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As is the usual for the “rabble-rousers” in the “immigrants’-rights” camp.
Many, not all, illegal ALIENS DO have criminal pasts. The problem is, the “immigrants’ rights” groups want to protect them too, at all costs.
BTW: As you probably already knew, I know that “immigrant” is a legitimate legal status of someone going “through the proper legal channels” to become part of our national community. However, we almost NEVER hear the proper term: “Illegal alien” anymore!
I guess that makes me a racist-hater too?!?
Besides that,
I do not really trust Donald Trump to be much good anyway. After TWO-going-on-THREE failed presidential drives, methinks not.
“Many, not all, illegal ALIENS DO have criminal pasts.”
Actually, every single illegal alien has a criminal past.
We have immigration LAWS. It is ILLEGAL to violate them. If you do violate these laws, you have a criminal past.
If we want to split hairs that much further,
Not all of these illegal aliens have a “violent-criminal” past. There. Does that make it any better?
Yeh, I’m a racist hater too: I hate white people. Oh,I AM white. I must hate myself! OMG, I’m a Democrat!
Well, that’s ok, Magic. After the nightmare wears off, you’ll realize that Reagan was Right, you aren’t a Democrat, and it was simply too much Liberal Propaganda that ruined your evening. As the next president will find out, the last one already spent everyone’s money for the next 100 years and it isn’t racist to acknowledge that fact. Kidding aside, I did enjoy your post. 🙂
Illegal Aliens, by definition, are criminals, regardless of their past. Because they have violated the immigration laws of the host country. That makes them Felons, subject to deportation, arrest, incarceration, etc. Laws exist because they were deemed necessary at some point in time. It is not up to the media, flacks, hacks, outsiders, agitators or prevaricators to unilaterally change laws because of their emotions. We have a system. Use it. Or STFU. The US system is not available to Illegal Aliens because they are not Citizens. Unless of course, you subscribe to Obama’s mantra of “the law is whatever I say it is” or the Supreme Court who says “The law is not what the Congress wrote, it is what we decided they intended to write, but did not write”.
Stanford University, found that in some states, felons register Democratic by more than six-to-one. In New York, for example, 61.5 percent of convicts are Democrats, just 9 percent Republican.
Nothing to see here, move along.
Yep. Democrats know their Base. Felons, Illegal Aliens, marxists, socialists, anarchists, and racists. They’ve been doing that for over 100 years. The only thing that is a surprise is how vehemently they deny it.
In my little enclave here in the west all of the meth distribution is done by the illegal Mexicans and much of the violent crime comes from illegals killing each other.
Cali is going to hell. Get out why you can.
Nooooooo! Leave them there, don’t invite them. They will only infest Arizona and other states with their nonsense.
We are all criminals .
You Commit Three Felonies a Day
Great attention grabbing book title, but hardly realistic for the majority of Americans.
That article was terrible. They give TWO examples. One where the man was acquitted by a jury of his peers. And another which was vague enough in detail to make me wonder if it happened. But I can use Google, so I looked it up. The man in question, Sami Omar Al-Hussayen, was acquitted of the charges. But he did have a hung jury on some of his immigration related charges. He agreed to voluntarily deport himself, in return for not being retried on the immigration charges. Hardly supportive of the idea that everyone is committing three felonies a day. Maybe the book is better.
You Commit Three Felonies a Day
refers to this: Are you a criminal? The state says that you are. Harvey A. Silverglate’s Three Felonies A Day says in his book that federal prosecutors invent creative interpretations of statutes and by doing so create new felonies out of thin air. So many felonies that the average person in this country commits three felonies a day.
and this:
Introducing the 2013 Federal Register: Last year’s 80,000 pages worth of **job-creating rules & regs
The take home is there is no way on earth ANYONE can avoid breaking the law and that means EVERYONE can be grabbed by someone intent on punishing them just because they don’t like the way you think.
There is a distinction between breaking the law, and committing felonies. I break the law virtually every time I get behind the wheel, as I tend to exceed the posted speed limit. However, there is no way in Hell I commit three felonies per day, and that also goes for the majority of the population. The examples just do not hold up.
These are all very specific, and rare instances for the vast majority.
I agree with gator on this one. The examples from the Forbes article were pathetic. Both people were acquitted. Now, if you want to say: “You can be ACCUSED of three felonies every day” that’s a whole different kettle of fish. Of course you can! And guess what: that was true 100 years ago as well.
What I find interesting was the one case used the “Patriot Act”, perhaps the most un-American piece of legislation to pass the Congress. I’m constantly amazed at people who support something so antithetical to freedom and liberty.
Depending on the state ‘Animal Cruelty’ fits that description
After letting her 7-year-old son walk from their home to a park to play, a Florida mother faces up to five years in jail for child neglect.
Mom arrested for leaving 9-year-old alone at the park.
DEP Agents Make Arrests for Felony Littering and Discharge of Pollutants…. charged with violating the Florida Litter Law, a third degree felony punishable by up to five years in prison and/or a fine up to $5,000
You get a MAX of two months probation for stealing and crossing state lines with a semi-truck and trailer but up to five years for letting your kid walk to the park. US laws are really screwball.
I don’t litter, I don’t have kids, and I am never cruel to animals. Anything else?
The only reason Donald Trump wants to be president is so he can award himself the contract on that trillion dollar wall. It will be called the Trump Wall and every 100 miles there will be “Trump Wall Palace and Casino”
Sounds like fun for some of us.
gator69 says “I don’t litter, I don’t have kids, and I am never cruel to animals. Anything else?”
I am sure the Progressives can think of something like filling in the mud puddle in your driveway/lawn.
And then there is the IRS…..
Actually I think the title was just a grabber to promote sales. Often the author has no say on the title. It is the publishers call.
However the warning about the gizillion laws and regs on the books, some of which are completely idiotic should be noted.
My acreage sits atop a ridege, and there is no ponding and no streams. As for the IRS, I employ a professional tax preparer, and everything is above board.
Anything else?
I also sit on top a ridge. Doesn’t mean I do not have puddles in the driveway and an area that goes a bit soggy if it rains real hard. (Clay soil doesn’t drain worth spit.)
Gail, the allegation is that we all commit three felonies per day. This is as ludicrous as a puddle in my driveway causing me to incur a felony.
Anything else?
Dude, with 70,000+ pages of new rules and regulations added to the federal register each and every year, there are bound to be some that you violate without knowing about them.
Hell it might be a felony to be wearing my brand of under-shorts if the laughingstock-in-chief / nobel peace prize “winner” decides he wants another war somewhere.
Unless you are a member in good standing of the political classes / parasitic classes, the government is not your friend.
Government, like fire, has it’s uses and like fire, will just as mindlessly destroy you as assist you.
As I stated, great attention grabbing book title, but ridiculous premise. Stay home and quiver in the corner if you must, and I will live my life without your fear of undershorts.
I already said I think the title was an exaggeration to grab attention.
Felony is more of a grab compared to misdemeanor.
Back to the illegal aliens and criminals:
…This is as ludicrous as a puddle in my driveway causing me to incur a felony…..
Don’t bet on it. A friend got into a wrangle with the EPA over a driveway puddle over 20 years ago.
Gail, my driveway like my house, was established years ago by me, and both reside on the crown of the property. So there was never an issue of either interfering with wet spaces. The EPA could send whoever they want to accuse me of a violation, and they would lose, every time. I would bet the house.
I plan things meticulously, and made sure there would never be a problem with any regulations, no matter how silly.
Here is another one:
Watch As Bank Of America Refuses Customer’s Cash Payment On Mortgage Then Calls Police
Were any of these people convicted of a felony?
The point isn’t that anyone gets convicted of these crimes. The point is that any cop can find a theoretically legal premise upon which to search and arrest anyone, at any time he chooses. Nine out of ten cops will tell you this is the case, and the tenth is lying about it.
The goal is usually only harassment, not imprisonment.
I haven’t read the book, so I can’t offer any opinion on the author’s specific claims.
Cops have always theoretically been able to arrest anyone at any time, but they don’t. Theoretically your breath is dooming us all.