In order to conduct their role as a watchdog, journalists need to have a certain distance from the powers and challenge them, as opposed to “propagandist” journalists, who are loyal to the ruling powers and elites. Because of the power distance and its overseeing function, watchdog journalism often officiates as the fourth estate, or is used in the context of that term. The array of topics for watchdog journalism is wide and includes “personal scandals, financial wrongdoing, political corruption, enrichment in public office, and other types of wrongdoing”. In order to expose wrongdoings the watchdog aims at “finding hidden evidence”. The aforementioned aspects are necessary for the role of the watchdog journalist to help “maintain order” and “warn against disorder”.”

  5. Reblogged this on What's In The Doug Dish?? and commented:
    really informative update…

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