Visualizing Global Sea Level Fraud

According to the University of Colorado, sea level is rising at 3.3 mm/year

ScreenHunter_9160 May. 10 21.47 

CU Sea Level Research Group | University of Colorado 

This is quite remarkable, because the average of all NOAA tide gauges is less than one third of that, at 1.01 mm/year. Eighty four percent of the tide gauges show lower rates than 3.3 mm/year. The median value is only 1.28 mm/year.

ScreenHunter_9159 May. 10 21.45


In an actual field of science, this sort of huge discrepancy would concern the scientists. But climate science has nothing to do with science. It is propaganda.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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38 Responses to Visualizing Global Sea Level Fraud

  1. AndyG55 says:

    But SG, you forgot to add in the 2.3mm/yr due to isostatic homogensation or something or other.. or was it tobs. gees, I forget which one is which.

    Come on, you know there are “adjustments™” that have to be made before you get to AGW climate reality.

  2. omanuel says:

    Thank you, Steven, for continuing to confront “consensus science” with reality!

    • darrylb says:

      I have seen the graph above so many times, and I expect that is what everybody is inclined to use in any discussion or referral. Bringing this into debate or discussion is very valuable. Going to send it to a few oceanic friends/acquaintances.
      I am interested in the replies.
      and of course, I have to check into the ‘homogenization’ procedures.

  3. gnome says:

    I’m not sure I’d be looking to Colorado for marine science.

  4. Centinel2012 says:

    Reblogged this on Centinel2012 and commented:
    Just more Junk to add to the rest — they are hitting close to 100% Junk now — and after that we cross into the realm of magic.

  5. Brian H says:

    Isn’t this the result of the sinking-sea-floor fudge?

  6. ristvan says:

    It is 2.8 before the modeled GIA adjustment. You cannot use a simple aggregate ot tide gauges because of tectoniks and isostatic rebound. Land does not stand still either. See essay PseudoPrecision for a more thoughtful analysis than this.

    • Less than 17% of the tide gauges show that much sea level rise, and all of those are due to subsidence.

      Your argument is exactly backwards.

    • darrylb says:

      I appreciate the balance you bring to a discussion.
      But, I have two questions
      Where is there specific, sound deduction of isostatic rebound values? and tectonics
      Well, I think that is a very unsure measure in extrapolations forward and backward.
      and the subsidence never seems to be entered into the calculations.

      Secondly, would you be willing to read Steve Case below and comment?
      I think he presents well grounded arguments.

  7. So, how, exactly, does someone measure the level of the sea to 1/8th of an inch? Or is this level of precision a statistical fabrication, excessive significant figures, too many decimal points?

  8. Steve Case says:

    There are 233 records in that list, and 45 of them have negative rates of sea level rise, and you know what? Even if you throw all 43 of ’em out take the average of the remaining 188 it only comes to 1.9 mm/yr.

    Well OK, I know there are a lot gauges in that list from Scandinavia where there’s a strong tectonic uplift tending to skew the results of any straight averaging. But I also know that you can grid the tide gauge data or average it up by coast lines or take the medians instead of averages and you still can’t get anywhere near the 3.3 mm/yr claimed by CU or the Church & White papers.

    Besides that Colorado University over the last decade or so has re-written the data history to the point that what had been 2.6 mm/yr in 2004 is now 3.5 mm/yr. Here’s what that looks like:

  9. tomwys1 says:

    Here’s the unpublished story: In my region (Gulf of Maine), the REAL headline should be “A Decade Passes With NO Appreciable Rise in Sea Level.” Sea-Levels have actually dropped down to where they were in 2005!!! Not quite – they are actually 3mm lower!!!

    In the last quarter century, Portland Maine’s tide gauge showed a 2 1/3 inch rise – a fair amount of variation – the long term (multi-decadal) trend still rising, but at a steady, un-accelerated rate for the past century.

    The University of Colorado chart has absolutely no relevance here, and they get the GIA wrong too!!!

  10. sabretoothed says:

    I never worked out how you could measure a change in the ocean to 1mm? From the surface or from space?

  11. Even if the satellites are right, a rate of 3.3 +/- 0.4 mm/year is 13 +/- 1.6 inches/century.

    Sea level has been rising at the present rate for the last 50 centuries so I would call that “Business As Usual”. So what is all the fuss about?

  12. spangled drongo says:

    We lived on a sea-front point beside a lighthouse in 1946 and the highest [storm-free] tides of the year pretty well always covered the lawn by about an inch and if we didn’t maintain a levy bank around the well, the king tide would ruin the well water. The yard, lawn and well are exactly as they were those 69 years ago and in all recent-year observations guess where the highest tides now come?

    Around 9 inches to a foot lower.

    This is on the east coast of Australia in a tectonically stable part of the world which isn’t subject to post-glacial rebound. I have other similarly accurate but shorter term benchmarks [50 years] where the results are similar.

    I know people in family little-ship maintenance businesses who would love to be enjoying sea level rise so they could handle bigger little-ships but no such luck.

    • Winnipeg Boy says:

      You are speaking of real-world events and observations. That has no relevence to climate science.

    • Winnipeg Boy says:

      There is a Gorilla in the corner regarding the sea level discussion. Ancient sunken cities off India’s coast, Japan, Egypt etc, etc. Some are quite deep; the city in India’s Gulf of Cambay is 36 meters deep (36,000 mm).
      If it were somehow possible to melt all the ice on the planet at once, the sea would rise by 60 meters. So lets play their game to the end, ignoring basic arguements like ‘water freezes below zero celcius’, the tilt of Earth’s axis causing seasons and other such nonsense. It would take 20,000 years at today’s pace (by their math) to reach worst case. It looks like the ancients survived the iceage melt. i am guessing we could probably out run the catestrophic flood they are so worried about.

  13. spangled drongo says:

    GC, my regular experience with satellite navigating accuracy is errors of hundreds of meters and lots of scepticism:

    And on a shoreline that is supposed to be sinking this is probably less than no SLR for the last 2000 years:

  14. Your figure of 1.28 mm / yr. is very close to the 1.41 at the Honolulu tide gauge which I claim is a perfect location for the world-wide standard tide gauge.

    No ice rebound, no continental shifting, island erosion and drift on the order of millions of years not hundreds, tide gauge is on a solid block of cooled lava on a volcanically inert island.

    • Anthony S says:

      Err, the seafloor under the Hawaiian islands is constantly subsiding due to the geologically recent addition of the weight of the islands. This subsidence continues even when the volcanoes go dead.

  15. Marcos says:

    Hidden in their FAQ page topics, Colorado University admit that they are purely concerned with sea volume and not with sea level relative to land

  16. Wondering says:

    I often wonder, but have never read of a figure, what effect undersea volcanic/geologic activity plays. if GIA can add a small offset to SLR, what is the effect of lava extrusion/sea floor rises. Is it really insignificant? For example, new islands have been formed and risen from sea floor to surface due to volcanoes. Earthquakes raise the sea floor (the huge sea quake back in 2004 near Sumatra raised a significant portion of the sea floor 1-2 meters). Even now I read of volcanic activity extruding lava off the US west coast. Or take this one in 2013.

    Surely such displacement of water must cause SLR of some magnitude? Or is it offset by subsidence elsewhere? I calculated that the 2004 sea quake would have added a greater than zero rise to sea level. Yes, only just greater than zero, but that was one event.

    I’ve never seen any discussion of this before.

  17. Wondering says:

    And I also wonder about Spangled Drongo’s comment. Near my hometown is a beach. I have seen photos of this beach from up to 100 years ago and it looks EXACTLY the same today. Sure, SLR of maybe 100-200mm over that time would not change things much, but surely some visual evidence must appear after that sort of time.

    I wonder then whether people in various coastal locations can report obvious sea level rises on display locally? I would love to see a website of photos by people that show SLR – either the effect of it happening over time, or not.

    Just because I wonder…

  18. JoNova’s got a good piece on issue, suggesting, inter alia, that the study mixes satellite and tide gauge measurements, and that rate of change is 0.043 mm/yr, +/- 0.058 mm/yr—i.e., well within range of experimental error: It also mysteriously includes glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA), which adds another 3 mm/yr:

  19. johnbuna says:

    Reblogged this on John Hargrove’s Weblog.

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