Arctic/Greenland Melt Season Is Coming To An Early End

Cold air has settled over the Arctic and Greenland, which is going to greatly inhibit any further melt this summer.

ScreenHunter_2632 Jul. 27 16.35

10-Day Temperature Outlook

Climate criminals will claim the exact opposite, because they are paid to lie ahead of the Paris Summit.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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34 Responses to Arctic/Greenland Melt Season Is Coming To An Early End

  1. Billy Liar says:

    It’s gone from close to record high melt to record low melt in a very short time:

    • Robertv says:

      It’s gone from record low melt to close to record high melt to record low melt in a very short time. How much ice can you melt in such a short space of time?

      • Andy DC says:

        What happened is that it snowed, thus replacing a lot of what had already melted, even though we are right in the middle of the melt season.

  2. Psalmon says:

    Well the criminals have already started explaining why Greenland is so white:

    While colder Northern temperatures contrasted with Warm equatorial temperatures could explain increased circulation in both winds and water (difference drives flow), the fundamental premise here says everything:

    “Scientists have sought to understand why Greenland cooled during the 1970s through the early 1990s while most of the Northern Hemisphere experienced rising temperatures as a result of greenhouse warming.”

    Becaaaauuusssse….maybe the NH cooled in the 70s and early 90s (Pinatubo). At this point, everything is propaganda.

  3. AndyG55 says:

    If the little red line drops below freezing soon, it will be the SHORTEST period above freezing in the whole DMI data. And that blue line in Billy’s post indicates that it might.

    This is scary ;-).. The people up there desperately need this sea ice to melt.

  4. AndyG55 says:

    Good post at notrickszone (pity wordpress has crippled the site, an quite a few other site)

    I particularly like this quote.

    “We can now tell politicians that they can call off the warnings. There’s no chance of a global warming of more than 2°C .
    The decrease in the projected temperature rise from CO2 will continue on its present trend. By 2025 the warming by CO2 will be close to zero. We can thus expect that the quality of the forecasts will increase to the point where they will actually reflect reality.”

  5. omanuel says:

    Thank you, Tony aka Steven, for continuing to confront these false propaganda artists disguised as “97%-Consensus Global Climate Scientists.”

    They are indeed watermelons: “Green on the outside, but red on the inside.”. They are also traitors who take public funds from crooked politicians to deceive the public.

  6. Andy says:

    Is it still tracking 2006? Seems closer to 2011


  7. Andy says:

    Great, seems we are still in April. You’ll have to extrapolate. 🙂

    Looking at ice area on Cryosphere,

    If you remove all years before 2006 then it’s less spaghetti like and you can which we are closest too, area wise rather than extent. There is an extent one at NSIDC
    We seem to be closer to a lot of other years rather than 2006.


    • Chewer says:

      Or the Danes use better containment of the BS factor:

      • Andy says:

        Could be. We’d have to get more graphs to see which tend to agree with each other. Of course it is a bit tricky as some do 15% and some 30% and of course different algorithms etc.

        • AndyG55 says:

          Doesn’t matter either way. Pure a matter of interest, not panic.

          High Arctic sea ice levels are basically a major nuisance to people and animals up there.

          Low Arctic sea ice has been proven by history not to be a problem.
          Opens up the Arctic for shipping, fishing etc
          (for most of the first 2/3 of the Holocene, Arctic sea ice was winter perennial)

          All in all, it would probably be better for people who live up there, and therefore to whom it matters, if there was LESS Arctic sea ice.

  8. rah says:

    Good to see you all holding down the fort. I just got back with 40,000 lbs of Sliders. That’s 40,000 lbs of frozen White Castle hamburger patties imported from New Zealand. Picked them up at a warehouse right off the docks under the Walt Whitman bridge in Philadelphia, PA at 13:00 EDLST yesterday. Looks like they’ll be calling me to leave again later today so it’s off to bed. Oh, BTW. A lot of the hamburger for McDonalds and Burger King also comes from the Kiwis and Aussies. .

  9. Andy says:

    “Cold air has settled over the Arctic and Greenland, which is going to greatly inhibit any further melt this summer.”

    IT’s still 8-15C up there

    which is enough for continued melting as sea ice melts at roughly -2C

    It’s going to continue melting through August and into September as per normal.

  10. Billy Liar says:

    sea ice melts at roughly -2C


    I think you’ll find the sea freezes at about -1.8°C and the salt drains out of the ice as brine as it freezes. The sea ice has little salt and therefore melts at ~0°C

    • Andy says:

      That’s only the case for mult-year ice, not the majority of the newice which is what melts each year and is more salty 😉

      • Andy says:

        Now you have set me thinking, new ice is salty, but this is probably because the sea ice is a mixture or brine and ice, the frozen ice however would be still less saline so would still melt nearer to 0C as you say. Hence why fresh water melt ponds.

        So I agree with you, nearer to 0 than -2C for melt. Thanks Mr Liar.


  11. Andy says:

    Since this blog post 600 000 more square km have melted. The current ice extent is now far away from 2006


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